Department: Marketing
Associate Professor
ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, L. - "Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches : Vers un mode de vie et de consommation éco-responsables : Mécanismes psychologiques du consommateur & leviers d’intervention pro-environnementale" - 2020
SLIVKIN, N., L. ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, L. HAMDI-KIDAR, "Is Virtual Reality Lonely? The VR–Isolation Stereotype and Its Impact on VR Adoption", Psychology and Marketing, 2024, pp. 1-22 [fnege: 2, abs: 3]
BERTRANDIAS, L., Y. BERNARD, L. ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, "How Using Parental Control Software Can Enhance Parents’ Well-Being: The Role of Product Features on Parental Efficacy and Stress", Journal of Interactive Marketing, 2023 [fnege: 2, abs: 3]
LIMA, P. A. B., F. P. S. FALGUERA, H. M. R. D. SILVA, S. MACIEL, E. B. MARIANO, L. ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, "From green advertising to sustainable behavior: a systematic literature review through the lens of value-belief-norm framework", International Journal of Advertising, 2023, pp. 1-44 [fnege: 3, abs: 2]
BORAU, S., L. ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, C. BARBAROSSA, "The green mate appeal: Men’s pro-environmental consumption is an honest signal of commitment to their partner", Psychology and Marketing, 2021, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 266-285 [cnrs: 3, fnege: 2, abs: 3]
ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, L., T. MANDLER, "Me trying to talk about sustainability: Exploring the psychological and social implications of environmental threats through user-generated content", Ecological Economics, 2021, vol. 187, pp. 1-15 [cnrs: 1, abs: 3]
ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, L., L. BERTRANDIAS, Y. BERNARD, "Cutting the Internet's Environmental Footprint: An Analysis of Consumers' Self-Attribution of Responsibility", Journal of Interactive Marketing, 2020, vol. 50, pp. 120-135 [cnrs: 2, fnege: 2, abs: 3]
MONNOT, E., L. ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, F. RENIOU, B. PARGUEL, "“Thinking Outside the Packaging Box”: Should Brands Consider Store Shelf Context When Eliminating Overpackaging?", Journal of Business Ethics, 2019, vol. 154, pp. 355-370 [cnrs: 2, fnege: 2, ft, abs: 3]
ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, L., E. MONNOT, F. RENIOU, "Using descriptive norm appeals effectively to promote green behavior", Journal of Business Research, 2018, vol. 82, pp. 179-191 [cnrs: 2, fnege: 2, abs: 3]
ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, L., "Who Buys Overpackaged Grocery Products and Why? Understanding Consumers’ Reactions to Overpackaging in the Food Sector", Journal of Business Ethics, 2016, vol. 135, no. 4, pp. 683-698 [cnrs: 2, fnege: 2, ft, abs: 3]
CULIBERG, B., L. ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, "Going green to fit in - understanding the impact of social norms on pro-environmental behaviour, a cross-cultural approach", International Journal of Consumer Studies, 2016, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 179-185 [abs: 2]
ABAIDI, I., L. ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, "L’argument écologique comme justification de la numérisation des contenus. Proposition d’une typologie des consommateurs selon leurs croyances", Décisions Marketing, 2015, no. 78, pp. 45-62 [cnrs: 3, fnege: 3]
BERTRANDIAS, L., D. ANNE WIESE, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR STE, Y. BERNARD, L. ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, "Shoppers’ grocery choices in the presence of generalized eco-labelling", International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 2015, vol. 43, no. 4/5, pp. 448-468 [cnrs: 3, fnege: 3, abs: 1]
ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, L., "L'anticipation des conséquences comme vecteur de l'intention de tri des déchets : rôle des émotions, des croyances et de leur valence", Management & Avenir, 2013, vol. 66, no. 8, pp. 51 [cnrs: 4, fnege: 4]
ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, L., "Exploring the role of anticipated guilt on pro?environmental behavior – a suggested typology of residents in France based on their recycling patterns", Journal of Consumer Marketing, 2012, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 369-377 [cnrs: 4, fnege: 4, abs: 1]
ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, L., "The implicit cognitive associations of Virtual Reality: between isolation and engagement" in Conférence AFM, 05/06/2024, Paris, 2024
ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, L., "Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Living: How far are consumers willing to go?" in Transformative Consumer Research Conference, june, 2023, Egham, Great Britain
ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, L., C. BENAROYA, L. BERTRANDIAS, L. BUNDY, "KLM – Fly responsibly comment revendiquer un positionnement durable dans un secteur intrinsèquement polluant" in Congrès de l'AFM, 2023, Vannes, France
ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, L., L. BERTRANDIAS, Y. BERNARD, "The use of parental control tools to monitor teenager screen time: effects on parents’ well-being and underlying mechanisms" in Conférence AFM 2022, Tunis, Tunisie, 18-20 mai, 2022
ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, L., L. HAMDI-KIDAR, A. BANOUN, S. SALGADO, "Participation in green co-creation challenges increases likelihood of adopting pro-environmental choices" in Conférence AFM 2022, Tunis, Tunisie, 18-20 mai, 2022
BERTRANDIAS, L., L. ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, Y. BERNARD, "Les organisations marchandes peuvent-elles promouvoir la déconsommation et la sobriété ? Rôle de la congruence entre le discours institutionnel engagé et la pratique commerciale" in Congrès AFM 2021 (visio), France, 19-21 mai, 2021
