Department: Human Resources Management & Business Law
Associate Professor
WINTERTON, J., F. LE DEIST, E. STRINGFELLOW - "Typology of knowledge, skills and competences : Clarification of the concept and prototype." - 2006, OOPEC (Office for Official Publications of the European Communities), Luxembourg, Luxembourg
VIND, A., F. LE DEIST, W. HEIDEMANN, J. WINTERTON - "European Trade Union Policies on Lifelong Learning" - 2004, Landsorganisationen i Danmark, Copenhagen, Denmark
LE DEIST, F., M. LATOUILLE, "Acceptability Conditions for Telemonitoring Gerontechnology in the Elderly: Optimising the Development and Use of This New Technology", IRBM, 2016, vol. 37, no. 5-6, pp. 284-288
LE DEIST, F., V. TUTLYS, "Limits to mobility: competence and qualifications in Europe", European Journal of Training and Development, March 2012, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 262-285
LE DEIST, F., "Compétence: conceptual approach and practice in France", Journal of European Industrial Training, November 2009, vol. 33, no. 8/9, pp. 718-735 [abs: 1]
LE DEIST, F., J. WINTERTON, "What is competence ?", Human Resource Development International, March 2005, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 27-46
LE DEIST, F., N. ALRABIE, "Resilience of a public hospital in a crisis context: case study of Hospital and University Center (CHU) of Toulouse and over-irradiation of Patients by the Neuro Radio Surgery Department" in Colloque LAEMOS, Buenos Aires, 21-24/03/2018, 2018
DE FABRÈGUES, M., F. LE DEIST, C. VOYNNET FOURBOUL, "Les chemins de Saint-Jacques de Compostelle : quel retentissement managérial ?" in AGRH XXVIII ÈME CONGRÈS AGRH - DU 11 AU 13 OCTOBRE 2017 - AIX-EN-PROVENCE, Association de Gestion des Ressources Humaines (AGRH), 2017
LE DEIST, F., "Public regulation in care facilities for dependent elderly people in France What multilevel governance in these institutions today? For what managerial consequences ?", April, 2016, Vina del Mar, Brazil
ALRABIE, N., F. LE DEIST, "Acteur ou prestataire de service? Quel rôle pour les EHPAD? Eu" in 6ème Colloque Santé 2015, April, 2015, Marseille, France
LE DEIST, F., "Acteur ou prestataire de service? Quelle place pour les acteurs médicosociaux depuis la création des ARS? Une étude exploratoire des dimensions d'une gouvernance multi-niveaux" in Réunion projet de recherche LLAKES, January, 2015, Londres, Great Britain
LE DEIST, F., "Who are vulnerable workers in France and what do they need?" in ILERA Conference, 2013, Amsterdam, Netherlands (The)
LE DEIST, F., J. GRANDHOMME, "Supporting the professionnel insertion of vulnerable workers: a european perspective" in AIRAANZ Conference, 2013, Perth, Australia
LE DEIST, F., "Impact of organisational change on employee well-being" in IFSAM, 2012, Limerick, Ireland
GRANDHOMME, J., F. LE DEIST, "Supporting the professional insertion of vulnerable workers: a european perspective" in Conference "Vulnerable Workers and Precarious Work in a Changing World", 2012, Londres, Great Britain
GRANDHOMME, J., F. LE DEIST, J. WINTERTON, "Trade union actions to support the needs of older and vulnerable employees" in Equality Diversity Inclusion Conference, 2012, Toulouse, France
LE DEIST, F., "Implications of Telehealth as a lean management tool" in 26th AIRAANZ Conference, 2012, Gold Coast, Australia
LE DEIST, F., J. WINTERTON, "Worker well-being and restructuring" in 26th AIRAANZ Conference, 2012, Gold Coast, Australia
LE DEIST, F., "Table ronde : l'hôpital, vecteur de croissance économique ? - Modérateur" in 6ème congrès inter-régional de la fédération hospitalière de France, 2012
