Department: Marketing
Associate Professor
GRAPPI, S., C. BARBAROSSA, V. GABRIELLI, S. ROMANI, "When apologies backfire: a moderated mediation model of exposure by NGOs, companies’ hypocrisy, and consumers’ political orientations", Journal of Marketing Management, 2024, pp. 1-43 [fnege: 3, abs: 2]
HERWEYERS, L., I. MOONS, C. BARBAROSSA, P. DE PELSMACKER, E. DU BOIS, "Understanding who avoids single-use plastics and why: A cross-country mixed-method study", Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, vol. 414 [fnege: 2, abs: 2]
BARBAROSSA, C., M. PATRIZI, M. VERNUCCIO, M. CARMEN DI POCE, A. PASTORE, "The resistance toward COVID-19 contact tracing apps: A study of psychological reactance among young adults in Italy", Health Policy, 2023, vol. 136 [fnege: 2, abs: 2]
BARBAROSSA, C., C. BUZETA, P. DE PELSMACKER, I. MOONS, "Foreign company misconduct and how consumers’ punitive intent is influenced by country stereotypes and the perceived similarity between the foreign country and the home country", International Business Review, 2022 [cnrs: 2, fnege: 2, abs: 3]
QUERCI, I., C. BARBAROSSA, S. ROMANI, F. RICOTTA, "Explaining how algorithms work reduces consumers' concerns regarding the collection of personal data and promotes AI technology adoption", Psychology and Marketing, 2022 [cnrs: 3, fnege: 2, abs: 3]
BARBAROSSA, C., Y. CHEN, S. ROMANI, D. KORSCHUN, "Not all CSR initiatives are perceived equal: The influence of CSR domains and focal moralities on consumer responses to the company and the cause", Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022 [fnege: 2, abs: 2]
BORAU, S., L. ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, C. BARBAROSSA, "The green mate appeal: Men’s pro-environmental consumption is an honest signal of commitment to their partner", Psychology and Marketing, 2021, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 266-285 [cnrs: 3, fnege: 2, abs: 3]
BARBAROSSA, C., T. MANDLER, "EXPRESS: Not All Wrongdoers Are Equal in the Public Eye: A Moderated Mediation Model of Country Stereotypes, Condemning Emotions, and Retaliatory Intent in Corporate Crises", Journal of International Marketing, 2021, vol. 29, Issue 2, no. 2, pp. 26-44 [cnrs: 2, fnege: 2, abs: 3]
NOSI, C., A. D’AGOSTINO, C. A. PRATESI, C. BARBAROSSA, "Evaluating a social marketing campaign on healthy nutrition and lifestyle among primary-school children: A mixed-method research design", Evaluation and Program Planning, 2021, vol. 89
MOONS, I., P. DE PELSMACKER, C. BARBAROSSA, "Do personality- and self-congruity matter for the willingness to pay more for ecotourism? An empirical study in Flanders, Belgium", Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, vol. 272, pp. 1-13 [fnege: 3, abs: 2]
SCHILL, M., D. GODEFROIT-WINKEL, M. F. DIALLO, C. BARBAROSSA, "Consumers’ intentions to purchase smart home objects: Do environmental issues matter?", Ecological Economics, 2019, vol. 161, pp. 176-185 [cnrs: 1, abs: 3]
BARBAROSSA, C., P. DE PELSMACKER, I. MOONS, "Effects of country-of-origin stereotypes on consumer responses to product-harm crises", International Marketing Review, 2018, vol. 35(3), pp. 362-389 [cnrs: 3, fnege: 2, abs: 3]
MOONS, I., C. BARBAROSSA, P. DE PELSMACKER, "The Determinants of the Adoption Intention of Eco-friendly Functional Food in Different Market Segments", Ecological Economics, 2018, vol. 151, pp. 151-161 [cnrs: 1, abs: 3]
BARBAROSSA, C., P. DE PELSMACKER, I. MOONS, "Personal Values, Green Self-identity and Electric Car Adoption", Ecological Economics, 2017, vol. 140, pp. 190-200 [cnrs: 1, abs: 3]
GRAPPI, S., S. ROMANI, C. BARBAROSSA, "Fashion without pollution: How consumers evaluate brands after an NGO campaign aimed at reducing toxic chemicals in the fashion industry", Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, vol. 149, pp. 1164-1173 [fnege: 3]
BARBAROSSA, C., P. DE PELSMACKER, I. MOONS, A. MARCATI, "The influence of country-of-origin stereotypes on consumer responses to food safety scandals: The case of the horsemeat adulteration", Food Quality and Preference, 2016, vol. 53, pp. 71-83
BARBAROSSA, C., P. DE PELSMACKER, "Positive and Negative Antecedents of Purchasing Eco-friendly Products: A Comparison Between Green and Non-green Consumers", Journal of Business Ethics, 2016, vol. 134, no. 2, pp. 229-247 [cnrs: 2, fnege: 2, ft, abs: 3]
BARBAROSSA, C., S. C. BECKMANN, P. DE PELSMACKER, I. MOONS, W. GWOZDZ, "A self-identity based model of electric car adoption intention: AÂ cross-cultural comparative study", Journal of Environmental Psychology, 2015, vol. 42, pp. 149-160
BARBAROSSA, C., A. PASTORE, "Why environmentally conscious consumers do not purchase green products", Qualitative Market Research, 2015, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 188-209 [cnrs: 4, fnege: 4]