BERTRANDIAS, L., Y. BERNARD, L. ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, "Un animal bien traité donne-t-il envie d'être mangé ? Effets d'un label bien-être animal sur le choix de plats carnés" in Congrès AFM 2021 (visio), France, 19-21 mai, 2021
ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, L., L. HAMDI-KIDAR, M. ALEMANY OLIVER, "What is environmental anxiety and why should marketers pay closer attention to it?" in Congrès AFM 2021 (visio), France, 19-21 mai, 2021
ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, L., L. HAMDI-KIDAR, M. ALEMANY OLIVER, "Environmental anxiety: Towards a better understanding of the concept and its implications for marketing" in 49th Annual EMAC Conference (virtuel), 26-29 mai, 2020
ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, L., "Fines or incentives to protect the environment? Adapting environmental policy to the characteristics of national culture" in Conférence AFM, 15-17 mai, 2019, Le Havre
ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, L., Y. BERNARD, L. BERTRANDIAS, "From Cloud Computing to Clouds of Pollution. The Environmental Impact of Internet Use: An Analysis of Consumers’ Self-Attribution of Responsibility" in AMA 2017 Marketing and Public Policy Conference, Washington, 1-3 juin, 2017
ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, L., "New insights on the efficacy of pro-environmental public service advertising using humor vs threat appeals: The role of environmental context" in AMA 2017 Marketing and Public Policy Conference, Washington, 1-3 juin, 2017
ZOUAGHI, S., S. AZAR, L. ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, O. BEN ARFA, "Prejudice and advertising effectiveness: The polarizer role of current discourse" in 33ème congrès de l’Association Française de Marketing, Tours, 17-19 Mai, 2017
ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, L., "L’efficacité des communications environnementales des pouvoirs publics basées sur l’humour ou la menace : Rôle du contexte environnemental ambiant" in 33ème congrès de l’Association Française de Marketing, Tours, 17-19 Mai, 2017
ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, L., E. MONNOT, F. RENIOU, "“Do as I do”: Effect of descriptive social norm and endorsement on ad credibility and intention to purchase non-overpackaged products" in AMA Marketing & Public Policy Conference, San Louis Obispo, June 23-2, 2016
ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, L., "Du cloud virtuel au nuage de pollution réel: Réactions des consommateurs à l’impact environnemental d’internet et solutions préconisées" in 32ème congrès de l’Association Française de Marketing, Lyon, 18-20 Mai, 2016
BERNARD, Y., L. BERTRANDIAS, L. ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, "L’impact de la notoriété perçue d’une problématique environnementale sur l’intention de modifier sa consommation" in Actes du 32ème congrès de l’Association Française de Marketing, Lyon, 18-20 Mai, 2016
ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, L., E. MONNOT, F. RENIOU, "Making green look mainstream: Triggering descriptive social norm to promote pro-environmental behavior. The role of ad credibility and endorsement" in 32ème congrès de l’Association Française de Marketing, Lyon, 18-20 Mai, 2016
MONNOT, E., F. RENIOU, B. PARGUEL, L. ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, "Is it worthwhile for a brand to eliminate overpackaging? New insights from context effects" in Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) 19th World Marketing Congress, Paris, July 18-20, 2016
MONNOT, E., F. RENIOU, B. PARGUEL, L. ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, "With or without you. Is it worthwhile for a brand to eliminate overpackaging ? New insights from context effects." in European Marketing Academy (EMAC) 45th conference, Oslo, May 24-27, 2016
ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, L., "Understanding consumers’ reactions to overpackaging: An exploratory approach," in AMA Marketing & Public Policy Conference, Boston, May 4-7, 2014
ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, L., E. MONNOT, F. RENIOU, "Comment encourager les consommateurs à privilégier des produits non suremballés ? Effets de l’activation d’une norme descriptive dans les campagnes de communication" in 30ème congrès de l’Association Française de Marketing, Montpellier, 14-16 Mai, 2014
BERNARD, Y., L. BERTRANDIAS, L. ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, "Le démarketing sociétal : levier de sobriété ou simple outil stratégique au service de la gestion de la marque ?" in LE MARKETING À L’ÈRE DE LA SOBRIÉTÉ., Ed., EMS Editions, chap. 6, pp. 157-174, 2024
ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, L., C. BENAROYA, L. BERTRANDIAS, L. BUNDY, "Cas 8 – KLM Fly responsibly : comment revendiquer un positionnement durable dans un secteur intrinsèquement polluant ?" in Cas en marketing durable – Une vision renouvelée des approches et pratiques du marketing., Ed., Editions EMS, pp. 169-194, 2023
ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, L., L. BERTRANDIAS, "Régulations environnementales et sensibilisation : quels leviers d’action pour les pouvoirs publics ? / Environmental Regulations and Awareness-raising Campaigns: Promoting Behavioral Change through Government Interventions" in Le marketing au service du développement durable -repenser les modèles de consommation., Sihem Dekhili Ed., ISTE editions, chap. 9, pp. 173-192, 2021
BERTRANDIAS, L., L. ELGAAIED-GAMBIER - "Temps d’écran des enfants : « L’ambition de la loi votée il y a deux ans avait été largement revue à la baisse »" - 2024, Le Monde
BERTRANDIAS, L., L. ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, Y. BERNARD - "Impact environnemental du numérique : les internautes peu enclins à changer leurs habitudes" - 2021, The Conversation, France
BORAU, S., C. BARBAROSSA, L. ELGAAIED-GAMBIER - "Les hommes écoresponsables sont aussi de meilleurs partenaires" - 2020, The Conversation, France
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