This Master of Science is designed for students who want to develop careers in marketing and management of sports organizations, whether clubs, companies, or institutions. Discover the sector of sport and become an expert in management and marketing in sport organizations. At the end the program you will obtain a Master's Degree.
Trade globalization, digitalization, and technological innovations (e.g. Internet of Things, 3D Printing, Big Data…), transform the basic needs of any company to manage and control its Supply Chain, into a major competitive must-have. Following these drastic changes in the playing field, the different jobs offered in Purchasing and Supply Chain Management require more and more advanced analytical and strategic skills, in a context where employers demand for such specialized labor increase. The goal of this MSc is to train expert managers to successfully hold key positions in purchasing and supply chain services, and develop their careers. At the end the program you will obtain a Master's Degree.
The Aerospace Management MSc prepares and trains participants to hold managerial positions in aeronautics, space and airline industries. The MSc addresses the full value chain of Aeronautics and Space from design to aircraft and space systems delivery, including services and operations. The pedagogy includes classwork, case studies, individual and group assignments and projects, role-playing games, field studies, workshops, and finally the Master research thesis and the optional Master internship. At the end the program you will obtain a Master's Degree.
This MSc emphasises the knowledge and skills of managing the internationalization of business. It produces managers and leaders with a global mindset capable of operating globally as well as in a variety of national environments. At the end of the program, you will obtain a Master's Degree.
This MSc explains the codes of this industry and how you will excel at designing and implementing high-value marketing strategies. In the heart of Paris, students are immersed in the world of Luxury and work on real business cases. Moreover, this experience will broaden your knowledge of customer experience and digital marketing. At the end the program you will obtain a Master's Degree.
In a highly competitive world, the human factor has become a major source of differentiation. National and international companies are actively looking for human resource managers who have the capacities to tackle today’s challenges.
The MSc Brand Management and Creativity is the ideal course for those looking to launch their career in that fast-paced sector. This master’s in branding combines substantial theoretical anchoring with constant practical applications alongside professionals and partner organizations. At the end of the program, you will obtain a Master's Degree.