Engagement is a recognized management issue. Science can provide valuable insights for companies in understanding the driving forces behind engagement and assessing the impact of motivation on employee performance. In this article, we take a closer look at this issue with research professor Stéphane Thion, head of the Executive DBA (Doctorate of Business Administration) program at TBS Education. 

dba the scientific method at the service of strategic business decisions

Stéphane Thion recognizes that the academic world and business world often find it hard to understand each other. “People in the field often criticise researchers for the lack of practical relevance and clarity in their work,” he says. Nevertheless, the academic world, and in particular the methods used by researchers in their work, can make a real contribution to objectives. By drawing upon and challenging the latest data in a given field, they help to further develop these data. “Mastering these skills gives us access to a vast body of scientific literature that we can analyze and use. By mastering scientific methods, we can ultimately improve decision-making processes in the business world,” says the research professor. 

Understanding employee engagement: an example illustrating the deployment of an academic approach in business 

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The director of the Executive DBA (Doctorate of Business Administration program wants to give managers and executives the opportunity to learn this method, so that they can make informed strategic decisions. “Let’s take the example of sales staff, their motivation, engagement and the results of that engagement. The first step in any scientific method is to clearly set out the issue: In this case, the aim is to assess the impact of the level of engagement of sales representatives on their performance, in order to understand the driving forces behind it,” he explains. The issue can be broken down into two specific questions: To what extent does the motivation of sales representatives contribute to their engagement? To what extent does the engagement of sales representatives contribute to their performance? 

A step-by-step methodology 

When the first stage has been completed, we take a “theoretical framework” and conduct a “literature review” of the current state of knowledge. “Two psychology researchers, Deci and Ryan, have developed a theory explaining the impact of different aspects of motivation on employee engagement. This theory is referred to as ‘the theory of cognitive evaluation’”, continues Stéphane Thion. This theory teaches us that extrinsic motivation, in the form of rewards, for example, can undermine the main driver of engagement, intrinsic motivation. 

The second stage is to verify the validity of this theory in a specific context. We submitted a questionnaire to an international sample of 224 managers, sales representatives, business developers, and consultants. The results showed that the main driver among this sample is intrinsic motivation, i.e. an engagement driven by personal enjoyment. Extrinsic motivation, i.e. rewards, and introjected motivation, i.e. engagement in pursuit of recognition (reputation, personal ego), also play a contributory role, but to a lesser extent. This last result is particularly interesting, since it confirms that the most extrinsic of motivations—engaging in work for financial incentives—has no direct significant effect on engagement, although it does have a negative effect on performance. This theory, rarely applied to date in this context, has now been confirmed. 

The third stage is to dig deeper in order to answer new questions. For example: Does motivation impact the level of engagement of men and women in different ways? “It would appear not, as the differences are not ‘significant’. In other words, the lower impact of extrinsic motivation observed in this sample for women is not thought to be ‘statistically significant’”.  


The scientific method gives us a clear overview of the study theme in a particular context: in this example, the behaviour of sales representatives from several companies. We can use the powerful model developed in this way for predictive purposes. For example, what results can I expect if I use such and such a lever?,” continues Stéphane Thion.  

One of the goals of the TBS Education Executive DBA is to bridge the gap between the worlds of business and research. “By merging scientific knowledge and the benefits of experience, we can create exceptional profiles, able to take on new challenges. These graduates will probably crystallize the key skills of tomorrow,” concludes Stéphane Thion.  

Are you considering pursuing a Doctorate of Business Administration degree? This article compares the programs in France and the US, highlighting the similarities and differences in curriculum, requirements, and career opportunities.


The Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) degree is a prestigious and highly sought-after qualification in the field of business management. Holding a DBA degree provides graduates with in-depth knowledge, expertise, and skills required to pursue a career in academia, professional consulting, or manage a business enterprise.

In this article, we will explore the differences and similarities between DBA programs offered in France and the US. We will examine the structure and curriculum of the programs, admission requirements, tuition fees, and funding opportunities. Additionally, we will look at the career prospects and opportunities offered to DBA graduates in both countries as well as internationally.


Overview of Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) programs

Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) programs have gained immense popularity in recent years, as they offer advanced education and training to professionals who wish to pursue careers in management consulting, leadership, and academia. These programs are designed to equip students with the necessary analytical, research, and strategic management skills to tackle complex business challenges effectively.

DBA programs are typically aimed at experienced professionals who already hold a master’s degree in business administration or a related field. The program curriculum is rigorous and challenging, and students are expected to engage in extensive research and analysis of business problems.

What is a DBA degree?

A Doctorate of Business Administration is a terminal degree in business administration that emphasizes the practical application of business theory and research.

The program is designed to prepare students for leadership roles in the business world and academia.

