Department: Human Resources Management & Business Law
Associate Professor
THOMAS, D., A. MUIBI, A. HSU, B. EKELUND, M. WASVIK, C. BARZANTNY, "Cultural variation in hiring people with disabilities: a theory and preliminary test", Equal Opportunities International, 2024 [fnege: 4]
SPERBER, S., S. TÄUBER, C. POST, C. BARZANTNY, "Gender Data Gap and its impact on management science — Reflections from a European perspective", European Management Journal, 2023, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 2-8 [fnege: 3, abs: 2]
BARZANTNY, C., "Modèles d’affaires – Fixation et résistance aux changements ?, dans : Frimousse, S. & Peretti, J.-M. (2023) Regards croisés. Le renouveau des modèles d’affaires", Question(s) de management , 2023, vol. 44, pp. 193 – 252 : 201
SPERBER, S., C. POST, S. TÄUBER, C. BARZANTNY, "Advancing theory by addressing the Gender Data Gap", European Management Journal, 2022, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 307-309 [cnrs: 3, fnege: 3, abs: 2]
SPERBER, S., S. TÄUBER, C. POST, C. BARZANTNY, "Gender Data Gap and its impact on management science — Reflections from a European perspective", European Management Journal, 2022 [fnege: 3, abs: 2]
BARZANTNY, C., "Rites et rituels – renouveau et tradition en entreprise ?", Question(s) de Management, 2022, vol. 41, no. Le renouvellement des rites peut-il renforcer le niveau d’engagement des collaborateurs ?, pp. 141 [fnege: 4]
CANBOY, B., C. TILLOU, C. BARZANTNY, B. GÜÇLÜ, F. BENICHOUX, "The impact of perceived organizational support on work meaningfulness, engagement, and perceived stress in France", European Management Journal, 2021 [cnrs: 3, fnege: 3, abs: 2]
ZANDER, L., A. I. MOCKAITIS, A.-W. HARZING, J. BALDUEZA, W. BARNER RASMUSSEN, C. BARZANTNY, A. CANABAL, A. DAVILA, A. ESPEJO, R. FERREIRA, A. GIROUD, K. KOESTER, Y.-K. LIANG, M. MORLEY, B. MYLONI, J. ODUSANYA, A. K. PALANIAPPAN, P. PROCHNO, S. ROY CHOUDHURY, A. SAKA-HELMHOUT, S. SIENGTHAI, A. UZUNCARSILI SOYDAS, L. VISWAT, "Standardization and contextualization : A study of language and leadership across 17 countries", Journal of World Business, July 2011, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 296-304 [cnrs: 3, abs: 3]
BARZANTNY, C., M. FESTING, P. J. DOWLING, A. D. ENGLE, "Addressing the lack of empirical data on global performance management : developing a research strategy and assessing initial empirical evidence - a research note", European Journal of International Management, March 2011, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 200-203
THOMAS, D. C., S. R. FITZSIMMONS, E. C. RAVLIN, K. Y. AU, B. Z. EKELUND, C. BARZANTNY, "Psychological contracts across cultures: perceptions and responses to violations", Organization Studies, November 2010, vol. 31, no. 11, pp. 1437-1458 [cnrs: 2, ft, abs: 4]
BALDUEZA, J., W. BARNER RASMUSSEN, C. BARZANTNY, A. CANABAL, A. DAVILA, "What's in a name? Cross Country Differences in Preferred Ways of Adress for University Teachers", AIB Insights, September 2010, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 3-8
BALDUEZA, J., W. BARNER RASMUSSEN, C. BARZANTNY, A. CANABAL, A. DAVILA, "Rating versus ranking: what is the best way to reduce response and language bias in cross-national", International Business Review, August 2009, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 417-432 [abs: 2]
