Social & Innovation Marketing
Our “Social & Innovation Marketing” lab produces and disseminates original and innovative contributions, that benefit consumers, companies, and communities for the greater social good.
Exciting research topics that have an impact on society!
An interdisciplinary approach
We use a multi-disciplinary approach to address a range of research questions in marketing and consumer behavior. These disciplines include marketing, psychology, sociology, biology and anthropology. The Lab members also share expertise in quantitative, experimental, qualitative and ethnographic methodologies to better understand companies and consumer decision-making, reasoning and preferences.
This interdisciplinary approach allows us to create synergies between the research techniques and methodologies commonly used in marketing, consumer psychology, cognitive science, evolutionary psychology, sociology, cultural studies, ethnography and anthropology.
3 main areas of research
Social & Sustainable Marketing
Green Marketing Food Marketing Gendered Marketing
Ethical Consumption
Corporate Social Responsability Responsible Communication & Nudging Communication Crisis & Online Communication Management
Innovation & Artificial Intelligence
Diffusion of Innovation
Adoption of Autonomous Machines and the Internet of Things
Social Implications of Artificial Intelligence Innovative Consumers Cocreation & Crowdfunding
End-User Entrepreneurship Innovative Branding
Culture & Cultural Practices
Cultural Practices
Culture & Humor in Advertising Gender Studies Materialism Consumer Identity Projects Corporate Philanthropy Reading Audience
2 fields of expertise
Business to Business
Aerospace Marketing
B2B Branding
B2B Purchasing
B2B Project Marketing
Consumer Behavior
Food & Nutrition
Cultural & Creative Industries
Consumer Goods
Research Lab Members
Dr Amélie ABADIE
Multiface Markets, Digital Economy, Consumer, Shopping Experience, Omnichannel Marketing, Artificial Intelligence, Experimental Laboratory Methods
Consumer Identity, Transgressive Behavior, Childish Behavior of the Adult Consumer
Press Marketing, Patronage
Dr Isabelle ASSASSI
Marketing of Artistic Organizations, Patronage
Corporate Social Responsibility, Ethical and Pro-environmental Consumer Behavior, Moral Emotions, Effects of Stereotypes on Intergroup Judgments
Dr Christophe BENAROYA
BtoB Marketing, Project Marketing, Brand Strategies, Naming
Consumer Behavior, Marketing of Innovation and New Technologies, Ethical and Pro-environmental Behavior
Dr Sylvie BORAU
Ethical Marketing: Gender Advertising, Gender Marketing, Gender AI
Dr Yanyan CHEN
Ethical Marketing, Luxury Marketing & Consumption, Marketing Strategy & Emotion Attraction, Consumer Psychology & Social and Environmental Values During Consumption
Dr Jacques DIGOUT (HDR)
Internet Marketing, e-Advertising, Virtual Communities, Communities of Practice, Social Networks, Digital Brand Identity, e-Learning, e-Recruitment, Social Web, e-Commerce, Web Marketing, Customer Relations / CRM
Pro-Environment Behavior and Consumer Ethics, Social Standards and Social Influence, Anticipation of Emotions and Consumer Behavior, Effectiveness of Public Service Advertising, Quantitative Methods
Dr Annalisa FRACCARO
Consumer Behavior, Price, Luxury, Responsible Consumption
Gender, Emotions, Consumer Culture Theory, Environment / Climate Change, Consumer Identity
Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding, Innovation Marketing, Innovative Consumers
Crowdsourcing, Innovation contests, Consumer creativity, Consumer behaviour
Dr Philippine LOUPIAC
Omnichannel Marketing, Digital Marketing, New Technologies & Marketing, Shopping Journey
Intercultural Consumer Behavior, Methodological Questions in International Marketing Research, Global and Local Brands
Dr Fabien PECOT
Brand Management (brand heritage), Political Anti-Consumption
Dr Lourdes PEREZ
Business Relationships, Co-creation, Innovation in SMEs
Perceived value, Consumer experience, Digital, Social Business, Cultural Marketing, New modes of consumption of cultural products, Streaming, Performing Art, Opera
Dr Alexandra POLYAKOVA
Service Marketing, Consumer Emotions, Unethical Behavior, Consummer Entitlement
Marketing International, Strategic Marketing, Branding, Ethical Fashion
PhD Students
- DESVAUD Kathleen
- FAURE Corinne
- MEDIC Dragana
- SUN LEGER Liling
- VIEUGUE Armelle
- Souha ITANI
Partnerships and collaborations
The Social & Innovation Marketing research lab is active in the field of applied research where it collaborates with prestigious companies and institutions:
- Airbus Defence & Space
- Thales Group CNES (SIRIUS Chair)
- Conseil Régional
- Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation
- Institution for Transport Policy Studies (Tokyo)
- Agorize
- IMP Group
Academic collaborations
- Toulouse School of Economics
- ESSEC Business School
- HEC Montreal
- York University
- Waseda Business School – Tokyo
- University of California
- University of Antwerp
- Lancaster University
- Toulouse School of Management
- ESADE Business & Law School
- Kent Business School
- Athens University
- Bocconi University
- University of Bologna
- Indian Institute Management Bangalore
Academic publications
- Journal of Business Research
- Psychology & Marketing
- Journal of Business Ethics
- Journal of International Business Studies
- Journal of Interactive Marketing
- Journal of International Marketing
- Journal of Product Innovation Management
- Ecological Economics
- International Marketing Review
- International Journal of Advertising
- International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management
- International Journal of Market Research
- Journal of Cleaner Production
- Food Quality & Preference
- Qualitative Market Research
- Journal of Environmental Psychology
- Evolutionary Psychology
- Journal of Marketing Analytics
- Décisions Marketing
- Recherche et Applications en Marketing
Conferences and other activities
The members of this research lab actively participate in the scientific community through their involvement in review committees of the main publications in the field and the regular presentation of their work at national and international conferences, in particular:
- Association for Consumer Research
- American Marketing Association
- Academy of Marketing Science
- Society for Consumer Psychology
- European Marketing Academy
- Association Française du Marketing
Seminars & Conferences
- 23 and 24 April 2020 – Seminar Costas KATSIKEAS, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of International Marketing, AMA, Editor – Marketing, Journal of International Business Studies, AIB, Associate Editor, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, AMS Undertaking research and crafting, manuscripts for publishing in scholarly academic journals (Applicable to Marketing, Operations and Management, and International Business)
- 27 March 2020 – Workshop Peter EBBES, HEC Paris
- 13 March 2020 – Workshop Roxana OLOGEANU-TADDEI, Prof. Management de l’Information Université de Montpellier
- 06 February 2020 – Workshop Armelle VIEUGUE, PhD Student at Toulouse School of Economics – Reassuring or challenging men’s masculinity in advertising: effects on men’s well-being and marketing effectiveness
- 30 January 2020 – Workshop Mehdi ELMOUKHLISS, Dr in Management Science, Innovation Marketing and Lecturer – Collective intelligence in the Digital era: paradigms and research directions.