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The DBA program curriculum typically includes courses in advanced research methods, strategic management, organizational behavior, finance, marketing, and accounting. Students are required to complete a dissertation that demonstrates their ability to conduct original research on a business-related topic.

Graduates of DBA programs are equipped with the skills and knowledge to address complex business challenges and make strategic decisions that drive organizational success.

Key differences between DBA programs in France and the US

DBA programs in France and the US share many similarities, but there are some key differences that students should be aware of when considering these programs.

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In the US

In France

Meanwhile, DBA programs in the US are more applied and integrate scholarly research with practical business experience.

The program curriculum typically includes courses in leadership, innovation, and entrepreneurship.
Students are required to complete a dissertation that demonstrates their ability to apply business theory and research to real-world problems.

In France, DBA programs emphasize theoretical research, and students work closely with their supervisors to conduct original research.

The program curriculum typically includes courses in research methodologybusiness ethics, and corporate social responsibility. Students are required to complete a dissertation that contributes to the advancement of business theory and research.

Another key difference is the time to completion.
In France, DBA programs may take up to five years to complete, whereas in the US, the average completion time is three to four years (3 years for the TBS Education’s Executive DBA).

Additionally, DBA programs in France are often more affordable, and students may have access to government-funded scholarships.

Despite these differences, both DBA programs in France and the US offer students a comprehensive education in business theory and research. Graduates of these programs are well-equipped to take on leadership roles in the business world and academia.

DBA program in France

France is home to many world-renowned business schools that offer DBA programs. Among them, we find INSEAD, TBS Education and HEC Paris.

TBS Education’s DBA program in Paris stands out due to its rich academic environment, blending theory with practical business scenarios, delivered by globally recognized faculty members.

INSEAD is a graduate business school with campuses in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. 

HEC Paris is another top-ranked business school in France, offering a wide range of degree programs, including a DBA.

Admission requirements for DBA programs in France vary by institution, but typically, students must have a master’s degree, demonstrate academic excellence, and possess excellent research skills. Additionally, students will need to submit a research proposal and attend an interview as part of the application process.

Embarking on a DBA journey at TBS Education requires meeting certain prerequisites, aimed at ensuring you’re fully prepared for the rigors of the program.
To be eligible for this advanced degree, prospective candidates must : 

  • Possess either a Master’s degree or an MBA, reinforcing the academic foundation necessary for a doctoral level of study. 
  • Have a minimum of five years of professional experience in a management role is also required. 

This criterion reflects the program’s emphasis on real-world application of knowledge, integrating academic theories with professional practice. This combination of academic accomplishment and practical leadership experience is crucial in ensuring that DBA candidates are ready to thrive in TBS Education’s challenging and rewarding program.

DBA programs in France typically focus on original research. Students work closely with their supervisors to develop a research proposal before conducting their research. The curriculum includes a combination of core courses and elective seminars. Students are required to complete a thesis, which is subject to rigorous assessment and defense by a panel of experts.

The structure and curriculum of the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) program at TBS Education is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of business administration and its many facets. This doctoral program is often split into different stages, each building upon the other.

Initially, students delve into advanced coursework, where they explore the depths of business administration theory and current research. Topics may range from organizational behavior and strategic management to finance and marketing, among others.

Following the coursework, students embark on a substantial research project, culminating in a doctoral dissertation. This project offers students the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge to a real-world business problem or scenario. During this phase, students receive individual mentorship from TBS Education’s renowned faculty, who provide guidance throughout the research process.

Please note that specific details about the program structure and curriculum may vary and should be confirmed directly with TBS Education.

Tuition fees for DBA programs in France vary depending on the institution, but they are generally more affordable than their American counterparts. In addition to this, students may have access to government-funded scholarships or other financial support options.

Find more information about tuition fees for the TBS Education’s DBA here.

DBA program in the US

The US is home to some of the world’s best business schools, offering DBA degrees. These include Harvard Business School, Stanford Graduate School of Business, and Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

Admission requirements for DBA programs in the US typically require applicants to:

  • Hold a master’s degree, 
  • Have significant business experience, 
  • Submit excellent academic transcripts,
  • They must also present a research proposal, attend a personal interview, and submit letters of recommendation.

DBA programs in the US provide a comprehensive approach to business management, combining research with practical experience.
The programs include
core courses in business strategy, finance, marketing, organizational behavior and management, and economics. They also have elective classes that allow students to specialize in their preferred fields of study.

In addition to courses, students in DBA programs in the US are also required to undertake a research project, which provides them with the opportunity to apply their knowledge to real-world business problems.

Tuition fees for DBA programs in the US tend to be higher than those in France. However, students may be eligible to apply for financial support such as scholarships, research grants, or teaching assistantships.

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