BARZANTNY, C., M. FESTING, "A comparative approach to performance management in France and Germany: the impact of the European and the country-specific environment", European Journal of International Management, April 2008, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 208-277
HARZING, A.-W., I. FISCHLMAYR, M. ESTER FREITAS, M. LAZAROVA, L. LIBERMAN YACONI, Y. ZHU, M. SONDERGAARD, R. PIEKKARI, C. BARZANTNY, K. WITTENBERG, B. MYLONI, W.-M. MAK, S. ROY CHOUDHURY, L. VISWAT, A. I. MOCKAITIS, L. SALCIUVIENE, J. C. KONG LOW, M. S. GOMEZ LOPEZ, A. SAKA-HELHOUT, D. DEN HARTOG, A. GRZESIUK, F. B. CASTRO, G. ROBERTS, I. MARTINEZ, "Does the use of English-language questionnaires in cross-national research obscure national differences ?", International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, August 2005, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 213-224
BARZANTNY, C., "L’entreprise et l’internationalisation : les clés de la réussite d’un projet international", Personnel - Andrh, October 2002, no. 433, pp. 13-17
BARZANTNY, C., P. BOST, "L’enjeu de la Gestion des Ressources Humaines dans les « jeunes pousses » / entreprises nouvelles: Le cas des start-up du secteur des technologies avancées", Personnel - Andrh, May 2001, no. 412, pp. 50-53
BARZANTNY, C., "Management multiculturel dans un groupe Européen. La prise de décision", Personnel - Andrh, April 1999, no. 398, pp. 64-67
BARZANTNY, C., "Cultural Variation in Hiring People with Disabilities: A Theory and Preliminary Test" in Conférence AIB, 02/07/2024, Séoul, 2024
BARZANTNY, C., "Leadership public pour un lieu de travail inclusisf – une étude empirique en France" in 18ièmes Rencontres Internationales de la Diversité (RID), 7-8 mars 2024, IPAG, Nic, 2024
BARZANTNY, C., "Global Mindset in Times of Travel Restrictions - An Exploration of Pandemic Effects for Resilience." in IHRM conference, juin, 2023, London, Kings College, Great Britain
BARZANTNY, C., D. THOMAS, "Public leadership for the inclusive workplace – an exploratory study in France" in AOM, 2023
BARZANTNY, C., K. MARTEL, A. ABDUL HADI, "Intercultural experience in hard times: The effects of Covid-19 on an international mobility project." in SIETAR Europa Congress 2022, 18-21 May , University of Malte, 2022
BARZANTNY, C., "Panel: France during the Coronavirus Pandemic; fighting a war without weapons." in AOM 2021 conf (visio), 29/07-04/08, 2021
TSANG, D., C. BARZANTNY, E. NG, "Age Diversity and Globalization in the Chinese Aerospace Industry" in 14th China goes Global Conference (online) hosted by emlyon Business School, 5-7 août, 2020
CANBOY, B., C. TILLOU, C. BARZANTNY, B. GÜÇLÜ, F. BENICHOUX, "The impact of Perceived Organisational Support on Meaningfulness, Engagement and Stress: an Empirical Study in France" in EURAM - European Academy of Management Conference juin, 2020
BARZANTNY, C., D. TSANG, "High technology economic activity versus inactivity: Could there be a second life for Chinese aerospace professionals?" in CEIBS Aged to perfection research workshop, Shanghai, Chine, 12-15 november, 2019
CANBOY, B., C. TILLOU, C. BARZANTNY, B. GÜÇLÜ, F. BENICHOUX, "Exploring possible Relationships of work Meaningfulness and Perceived Organizational Support with Work Engagement: The Moderation Effects of POS in an Empirical Study in France" in European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP), Turin (Italy), Mai, 2019
BARZANTNY, C., "Global Mindset in the European Union and beyond: Towards an analysis of both indigenous and international perspectives" in Colloque ION 2018, Aarhus,, 15-21/02/18, 2018
