This year, TBS Education’s Master in Management program (Programme Grande Ecole) has moved up one place in the Parisien Etudiant’s ranking of Business Schools and is now in 11th position.
The Parisien Etudiant ranking encompasses two groups of schools that lead to a Master’s degree at Bac+5. The first group is made up of schools that are accessible after a preparatory course (two years of study), the top 21, while the others welcome students right after the baccalauréat.It ranks these schools on the basis of fifteen criteria, including attractiveness, internationality, integration/salary and social and gender diversity.
The criteria are as follows:
Prestige: Duration of the master’s degree (1 to 5 years). Number of national and international accreditations.
Capacity: Budget of the group and of the Grande Ecole program per student. Percentage of foreign students who pay for their tuition (vs. free exchanges)
Development: Progression in the number of students, group and Grande Ecole Program budgets, group enrollment between 2020 and 2023. Growth of the number of applicants between 2022 and 2023.
Social: Percentage of exemptions calculated and scholarships awarded toward the cost of the program.
Attractiveness: 1/ For schools taking students who have done the preparatory course: Sigem ranking (system for assigning prepped students to the major business schools). Volume of prepped students and AST 2 (admission on qualification to 2nd year of Grande Ecole) integrated. Percentage of those present at the oral exams out of the number of those eligible. Preparatory entrance exam candidates 2023. 2/ For post-bac students: volume of integrated students and AST 2 students (2022 entrance exam). Candidates for the 2023 entrance exam.
Infrastructure: Size of the campus per student and its progression between 2020 and 2023. Proportion of graduates who have spent time on the school’s foreign campuses.
Research: Proportion of articles published by faculty
Faculty: Proportion of research professors on the permanent staff. Proportion of foreign professors. Rate of supervision. Number of different nationalities among the teaching staff.
Pedagogy: Percentage of course hours taught by research professors. Proportion of graduates having gained double graduates with French institutions.
International: Proportion of students going on study trips. Proportion of accredited agreements out of the total number of agreements. Number of double degrees offered. Proportion of students going abroad for a double degree. Number of countries offered for expatriation.
Professionalization: Minimum mandatory time spent on internships. Proportion of apprentices and work-study students. Number of professional contributors per student per year.
Employment: Rate at which students find jobs before graduation, salary at graduation.
Entrepreneurship: Number of businesses incubated between 2020 and 2023 or created by graduates in the last 3 years. Share of graduates from an entrepreneurial program.
Digital policy: Dynamism of digital policy. Number of Facebook fans and Twitter followers, subscribers on Instagram, LinkedIn members. Share of graduates from a digital field.
Pedagogical innovation: The last criterion was rated according to the opinion of the editorial staff of the Parisien Etudiant on the quality of the schools’ work in the area of pedagogical and development projects.