VERNUCCIO, M., M. PAGANI, C. BARBAROSSA, A. PASTORE, "Antecedents of brand love in online network-based communities. A social identity perspective", Journal of Product and Brand Management, 2015, vol. 24, no. 7, pp. 706-719 [cnrs: 4, fnege: 4, abs: 1]
VERNUCCIO, M., C. BARBAROSSA, A. GIRALDI, F. CECCOTTI, "Determinants of e-brand attitude: A structural modeling approach", Journal of Brand Management, 2012, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 500-512 [fnege: 4]
BARBAROSSA, C., M. CARMEN DI POCE, A. PASTORE, "Climate change, safety threat, and consumer food responses" in 23rd International Marketing Trends Conference, January 18-20, 2024, Venise, Italy
BARBAROSSA, C., "Infectious disease threats increase preference for plastic-packaged products" in Conférence EMAC, 29/05/2024, Bucarest, 2024
BARBAROSSA, C., "Enlighten AI-based mental health applications to vulnerable consumers" in Conférence IMTC, 18/01/2024, Venise, 2024
BARBAROSSA, C., "Eating our eco-anxieties away: How climate change threat and collective impotence fuel the consumption of vice food" in Conférence EMAC, 29/05/2024, Bucarest, 2024
BARBAROSSA, C., "Stereotype Threats in Pro-Environmental Behaviors: An Integrative Review" in Conférence EMAC, 29/05/2024, Bucarest, 2024
BARBAROSSA, C., "Unboxing the black boxes of AI: Enlightening vulnerable consumers with the algorithmic processes of AI-based mental health applications" in Conférence EMAC, 29/05/2024, Bucarest, 2024
BARBAROSSA, C., "Preference for Plastic Product Package as a Function of Infectious Disease Threats" in Conférence ACR, septembre, 2024, Paris
BARBAROSSA, C., S. RAMACHANDRAN, L. BERTRANDIAS, ""Quand l'incertitude décourage les comportements pro-environnementaux: le rôle des défaillances du contrôle de soi"", AFM, 2023, France
BERTRANDIAS, L., S. RAMACHANDRAN, C. BARBAROSSA, "Self-control failures in pro-environmental behavior under uncertainty" in EMAC, 2023, Odense
RAMACHANDRAN, S., C. BARBAROSSA, L. BERTRANDIAS, "Self-control failures in pro-environmental behavior when facing uncertainty" in AMA Summer Academic Conference, 2023, online
BARBAROSSA, C., C. AMATULLI, S. ROMANI , I. QUERCI, "Safety versus Sustainability: How do we balance our need to stay safe with environmental consciousness?" in Pat Murphy International Symposium on Marketing Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility, 2023, Bristol, Great Britain
BARBAROSSA, C., "Enlighten AI-based mental health applications to vulnerable consumers." in Società Italiana Marketing Conference, 2023, Florence
BARBAROSSA, C., "Climate change, need frustration and hedonic overconsumption" in Conférence EMAC, 27/10/2023-01/11/2023, Athènes, 2023
BARBAROSSA, C., "Enlighten AI-based mental health applications to vulnerable consumers." in Conférence IMAC, 20-21/10/2023, Florence, Italie, 2023
BARBAROSSA, C., "A Similarity Contingency Model of Country Stereotypes: Agonistic Emotions and Punitive Intent Following Company Misconduct" in EMAC Conférence 2022 Budapest, Hongrie, 24-27 Mai, 2022
BARBAROSSA, C., "The failure of COVID-19 contact tracing apps: A psychological reactance theoretical perspective" in EMAC Conférence 2022 , Warsaw, Pologne, 23-24 juin (online), 2021
BARBAROSSA, C., "Doing good for humanity, the community, or the planet: Exposing consumers to morally congruent CSR has beneficial effects for business and society " in EMAC Conf 2021 (visio), 26-28 mai, 2021
MANDLER, T., C. BARBAROSSA, "Not all wrongdoers are equal in the public’s eye. A moderated mediation model of country stereotypes, condemning emotions, and retaliatory intent in corporate crises" in Conférence EMAC (visio), 16-19-septembre, 2020
BARBAROSSA, C., "Against the IoT: a multi-method examination of the barriers to the adoption of smart objects" in 48th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Hambourg, 28-31 mai, 2019
BARBAROSSA, C., S. ROMANI, F. PETRARCA,, "Consumer reactions to mass market retailers’ CSR activities: The moderating role of moral foundations" in 6th Symposium on Marketing Ethics & CSR, 22-24 avril, 2018, Nottingham
BARBAROSSA, C., "Consumer reactions to mass market retailers' CSR activities: the moderating role of consumer moral foundations" in 6th Symposium on Marketing Ethics & CSR, 22-24 avril, 2018, Nottingham
BARBAROSSA, C., "The effects of consumer ethnocentrism, animosity, cosmopolitanism, and affinity on consumer responses to foreign wrongdoers: The moderating role of country-of-origin stereotypes" in I PERCORSI IDENTITARI NEL MARKETING, XV SIM Conference, Bari, 18-19/10/2018, 2018