BARZANTNY, C., A. L. LEIGH, M. LI, C. HWEE CHUA, Z.-X. ZHANG, "Differential Effects of Broad and Deep Foreign Experience in Intra- and Intercultural Negotiations" in Colloque ION 2018, Aarhus, 15-21/02/18, 2018
BARZANTNY, C., "Global Mindset in a Comparative Perspective: The Case of BRIC, EU, and Breakout Nations" in Conférence AIB, Minneapolis, USA, 24-29/06/2018, 2018
BARZANTNY, C., "TALENT for HR TRANSFORMATION Industry 4.0" in 7th Workshop on Talent Management, Helsinki, 1-2/10/2018, 2018
BARZANTNY, C., "Global Mindset in Europe: A comparative perspective on local advantage fr global reach" in 22-27/05/2017, SIETAR Europa COngress 2017, 2017, Dublin, Ireland
BARZANTNY, C., M. LARQUEY, "Why Don't We Learn from International Mergers & Acquisitions? Challenges for International and Strategic Human Resource Management" in AIB annual conference 2017, Dubaï, UAE 2-5 jly 2017, AIB Conference, 2017
BARZANTNY, C., "Global Mindset and Beyond: In Search of a Rigorous Research Agenda" in Annual Meeting 2017, Atlanta, 6-9/08/2017, Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM), 2017
BARZANTNY, C., "Globalization at the Interface: Brexit, Trump, Le Pen, TPP, TTIP, and the Environment" in Academy of Management, 77th Annual Meeting, Atlanta, 6-9/8/2017, 2017, Atlanta
LIU, L. A., L. MA, C. H. CHUA, Z.-X. ZHANG, C. BARZANTNY, "The Dynamic Alignment of Multicultural Experiences and Identities in Intracultural and Intercultural Negotiations" in IACMR Hangzhou Conference, 15-19/06/2016, 2016, Hangzhou, China (PRC)
BARZANTNY, C., B. BEELER, "Women academics in France today - Riding the waves of change" in HR-OB Seminar, March, 2016, Londres, Great Britain
BARZANTNY, C., M. LARQUEY, "International mergers and acquisitions: challenges to global talent management" in 3rd Workshop on Talent Management EIASM, October, 2014, Berlin, Germany
ANNE LIU, L., L. MA, C. HWEE CHUA, Z.-X. ZHANG, C. BARZANTNY, "The confluence of cultural richness and global identity in intracultural and intercultural negotiations" in Academy of Management annual meeting, Lake Buena Vista, FL, 9-13/08/2013, 2013, Orlando, United States of America
NAUDE, M., C. BARZANTNY, "Corporate social responsibility and sustainable development in human resource management policies : practical implementation for managers" in EIASM 26th workshop on strategic human resource management, 2011, Reykjavik, Iceland
NAUDE, M., C. BARZANTNY, "Human resource management for corporate social responsibility and sustainable development : practical policies' implications for managers" in British academy of management, 2011, Birmingham, Great Britain
AGUIRRE NIETO, M., E. AKINNUKAWE, C. BARZANTNY, J. BRISCOE, C. BULLARA, "Understanding trust in manager-subordinate relationships: a multi-country, multi-cultural study (the moderating role of collectivism)" in 5th EIASM, 2010, Madrid, Spain
J.DOWLING, P., A. D. ENGLE, M. FESTING, C. BARZANTNY, "Proposing Processes of Global Performance Management : An analysis of the literature" in IFSAM World Conference, 2010, Paris, France
BARZANTNY, C., M. FESTING, P. J.DOWLING, A. D. ENGLE, "Addressing the lack of empirical data on global performance management: Developing a research strategy and assesing initial empirical evidence." in 10th conference on international human resource management, 2009, Santa FE, United States of America