LE DEIST, F., L. MEZHLUMYAN, "Etude comparative sur l'utilisation d'internet comme source d'information santé : cas de la France" in Colloque Euromed, 2011, Marseille, France
LE DEIST, F., "Some implications of e-health for lean management" in Lean in health workshop, 2011, Florence, Italy
LE DEIST, F., "Expérimentation de la télémedecine dans le cadre de l'amélioration des procédures diagnostiques de l'autisme" in Euromed Marseille, 2011, Marseille, France
LE DEIST, F., L. MEZHLUMYAN, "Etude comparative sur l'utilisation d'internet comme source d'information santé : cas de la France" in Projet Barda, 2011
LE DEIST, F., V. TUTLYS, "Limits to mobility: competence and qualifications in Europe", UFHRD Conference, 2010, Pécs, Hungary
LE DEIST, F., J. WINTERTON, "European varieties of competence" in JVET Eighth International Conference : Researching Vocational Education and Training, July, 2009, Oxford, Great Britain
LE DEIST, F., J. WINTERTON, "Embedding the EQF in national training regimes : the importance of context" in Development of Competencies in the World of Work and Education Conference, 2009, Ljubljana, Slovenia
LE DEIST, F., "Competence: concepts and practices in France" in 9th international conference on human resource development research and practice across Europe, 2008, Lille, France
WINTERTON, J., F. LE DEIST, "Industrial relations and training in France" in AIRAANZ conference, 2008, Melbourne, Australia
LE DEIST, F., "Trade unions and competence development: how much chocolate is in the mousse?" in 9th international conference on human resource development research and practice across Europe, 2008, Lille, France
LE DEIST, F., "Trade unions and vocational training in France" in International Conference on Training, Employability and Employment, 2005, Prato, Italy
LE DEIST, F., S. SALANOVE, "Changements organisationnels, mobilité et motivation des individus : Cas d'un Centre Hospitalier Universitaire" in Conférence AGRH Management de la Santé et de la sécurité au travail, 2005, Annecy, France
LE DEIST, F., J. WINTERTON, "What is competence and does it matter ?" in Fifth Conference on HRD Research and Practice : International Comparative and Cross Cultural Dimensions of HRD, 2004, Limerick, Ireland
LE DEIST, F., J. WINTERTON, "Proposals for a typology of knowledge, skills and competence for ECVET" in European Symposium, September, 2004, Strasbourg, Gabon
LE DEIST, F., J. WINTERTON, "Developing a prototype typology of knowledge, skills and competence" in European Symposium, 2004, Strasbourg, France
LE DEIST, F., J. WINTERTON, "What is competence and does it matter?" in Fifth Conference on HRD Research and Practice: International Comparative and Cross Cultural Dimensions of HRD, 2003, Limerick, Ireland
LE DEIST, F., A. KLARSFELD, C. LAFOUCRIERE, J. WINTERTON, "Management development, organisational strategy and performance: counter evidence from France" in Symposium on Management Development in Europe at International HRM Conference, 2003, Limerick, Ireland
LE DEIST, F., A. KLARSFELD, C. LAFOUCRIERE, J. WINTERTON, "Management development and organisational strategy: the missing link?" in Symposium on Developing Europe’s Managers at Fourth Conference on HRD Research and Practice: Lifelong Learning for a Knowledge-Based Society, 2003, Toulouse, France
LE DEIST, F., Restructurations et santé au travail : regards pluridisciplinaires, Octares Editions, 2013
LE DEIST, F., C. STRAZZER, "Quelle place pour la parole dans le processus de retour à l’emploi de salariés après une longue maladie ?" in LES NON-DITS DE LA MALADIE ET DE LA SOUFFRANCE., Ed., PUICT, chap. 3 : le travail source de souffrances ?, pp. 181-198, 2021