- 28 November 2019 – Workshop International Social & Innovation Marketing – Barbara BRIERS, Martin SCHREIR, Bram VAN DEN BERG, Shashi MATTA
- 12 June 2019 : Workshop “How to publish in RAM” with Prof. David GOTTELAND, EM Lyon (France).
- 23 May 2019 : Workshop “When doing good will not save us: Boundary conditions for the buffering effect of CSR” with Prof. Paolo Antonetti, Neoma Business School (France).
- 11 April 2019 : Workshop “Conflicting intuitions in the same mind: how context overturns automatic toxic intuitions in product judgments decisions” with Prof. Olivier Trendel, Associate Professor, Grenoble École de Management (France).
- 25 March 2019 : Workshop “How Do Social Norms Influence Parents’ Food Choices for Their Children? The Role of Social Comparison and Implicit Self-Theories” with Prof. Shashi MATTA, Ingolstadt School of Management.
- 29 November 2018 :Workshop “Food marketing” with Prof. Tobias Otterbring , Aarhus University (Denmark), and Prof. Olicia Petit, Kedge Business School (France).
- 9 November 2018 :Workshop “Food waste in the eye of the consumer” with Prof. Simona ROMANI (LUISS University, Rome)
- 18 May 2018 : Workshop “Empowering Donors. How to increase fundraising efficiency via coupling and unpacking” with Prof. Bram Van den Bergh (Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University)
- 30 March 2018 : Workshop “The (future) consequences of food: Inventory, Importance and Qualitative typology of French Consumers” with Prof. Laurie BALBO (Montpellier Business School) and Phuong Thao BUI-NGUYEN (University of Toulouse Jean Jaures)
- 7 November 2017 : Workshop “Similarity as a Double-Edged Sword” withDr. Sandra LAPORTE, HEC Montréal et Daniele SCARPI, University of Bologna
- 29 September 2017 : Workshop “Factors that Delays Adoption of Disruptive Innovation: A Case of E-reading in Japan” with Dr. Tomoko KAWAKAMI, Waseda University Business School
- 27 February 2017 : Workshop “Links between violent shoopers and employees employees’ deviant behaviour” with Pr. Jean-Charles CHEBAT. Abstract: Customers are increasingly violent toward frontline employees. Service corporations developed three commonsensical strategies to deal with consumers, that is, “customer is king”, “service with a smile”, and “corporation as a family”. Our empirical data (some 500 service employees) show that such strategies bring about paradoxical consequences on the employees’ behaviors toward the service corporation, especially in terms of reduced commitment to the employer and deviant behavior. Employees show an increased level of anger toward the corporation, emotional exhaustion. Managerial conclusions are drawn from the findings
- 6 October 2016 : Conference: “Strategic Ambidexterity: Business Process Influence on Innovation Strategy” with Janet K. Tinoco, PHD. Abstract: organizations that can successfully develop both radical and incremental product innovations positively impact sustained competitive advantage. Past research has indicated that a dual focus in innovation strategy may be fulfilled by use of dual organizational structures and cultures. This research complements these efforts by analyzing business process influences on dual focus. Using data collected from US high technology manufacturers, four strategic archetypes in innovation were developed and analyzed using cluster analysis. Dual focus firms were shown to have multiple processes in place that impact both types of innovation strategies and that these firms implement these processes to a greater extent than those firms operating in the more extreme positions. Following the report of results, implications for organizations toiling for a sustainable competitive advantage through product innovation are discussed, as well as future research directions.
- 2 April 2014 – Seminar “Branding & Social Networks” with George Christodoulides.
- 7 December 2012 – Atelier de recherche avec l’intervention de Victor Dos Santos sur les freins à l’innovation tant au niveau de l’offre d’innovation que de la demande. Céline Fueyo quant à elle présentera “le rôle des salariés dans la construction et la gestion de l’e-réputation de l’entreprise”. Research workshop with the intervention of Victor Dos Santos on the challenges on innovation both in terms of innovation supply and demand. Céline Fueyo will present “the role of employees in building and managing the company’s e-reputation”.
Seminars & Conferences 2020-2021
- 14 octobre 2021 : Workshop Romain CADARIO (Ass Professor in Marketing at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University) “Understanding, explaining and utilizing medical artificial intelligence”
- 14 décembre 2021 : Workshop Christoph FUCHS (Full professor University of Vienna) “Management by Algorithms reduces prosocial behavior”