From conviction to action!

The commitment to Sustainable Development & Corporate Social Responsibility is also part of TBS Education’s student associations! All our student associations are sensitive to the issues of ecological and societal transition.

photo b3d

A CSR manager in all our student associations

Each TBS Education student association appoints a CSR manager in charge of implementing our CSR policy in the association’s activities. These managers receive training provided by TBS Education’s Societal Transition Department in collaboration with the B3D Student Association: waste treatment, responsible purchasing, use of eco-friendly cups at events, combating harassment, accessibility, etc. They are also invited to do a training course on Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Assessment provided by Avenir Climatique.

The Federation of Student Associations

la fede

The Federation has been coordinating the activities of TBS Education’s associations for more than 10 years and integrated SD/CSR into its operations at a very early stage. Its auditing committee, which is responsible for examining subsidy applications, ensures that a certain number of criteria are respected at the events organized by the various associations: use of responsible service providers, gender parity in the organizing team, choice of venue and transport arrangements aimed at reducing the environmental footprint of the event, waste recycling, etc.

Our SD & CSR Student Associations

B3D – Student Association for Sustainable Development

BDH – Student Association for Humanitarian Aid

Cheer Up TBS Education – Student Association for Cancer Support

PRISM – Student Association against Discrimination