BARZANTNY, C., L. ZANDER, A. I. MOCKAITIS, A.-W. HARZING, "Don't just say what you mean - contextualize it: A leadership study across 17 countries. Paper selected for the IM Division to compete for the International Carolyn Dexter Award 2009. Finalist paper for IMD best paper in OB/HRM/OT Award 2009" in Academy of management, annual meeting, 2009, Chicago, United States of America
MOCKAITIS, A. I., L. ZANDER, A.-W. HARZING, C. BARZANTNY, A. DAVILA, "Explaining cross-national differences in leadership behavior with cultural syndromes: a 22-country study" in 49th annual meeting of the AIB (Academy of international business), 2008, Milano, Italy
REICHE, S., M. AGUIRRE NIETO, E. AKINNUKAWE, C. BARZANTNY, J. BRISCOE, "The emics and etics of trust building in manager subordinate relationships: A cross-cultural journey" in 68th annual meeting of the AOM (Academy of management), 2008, Anaheim, United States of America
HARZING, A.-W., J. BALDUEZA, W. BARNER RASMUSSEN, C. BARZANTNY, A. BERTHELOT, "Ranking and rating in native-language versus English-language questionnaires: a methodological comparison" in EIBA annual conference, 2007, Catania, Italy
HARZING, A.-W., J. BALDUEZA, W. BARNER RASMUSSEN, C. BARZANTNY, A. BERTHELOT, "Ranking versus rating: what is the best way to reduce response and language bias in cross-national research?" in ANZIBA annual conference, 2007, Newcastle, Australia
BARZANTNY, C., M. L. GALES, J. LI, "A Cross-Cultural Test of Colquitt's Four-Factor Justice Model : Comparing the United States, Taiwan and the People's Republic of China" in 66th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2006, Atlanta, United States of America
BARZANTNY, C., "Globalizing Europe through Human Resource Management : The Case of Expatriation" in Annual EURAM conference, 2005, Munich, Germany
BARZANTNY, C., "The Damocles of Mobility : A Case Study on Cross-Cultural Human Resource Development" in 3rd Workshop on International Strategy and Cross Cultural Management, 2005, Vienne, Austria
STRINGFELLOW, E., C. BARZANTNY, "Est-ce que la Gestion de la Diversité contribue à l'égalité des chances ? Comparaison Européenne et Revue de la Littérature" in 1ère Rencontres Internationales sur la diversité, 2005, Corte, France
BARZANTNY, C., "Identitat im internationalen Kontext : where do you come from ?" in Beitrag zur interdisziplinaren Konferenz, Universität des Saarlandes, 2004, SAARBRUCKEN, Germany
HARZING, A.-W., C. BARZANTNY, "The use of English questionnaires in cross-national research: Does cultural accommodation obscure national differences?" in ANZIBA annual meeting, 2003, Dunedin, New Zealand
MEHADJI, Z., C. BARZANTNY, "The yield of migration : Ethnic air transport as an overlooked customer segment" in ATRS annual Conference, 2003, Toulouse, France
BARZANTNY, C., A.-W. HARZING, F. B. CASTRO, A. FEELY, I. FISCHLMAYR, "The Role of Language in Cross-National Mail Survey Research : A Test of the Cultural Accommodation Hypothesis in Fourteen Countries" in 62nd Annual meeting of the Academy of Management, 2002, Denver, United States of America
BARZANTNY, C., A.-W. HARZING, F. B. CASTRO, A. FEELY, I. FISCHLMAYR, "Does language influence response styles ? A test of the cultural accommodation hypothesis in fourteen countries" in XVI Congress of the International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 2002, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
BARZANTNY, C., M. L. GALES, "The cultural boundedness of organizational behavior constructs : the case of procedural and distributive justice / Le lien culturel des construits du comportement organisationnel: le cas de la justice procédural et distributive" in 11ème Congrès AGRH, 2000, Paris, France