MOONS, I., P. DE PELSMACKER , C. BARBAROSSA, "National stereotypes and corporate social irresponsibility: the effects of country-of-origin competence and warmth on consumer responses to company misconduct" in 2017 AMA Winter Conference, February 17-19, Orlando, Florida, 2017
MOONS, I., P. DE PELSMACKER , C. BARBAROSSA, "The drivers of the usage intention of Spirulina algae in food in different market segments" in 16th International Marketing Trends Congress, January 26-28, Madrid, 2017
BARBAROSSA, C., P. DE PELSMACKER , I. MOONS, "National stereotypes and corporate social irresponsibility: the effects of country-of-origin competence and warmth on consumer responses to company misconduct" in 5th Symposium on Marketing Ethics and CSR, April 2-4, Mendoza College of Business, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana, United States, 2017
DE PELSMACKER , P., I. MOONS, C. BARBAROSSA, "Self-identity and electric cars adoption. The moderating role of personal values" in ", 45th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), 24-27 May, Oslo, 2016
DE PELSMACKER, P., I. MOONS, C. BARBAROSSA, "A self-identity driven model of electric car adoption and the moderating role of personal values" in 15th International Marketing Trends Conference, 26-28 January, Venice, 2016
GRAPPI , S., S. ROMANI , C. BARBAROSSA, "Luxury without pollution: How consumers evaluate luxury brands after an NGO campaign" in 2015 Global Fashion Management Conference, June 25-28, Florence, Italy, 2015
BARBAROSSA, C., A. MARCATI , "Consumer reactions to a product-harm crisis: the role of perceived country of origin's competence and warmth" in 44th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), 26-29 May, Leuven, 2015
BARBAROSSA, C., P. DE PELSMACKER , I. MOONS, A. MARCATI, "Consumer reactions to the 2013 horsemeat adulteration scandal: The role of country of origin" in 3rd Symposium on Marketing Ethics and CSR, April 19-21, Notre Dame Rome Global Gateway, Rome, Italy, 2015
BARBAROSSA, C., S. BECKMANN , I. MOONS, P. DE PELSMACKER , "Cross-cultural differences in the formation of attitudes and usage intention of electric cars: A comparative study of Denmark, Belgium and Italy" in 43rd European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference, 3-6 June, Valencia, 2014
DALLI, D., C. BARBAROSSA, "Individual motives and collective experiences of ethical consumption. The case of Ethical Purchasing Groups in Italy" in 43rd European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference, 3-6 June, Valencia., 2014
VERNUCCIO , M., M. PAGANI, C. BARBAROSSA, A. PASTORE, "The effects of social-interactive engagement and social identity on brand love in online network-based communities" in The effects of social-interactive engagement and social identity on brand love in online network-based communities", 43rd European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference, 3-6 June, Valencia, 2014
BARBAROSSA, C., P. DE PELSMACKER , S. BECKMANN, I. MOONS, "Electric car adoption: A cross-cultural comparison" in 2nd Symposium on Marketing Ethics and CSR, 10-11 April, University College Cork, Ireland, 2014
DE PELSMACKER , P., I. MOONS, C. BARBAROSSA, "Sustainable consumer behaviour: How to convince consumers to behave more eco-friendly?" in Critical Contributions To Economics and Beyond., Van Puyvelde S. and Buts C. Ed., Lexxion Publisher, chap. 17, 2021
BARBAROSSA, C., P. MURPHY , "The Buffering and Backfiring Effects of CSR Strategies During a Crisis: A US Perspective" in Rethinking Business Responsibility in a Global Context., Bodo B. Schlegelmilch, Ilona Sz'cs Eds, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, chap. 16, 2020
BARBAROSSA, C., "Consumer reactions to food safety scandals: A research model and moderationg effects" in A Handbook of Food Crime: Immoral and Illegal Practices in the Food Industry and What to Do about Them., Allison Gray and Ronald Hinch Ed., Policy Press, chap. Section VIII, pp. 385-402, 2018
MANDLER, T., C. BARBAROSSA - "Facebook, Volkswagen, Samsung… Comment les stéréotypes nationaux influent sur le pardon accordé aux entreprises fautives" - 2021, la Tribune
BORAU, S., C. BARBAROSSA, L. ELGAAIED-GAMBIER - "Les hommes écoresponsables sont aussi de meilleurs partenaires" - 2020, The Conversation, France
BARBAROSSA, C. - "Promouvoir l’adoption de produits respectueux de l’environnement auprès de différents segments de consommateurs" - 2019, TBSearch
BARBAROSSA, C. - "Cómo incentivar la compra de productos ecológicos - Promoting the adoption of eco-friendly products across different consumer segments" - 2019, ARAL Revista Del Gran Consumo
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We investigate how and when threats to freedom posed by government-imposed containment measures to young adults reduce their contact tracing apps (CTAs) adoption intentions.