A mechanism to stimulate social & civic responsibility

TBS Education recognizes that students’ societal engagement enriches their training and allows them to develop skills that contribute to their personal fulfillment and civic education.

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In order to support and develop our students’ societal engagement, TBS Education has created a mechanism to acknowledge the commitment of students who are involved in an association or civic, solidarity-oriented initiative, by awarding bonus points taken into account in their grade average.

This mechanism complements the measures that can be used to adapt the duration and organisation of students’ study paths (adjusted timetable, extension of the duration of studies, specific training activities) in order to give them the time to pursue their societal-engagement activities.

At the end of their course, their engagement is validated and noted in the diploma supplement delivered to each student.

Who can benefit?

  • Students who have management responsibilities in associations (president, treasurer, secretary) or any other position that merits this, due to the personal investment required
  • Students who have an electoral mandate
  • Students in paid employment (excluding apprentices)
  • Students integrated into TBSeeds, TBS Education’s incubator
  • Students who carry out military activities in an operational reserve unit
  • Students working as volunteer fire-fighters
  • Students on volunteer civic service programmes
  • Students on volunteer programmes in the armed forces

Are not included:

  • Compulsory internships for graduation
  • Occasional contribution to actions with no personal involvement in their organisation
  • Student projects that are already acknowledged on an educational level, in particular through ECTS credits

How to apply?

  1. Students must submit an application file to the Engagement Commission, which decides on the eligibility of the request.
  2. At the end of the “engagement” period, student must submit an “engagement report” which includes a self-assessment of the actions carried out as well as the results achieved. The report also identifies and highlights the skills acquired in relation to the learning objectives of the programme. The report includes a certificate from the host structure concerning the fulfillment of the engagement.

The engagement of students is assessed annually on the basis of these documents. The Engagement Commission may decide on a validation value of up to 0.4 points on the grade average.

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Lacoste Florence

Florence Lacoste
Head of Diversity & Student Engagement – Handicap Mission
Tél : +33 5 61 29 49 49
Mail : f.lacoste@tbs-education.fr

Saldumbide Laura