BARZANTNY, C., "FENIX : European Management revisited" in EIASM Workshop on the Teaching of Comparative European Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations, 1995, Bruxelles, Belgium
BARZANTNY, C., "Decision Making in the European Company : A Six-Country Comparative and Synergetic Study" in Les Cahiers du Jeune Chercheur, 1995, Toulouse, France
BARZANTNY, C., "Decision Making in the European Company : A Six-Country Comparative and Synergetic Study" in EIASM Workshop on Cross-Cultural perspectives : Comparative Management and Organization, 1994, Great Britain
BARZANTNY, C., "La fonction Gestion des Ressources Humaines face à l'Europe : Le cas de l'expatriation" in 5 ème Congrès AGRH, 1994, Montpellier, France
BARZANTNY, C., "La composante nationale dans la GRH : Exemple du management franco-allemand" in 2ème Congrès AGRH, 1992, Lille, France
ANDRESEN, M., S. ANGER, A. AL ARISS, C. BARZANTNY, H. BRÜCKER, M. DICKMANN, L. MÄKELÄ, S. L. MUHR, T. SAALFELD, V. SUUTARI, M. ZØLNER , Wanderlust to wonderland? : Exploring key issues in expatriate careers: Individual, organizational, and societal insights, Magdeburg: University of Bamberg Press, 2022
BARZANTNY, C., M. FESTING, "La gestion de la performance en France et en Allemagne" in Performance Management Systems, 2e éd.,., Varma, A., Budhwar, P. S. & DeNisi, A. S. Eds, Routledge, chap. 10, pp. 190-221, 2023
TSANG, D., Y. ZHANG, C. BARZANTNY, E. S. NG, "How old is old? Age diversity and longevity advantages: An integrated perspective for the Aerospace industry" in Rowman & Littlefield Handbook on Workplace Diversity and Stratification., Tsedale, Melaku, Beeman, Angie & Winkler, Christoph Eds, Rowman & Littlefield, pp. 201-224, 2023
ADLER (USA), N. J., S. A. SACKMANN (SWITZERLAND), S. ARIELI (ISRAEL), M. (. AKTER (BANGLADESH), C. BARMEYER (GERMANY), C. BARZANTNY, D. V. CAPRAR (AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND), Y.-T. LEE (TAIWAN), L. A. LIU (CHINA), G. MAGNANI (ITALY), J. MARCUS (TURKEY), C. MISKA, F. MOORE, S. H. PARK, B. S. REICHE, A.-M. SODERBERG, J. SOLOMONS, Z.-X. ZHANG, "The Grand Challenge None of Us Chose: Succeeding (and Failing) Against the Global Pandemic" in Advances in Global Leadership., Joyce S. Osland, B. Sebastian Reiche, Betina Szkudlarek, Mark E. Mendenhall Eds, Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 3-85, 2022
BARZANTNY, C., M. DICKMANN, D. ENSER, "“The global mobility “international employer” audit: Charting the territory”," in Wanderlust to wonderland? Exploring key issues in expatriate careers: Individual, organizational, and societal insights., Ed., Magdeburg: University of Bamberg Press, pp. 225-237, 2022
BARZANTNY, C., "“Global career perspectives and employability of internationally mobile employees and researchers in times of sanitary crises (Post-Covid-19 reflections)”" in Wanderlust to wonderland? Exploring key issues in expatriate careers: Individual, organizational, and societal insights., Ed., Magdeburg: University of Bamberg Press, pp. 269-280, 2022
BARZANTNY, C., R. CLAPP-SMITH, "The Benefits and Challenges of Incorporating Global Mindset into Global Talent Management Strategies" in The Routledge Companion to Talent Management., Ibraiz Tarique Ed., Routledge, chap. 27, pp. 345-358, 2021
BARZANTNY, C., L. ZANDER, A. I. MOCKAITIS, A. WIL HARZING, W. BARNER-RASMUSSEN, A. ET, "Action Intent: Getting closer to leadership behavior in 22 countries" in Research Handbook of Global Leadership Making a Difference., Lena Zander Ed., Edward Elgar Publishing, vol. PART I: Global Leaders and Teams: Making a difference, chap. 3, 2020
