Department: Marketing
Associate Professor
GODEFROIT-WINKEL, D. - "Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches : "Contributions à l’étude des réponses du consommateur face à l’innovation dans la distribution et à l’innovation dédiée à l’environnement "" - 2021
GORDON‐WILSON, S., D. GODEFROIT-WINKEL, "Consumer agency in sustainable consumption behaviour and environmentally imposed constraints: A multi‐level approach", Business Strategy and the Environment, 2024, pp. 18 [fnege: 3, abs: 3]
GODEFROIT-WINKEL, D., L. PEÑALOZA, "The Ethics of Freedom in Consumption: An Ethnographic Account of the Social Dimensions of Supermarket Shopping for Moroccan Women", Journal of Business Ethics, 2023 [fnege: 1, ft, abs: 3]
GODEFROIT-WINKEL, D., M. SCHILL, M. K. HOGG, "Consumer wisdom and well-being investigated via intergenerational interactions", Journal of Marketing Management, 2023, pp. 1-31 [fnege: 3, abs: 2]
GODEFROIT-WINKEL, D., M. SCHILL, F. DIOP-SALL, "Does environmental corporate social responsibility increase consumer loyalty?", International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 2022, vol. 50, no. 4, pp. 417-436 [cnrs: 3, fnege: 3, abs: 2]
GODEFROIT-WINKEL, D., "A Commentary on the Dynamics of the Local and the Global, and the Representations of Minorities in Mediascapes", Markets, Globalization & Development Review, 2022, vol. 7, no. 2
GODEFROIT-WINKEL, D., "An Institutional Perspective on Climate Change, Markets, and Consumption across Three Countries", Markets, Globalization & Development Review, 2022, vol. 7, no. 4
SCHILL, M., D. GODEFROIT-WINKEL, M. Ü. HUGHES, "A Country-of-Origin Perspective on Climate Change Actions: Evidence from France, Morocco, and the United States", Journal of International Marketing, 2021 [cnrs: 2, fnege: 2, abs: 3]
SCHILL, M., D. GODEFROIT-WINKEL, "Consumer responses to environmental corporate social responsibility and luxury", Journal of Services Marketing, 2021 [cnrs: 3, fnege: 3, abs: 2]
BONSU, S. K., D. GODEFROIT-WINKEL, "Representing Africa in the ‘Coming to America’ Films", Markets, Globalization & Development Review, 2021, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 1-9
SCHILL, M., D. GODEFROIT-WINKEL, M. K. HOGG, "Young children’s consumer agency: The case of French children and recycling", Journal of Business Research, 2020, vol. 110, pp. 292-305 [cnrs: 2, fnege: 2, abs: 3]
GODEFROIT-WINKEL, D., L. PEÑALOZA, "Women’s Empowerment at the Moroccan Supermarket: An Ethnographic Account of Achieved Capabilities and Altered Social Relations in an Emerging Retail Servicescape", Journal of MacroMarketing, 2020, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 492-509 [cnrs: 3, fnege: 3, abs: 2]
GODEFROIT-WINKEL, D., M. SCHILL, C. LONGO, M. CHOUR, "Building City Identities: A Consumer Perspective", Markets, Globalization and Development Review, 2020, vol. 5, no. 2
GODEFROIT-WINKEL, D., M. SCHILL, M. K. HOGG, "The interplay of emotions and consumption in the relational identity trajectories of grandmothers with their grandchildren", European Journal of Marketing, 2019, vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 164-194 [cnrs: 3, fnege: 3, abs: 3]
GODEFROIT-WINKEL, D., M. SCHILL, "Consumer segments in the smart environmental objects market", Journal of Consumer Marketing, 2019, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 317-327 [cnrs: 4, fnege: 4, abs: 1]
SCHILL, M., D. GODEFROIT-WINKEL, M. F. DIALLO, C. BARBAROSSA, "Consumers’ intentions to purchase smart home objects: Do environmental issues matter?", Ecological Economics, 2019, vol. 161, pp. 176-185 [cnrs: 1, abs: 3]
DIALLO, M. F., F. DIOP-SALL, S. DJELASSI, D. GODEFROIT-WINKEL, "How Shopping Mall Service Quality Affects Customer Loyalty across Developing Countries: The Moderation of the Cultural Context", Journal of International Marketing, 2018, vol. 26(4), pp. 69-84 [cnrs: 2, fnege: 2, abs: 3]
SCHILL, M., D. GODEFROIT-WINKEL, L. LETHIELLEUX, M. COMBES-JORET, "Action de l’entreprise dans la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique : effets sur l’identification organisationnelle et l’engagement organisationnel des salariés", Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, 2018, vol. 108, no. 2, pp. 3-18 [cnrs: 2, fnege: 2]