LE DEIST, F., "The Competence Development Agenda in France" in Competence-based Vocational and Professional Education., Martin Mulder Ed., Springer International Publishing, pp. 361-380, 2017
LE DEIST, F., I. GAILLARD, "Santé, santé au travail et restructurations" in Restructurations et santé au travail : regards pluridisciplinaires., Françoise LE DEIST Ed., pp. 47-64, 2013
LE DEIST, F., "Introduction" in Restructurations et santé au travail : regards pluridisciplinaires., Françoise LE DEIST Ed., pp. 1-18, 2013
LE DEIST, F., J. WINTERTON, "Les restructurations et leurs effets sur le travail et les travailleurs" in Restructurations et santé au travail : regards pluridisciplinaires., Françoise LE DEIST Ed., pp. 65-78, 2013
LE DEIST, F., J. WINTERTON, "Trade unions and workplace training in France - Social partners and VET" in Trade unions and workplace training., Richard Cooney and Mark Stuart Ed., Routledge, pp. 77-100, 2012
DUTECH, A., F. LE DEIST, A. KLARSFELD, J. WINTERTON, "Management training and development in France : Will elitism give way to strategic development ?" in Management Development : Perspectives from Research and Practice., J. Stewart and R. Hill Ed., pp. 79-94, 2007
LE DEIST, F., S. SALANOVE, "Changements organisationnels, mobilité et motivation des individus : cas d'un Centre Hospitalier Universitaire." in Management de la santé et de la sécurité au travail : un champ de recherche à défricher., E. Abord de Chatillon, O. Balechard, Y Barel Eds, pp. 439-456, 2005
OLOGEANU-TADDEI, R., F. LE DEIST - "Evaluer l’espace numérique de santé pour mieux comprendre les facteurs d’acceptabilité et d’appropriation de ce nouvel outil au service des citoyens et des professionnels de santé" - 2021, SIH Solutions
LE DEIST, F., A. DUTECH, A. KLARSFELD, C. LAFOUCRIERE, J. WINTERTON - "Management Training and Development in France" - 2003, Programme Leonardo da Vinci
LE DEIST, F., M. LATOUILLE, "Les conditions d'acceptabilité des gérontechnologies de télémonitoring pour les personnes âgées" Colloque JETSAN. June 2014, Troyes, France
LE DEIST, F., "La santé au travail mise à l'épreuve dans le contexte des restructurations" AFNOR. February 2014, Toulouse, France
LE DEIST, F., "Les gérontechnologies de télémonitoring : les personnes âgées sont-elles prêtes?" Télésanté - e-santé, une révolution en marche sur tous les continents. March 2014, Castres, France
LE DEIST, F., "De l'émergence du concept de spiritualité en management" Journée d'étude "La Dimension spirituelle dans le soin ; pluralité de regards et de pratiques", ICT & TBS. 2014
BARZANTNY, C., B. CANBOY, C. TILLOU, F. LE DEIST, "Rapport d'activité : Research collaboration Better Human Cie", 2019
BARZANTNY, C., B. CANBOY, C. TILLOU, F. LE DEIST, "Rapport d'activité : Research collaboration Better Human Cie", 2018
BARZANTNY, C., B. CANBOY, C. TILLOU, F. LE DEIST, "Rapport d'activité : Research collaboration Better Human Cie", 2017
GRANDHOMME, J., F. LE DEIST, J. WINTERTON, "SNOVE: Supporting the Needs of Older and Vulnerable Employees; Rapport Leonardo Da Vinci European Commission", 2013
DELANOË-GUEGUEN, S., C. LEYRONAS, F. LE DEIST, H. DOHLEN OPSAHL - "Private retirement homes: issues and perspectives" - 2014, Centrale des Cas et des Médias Pédagogiques (CCMP)
DELANOË-GUEGUEN, S., C. LEYRONAS, F. LE DEIST, H. DOHLEN OPSAHL - "Les maisons de retraite privées: enjeux et perspectives" - 2014, Centrale des Cas et des Médias Pédagogiques (CCMP)
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