BARZANTNY, C., "Human Resources Management and European Business" in The Routledge Companion to European Business., Gabriele Suder, Monica Riviere, Johan Lindeque Eds, Routledge, chap. Part E, pp. 190-199, 2018
BARZANTNY, C., "Cauliflower Soufflé" in The Globalization of Food Culture : The AIB Cooking Book., Klaus Meyer, Tunga Kiyak, Mary Ann von Glinow and Tomas Hult Eds, AIB, pp. 59-60, 2011
BARZANTNY, C., M. FESTING, "Performance Management in France and Germany" in Performance Management Systems - A Global Perspective., vol. chapitre 10, pp. 147-167, 2008
BARZANTNY, C., T. BIRO, S. KADUK, "Mobilitätsverhalten von Fach-und Führungskräften : Mythos und Realität" in Mensch und Ökonomie - Innovationspotenziale eines Wertespagates, Festschrift für., Dr Sonja Sackmann Ed., pp. 147-163, 2008
BARZANTNY, C., "Ansätze des internationalen Teambuildings" in Internationales Personalmanagement, neue Aufgaben, neue Lösungen., Günter K Stahl, Wolfgang Mayrhofer, Torsten M. Kühlmann Eds, pp. 145-174, 2005
BARZANTNY, C., "Identitat im internationalen Kontext : Where do you come from ?" in Identitatsbildung : Implikationen für globale Unternehmen und Regionen., Christian Scholz Ed., Rainer Hampp Verlag, chap. 16, pp. 185-190, 2005
BARZANTNY, C., A.-W. HARZING, "Does language influence response styles? A test of the cultural accomodation hypothesis in fourteen countries" in Ongoing themes in psychology and culture., chap. Chapître 16, 2004
BARZANTNY, C., "Case Study "Fenix : European management revisited" & Teaching note" in International Management : Theories and Practices., Monir Tayeb (ed), 2002
ANDRESEN, M., V. SUUTARI, S. L. MUHR, C. BARZANTNY, M. DICKMANN, "Guest editorial: Careers of self-initiated expatriates: exploring the impact of context", Career Development International, 2023, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 333-347 [fnege: 4, abs: 2]
BARZANTNY, C. - "Global leadership: Research, practice, and development, Routledge: London; New York, 2008" - 2011, Sage
BARZANTNY, C. - "La culture d’entreprise dans le Cyberspace – le sens du travail retrouvé" - 2021, Question(s) de Management ?
BARZANTNY, C. - "L’engagement des salariés varie selon les pays et les cultures" - 2016, TBSearch
BARZANTNY, C. - "L’engagement des salariés varie selon les pays et les cultures" - 2016, Harvard Business Review France
BARZANTNY, C. - "L'aéronautique, filière porteuse d'emplois" - 2014, Le petit
BARZANTNY, C. - "Les compétences au profit d'un management stratégique" - 2014, PME Val Informatique
BARZANTNY, C. - "How to define a good business developer; required skills and profiles?" - 2014, Site Oncopole Sanofi
BARZANTNY, C. - "Vivre comme Dieu en France" regard sur les relations interculturelles franco-allemandes" - 2013, AGORA
BARZANTNY, C., B. CANBOY, C. TILLOU, F. LE DEIST, "Rapport d'activité : Research collaboration Better Human Cie", 2019
BARZANTNY, C., B. CANBOY, C. TILLOU, F. LE DEIST, "Rapport d'activité : Research collaboration Better Human Cie", 2018
BARZANTNY, C., B. CANBOY, C. TILLOU, F. LE DEIST, "Rapport d'activité : Research collaboration Better Human Cie", 2017
BARZANTNY, C. - "DETEC-FENIX: La gestion muticulturelle européenne revisitée" - 2003, Centrale des Cas et des Médias Pédagogiques (CCMP), Paris, France
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