GODEFROIT-WINKEL, D., "Developing Shopping Abilities to Empower: An Ethnography of Moroccan Women in Supermarkets", Markets, Globalization and Development Review, 2018, vol. 3, no. 2, art. 2, pp. 1-32
DJELASSI, S., D. GODEFROIT-WINKEL, M. F. DIALLO, "Does culture affect the relationships among utilitarian and non-utilitarian values, satisfaction and loyalty to shopping centres? Evidence from two Maghreb countries", International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 2018, vol. 46 Issue, no. 11/12, pp. 1153-1169 [cnrs: 3, fnege: 3, abs: 2]
GODEFROIT-WINKEL, D., M. SCHILL, "Shared Happiness and Relational Identities among French Grandmothers and Grandchildren", Advances in Consumer Research, 2016, vol. 44, pp. 458-459 [abs: 2]
FIGUEIREDO, B., J. CHELEKIS, B. DEBERRY-SPENCE, A. F. FIRAT, D. GODEFROIT-WINKEL, G. GER, O. KRAVETS, J. MOISANDER, K. NUTTAVUTHISIT, L. PEÑALOZA, M. TADAJEWSKI, "Developing Markets? Understanding the Role of Markets and Development at the Intersection of Macromarketing and Transformative Consumer Research (TCR)", Journal of MacroMarketing, 2015, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 257-271 [cnrs: 4, fnege: 3]
GODEFROIT-WINKEL, D., S. K. BONSU, "Conceptualizing Consumer Freedom: Liberating Shopping Practices Among Moroccan Women", Advances in Consumer Research, 2015, vol. 11, pp. 140-141 [abs: 1]
GODEFROIT-WINKEL, D., M.-H. FOSSE-GOMEZ, "The Changes of Meanings over Life Stages: Caftans as Expressions of Moroccan Women’s Identities", Advances in Consumer Research, 2014, vol. 42, pp. 493 [abs: 1]
GODEFROIT-WINKEL, D., M.-H. FOSSE-GOMEZ, N. ÖZÇAGLAR-TOULOUSE, "Globalization in the Less Affluent World: Moroccan Consumers' Acculturation to Global Consumer Culture in Their Homeland", Advances in Consumer Research, 2012, vol. 40, pp. 454-461 [abs: 1]
GODEFROIT-WINKEL, D., M.-H. FOSSE-GOMEZ, N. ÖZÇLGAR-TOULOUSE, "Acculturated in Homeland: Consumer Culture in Morocco", European Advances in Consumer Research, 2012, vol. 9, pp. 581-582
GODEFROIT-WINKEL, D., P. VALETTE-FLORENCE, "Understanding the Effects of Consumer Wisdom in Stores : The Mediating Effects of Climate Change Actions and Perceived Luxury" in Conférence de la Journée de Recherche en Marketing du Grand Est, mars 2023, France, 2023, Namur
GODEFROIT-WINKEL, D., A. BENNETT, "Selling snail soup: An investigation of coopetition in a Moroccan subsistence marketplace" in AMA Marketing and Public Policy Conference, Airlington, Virginia, June 8-10, 2023
GODEFROIT-WINKEL, D., R. CHAKRABARTI, R. DUNCAN, "A study of agency and strategic envisioning among mountain women in Morocco" in Third subsistence marketplace conference (Loyola Marymount University via zoom), 3-4- juin, 2022
GODEFROIT-WINKEL, D., "Selling Snail Soup to Build the Family: The Tensions of Micro Entrepreneur Women in Casablanca" in Susbsistence marketplaces, Los Angeles, USA, 2020
SCHILL, M., D. GODEFROIT-WINKEL, P. ODOU, F. SCHIFFLER, "Représentations Mentales et Réactions Affectives Liées au Changement Climatique: Impacts sur les Intentions d’Agir" in 35ème Congrès international de l' Association Française de Marketing, Le Havre, France, 15-17 mai, 2019
GODEFROIT-WINKEL, D., "Sustainable Innovation Bottom-Up Enterprise" in 2nd Subsistence Marketplaces Bottom Up Immersion Conference, Arusha Region, Tanzania, 25-28 mai, 2019
GODEFROIT-WINKEL, D., M. DIALLO, S. DJELASSI, "Shopping mall values, customer satisfaction and loyalty: The moderation of education level in Morocco," in Association for Marketing Science Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 29-31 mai, 2019
GODEFROIT-WINKEL, D., L. PEÑALOZA, "Identities in transition: an ethnographic investigation among Moroccan women in the supermarket" in 2nd Annual Interdisciplinary Summer School in Morocco; Hans Seidel Foundation and Practical Wisdom Society, 7-12 octobre, 2019, Casablanca
GODEFROIT-WINKEL, D., M. SCHILL, "Wisdom and family identities in relational exchanges: a qualitative investigation among Moroccan grandmothers" in The Association for Consumer Research Conference (ACR), 17-20 october, 2019, Atlanta
GODEFROIT-WINKEL, D., F. DIOP-SALL, M. SCHILL, "Écologie, émotions et attitude envers le supermarché au Maroc et au Sénégal : Effet modérateur du contexte culturel" in Journee de recherche sur les pays d'Afrique, Lille, 2019
GODEFROIT-WINKEL, D., S. K. BONSU, "The Re-Resurrection of David Bowie: Death and Immortality in Contemporary Society" in Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Odense, Denmark, 28/06-01/07/2018, 2018, Odense
GODEFROIT-WINKEL, D., L. PEÑALOZA , S. K. BONSU, "Shopping for Freedom: Moroccan Women's Experience in Supermarkets" in Conference Association for Consumer Research Trust in Doubt, Dallas, 11-14 octobre, 2018
GODEFROIT-WINKEL, D., L. PEÑALOZA, "Women's empowerment in shopping: A qualitative investigation among Moroccan Women" in 14th ACR Gender Marketing and Consumer Behavior Conference , Dallas, TX, USA, 9-11 octobre, 2018
SCHILL, M., D. GODEFROIT-WINKEL, M. HOGG, "Contemporary Intergenerational Relationships and Consumption: Through the Lens of a Study of French Families" in Edinburgh University Business School PhD Workshop, Opening Session, Plenary, Edinburgh, 2 novembre, 2018 Coauthorspresented
GODEFROIT-WINKEL, D., M. SCHILL, "Identifier les Images Perçues d’une Ville; Les Images de Casablanca à travers une Typologie de ses Étudiants", 1ère Journée de Recherche sur les Pays d'Afrique, 2017
GODEFROIT-WINKEL, D., M. F. DIALLO, S. DJELASSI, "Effects of Perceived Value of a Shopping Mall: Evidence from Morocco" in International Business and Consumer Research Conference, Marrakech, Morocco, 24-27/04/2017, International Business and Consumer Research Conference, 2017, Marrakech
GODEFROIT-WINKEL, D., M. SCHIL, "Shared Happiness and Relational Identities among French", Association for Consumer Research North American Conference (ACR), vol. 44, pp. 458-459, 2016
GODEFROIT-WINKEL, D., "Elderly Women and Honor Construction in Moroccan Families" in 14th Biennal Conference, Lima, Peru, 9-11 /08/2016, The International Society of Markets and Development, 2016, Lima
BONSU, S., D. GODEFROIT-WINKEL, C. CHELARIU, "Purchasing Guilt: Conceptualization and Propositions for Future Research" in Academy of Marketing Science, 19th World Marketing Congress, Paris, France, 19-23/07/2016, Academy of Marketing Science, 2016, Paris
GODEFROIT-WINKEL, D., M. E. WINKEL, "Rethinking Industrial Marketing from a Cultural Perspective: Spanish Steel Mill Strategies in Morocco after the 2008 Crisis" in In Times of Crisis: Perspectives and Challenges of the 21st Century., mbaye fall diallo et joseph kaswengi Ed., Nova Science Publishers, 2018
BONSU, S. K., D. GODEFROIT-WINKEL, "Guinness in Africa : Contemporary Branding at the Base of the Pyramid" in The Routledge Companion to Contemporary Brand Management., Dall'omo Riley F., Singh J., Blankson Ch. Eds, Routledge, chap. Part IV, pp. 341-404, 2016
GODEFROIT-WINKEL, D., S. K. BONSU, "Repenser les Stratégies Globales dans une Perspective Culturelle" in Repenser le Commerce, Vers une Perspective Socio-Culturelle de la Distribution., Isabelle Collin-Lachaud Ed., Editions EMS, 2014
GODEFROIT-WINKEL, D., L. PEÑALOZA, - "La liberté (du consommateur) finit-elle vraiment là où commence celle des autres ?" - 2023, The Conversation, France
GODEFROIT-WINKEL, D., M. SCHILL, M. UCOK HUGHES - "Politiques climatiques : selon les pays, une perception des consommateurs qui diffère" - 2021, The Conversation, France
GODEFROIT-WINKEL, D., L. PEÑALOZA, - "Le supermarché, improbable lieu de pouvoir des Marocaines" - 2020, The Conversation, France
SCHILL, M., D. GODEFROIT-WINKEL, M. K. HOGG - "Les enfants savent bien trier les déchets… mais ne le font pas à la maison, pourquoi ?" - 2020, The Conversation, France
GODEFROIT-WINKEL, D., S. SÉNÉCHAL, A. MOQADDEM SENECHAL - "La Vache Qui Rit 4.0 : marketing international et RSE; CCMP - M2093" - 2020
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