
  • 2006 : Qualification to Supervise Research - Université Lille 1 - Sciences et Technologies - Villeneuve-d'Ascq -
  • 2000 : PhD in Management - IAE - Aix en Provence - Aix-Marseille Université - Aix en Provence
  • 1995 : Master of Research in Human Resources Development - IPST-CNAM - IPST-CNAM - Toulouse
  • 1992 : Degree of Adults Trainer - Université Paris-Dauphine - Paris
  • 1985 : Master of Management - HEC Paris - Paris

Teaching Experience

  • Since 2002 : Professor of Human Resources Management - Toulouse Business School - Toulouse
  • From 1999 to 2001 : Lecturer in Human Resource Management - Université Paris-Dauphine - Paris
  • From 1995 to 1999 : Teaching and Research Assistant - ESSEC - Cergy

Management Duties

  • 2021 : Head of Laboratory Work, employment and Health Toulouse Business School Toulouse
  • 2020 - 2021 : Head of departement, Human Resources Management & Business Law - Toulouse Business School Toulouse
  • 2012 - 2016 : Head of Department Human Resources & Corporate Social Responsibility - Toulouse Business School Toulouse
  • 2003 - 2015 : Director of Program Specialized Masters in Human Ressources Management - Toulouse Business School Toulouse
    • KLARSFELD, A. - "Habilitation à diriger des recherches : "La gestion des compétences entre contingence, approche institutionnelle et rationalité limitée"" - 2006

    • KLARSFELD, A. - "Thèse : "Décrire et comprendre une instrumentation de rémunération des compétences : une approche en termes de nationalité limitée"" - 2000

    • KLARSFELD, A., K. CARILLO, G. CACHAT‐ROSSET, T. SABA, J. MARSAN, "Does the welfare regime impact the telework gender stress gap?", New Technology, Work and Employment, 2024, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 168-195 [fnege: 3, abs: 3]

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    • CACHAT-ROSSET, G., A. KLARSFELD, "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Artificial Intelligence: An Evaluation of Guidelines", Applied Artificial Intelligence, 2023, vol. 37, no. 1

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    • CACHAT‐ROSSET, G., A. KLARSFELD, K. CARILLO, "Exploring the impact of diversity climate on individual work role performance: A novel approach", European Management Review, 2022, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 248-262 [cnrs: 3, fnege: 2, abs: 3]

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    • KLARSFELD, A., N. GALY, "L’écart de rémunération entre femmes et hommes : un éclairage à partir d’une analyse des stages de fin d’études en management", @grh, 2022, vol. N° 43, no. 2, pp. 143-169 [fnege: 3]

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    • KLARSFELD, A., "Le potentiel régulatoire de la RSE : un regard rétrospectif sur des pratiques ‘ pré RSE ‘", Management et Sciences Sociales, 2022, vol. 33, pp. 5-16 [fnege: 4]

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    • CARILLO, K., G. CACHAT-ROSSET, J. MARSAN, T. SABA, A. KLARSFELD, "Adjusting to epidemic-induced telework: empirical insights from teleworkers in France", European Journal of Information Systems, 2021, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 69-88 [cnrs: 1, fnege: 1, abs: 3]

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    • CACHAT-ROSSET, G., A. KLARSFELD, K. CARILLO, "Analyse multi-niveau de l’effet du climat diversité sur l’identification organisationnelle – Importance de la perception d’« insider »", Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, 2021, vol. N° 121, no. 3, pp. 3-19 [cnrs: 2, fnege: 2]

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    • D'ARMAGNAC, S., F. GUETTICHE, A. JANAND, A. KLARSFELD, H. CLOET, "French Insights on Defining and Managing Talents", European Management Review, 2020, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 449-466 [cnrs: 3, fnege: 2, abs: 3]

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    • CARILLO, K., A. KLARSFELD, G. CACHAT-ROSSET, "Reconstructing the Concept of Diversity Climate – A Critical Review of Its Definition, Dimensions, and Operationalization", European Management Review, 2019, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 863-885 [cnrs: 3, fnege: 2, abs: 3]

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    • KLARSFELD, A., L. KNAPPERT, A. KORNAU, F. W. NGUNJIRI, B. SIEBEN, "Diversity in under-researched countries: new empirical fields challenging old theories?", Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 2019, vol. 38, no. 7, pp. 694-704 [abs: 1]

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    • KLARSFELD, A., E. S. NG, L. BOOYSEN, L. CASTRO CHRISTIANSEN, B. KUVAAS, "Comparative equality and diversity: main findings and research gaps", Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, August 2016, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 394-412 [cnrs: 4, fnege: 4, abs: 1]

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    • KLARSFELD, A., "Managing Religious Diversity in the Workplace: Examples From Around The World", Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, March 2016, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 169-172 [abs: 1]

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    • D'ARMAGNAC, S., A. KLARSFELD, C. MARTIGNON, "La gestion des talents : définitions, modèles, pratiques d’entreprises", @grh, 2016, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 9-41 [fnege: 3]

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    • KLARSFELD, A., "Doing "male" diversity research in France: a self-reflective account", Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, June 2014, vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 462-469

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    • HYMAN, R., A. KLARSFELD, E. NG, R. HAQ, "Introduction: Social regulation of diversity and equality", European Journal of Industrial Relations, December 2012, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 279-292 [cnrs: 3, fnege: 3]

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    • KLARSFELD, A., E. NG, A. TATLI, "Social regulation and diversity management: A comparative study of France, Canada and the UK", European Journal of Industrial Relations, December 2012, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 309-327 [cnrs: 3, fnege: 3]

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    • KLARSFELD, A., O. MUSSEAU, F. VAN DEN BOOM, "La gestion prévisionnelle des effectifs au CEA : un processus évolutif de construction de sens", Gestion 2000, March 2009, no. bimestriel 2, pp. 19-40 [cnrs: 4]

    • KLARSFELD, A., A.-F. BENDER, "Gender and diversity in organizations: international perspectives", Equal Opportunities International, November 2009, vol. 28, no. 7, pp. 623-629 [abs: 0]

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    • KLARSFELD, A., "The diffusion of diversity management : the case of France", Scandinavian Journal of Management, December 2009, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 363-373 [abs: 2]

    • KLARSFELD, A., C. DELPUECH, "La RSE au-delà de l'opposition entre volontarisme et contrainte : l'apport de la théorie de la régulation sociale et de la théorie néo-institutionnelle", Revue de l'Organisation Responsable, May 2008, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 53-64

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    • KLARSFELD, A., C. DELPUECH, "La responsabilité sociale des entreprises, une préoccupation pour les DRH de demain", Ressources humaines et management, October 2007

    • KLARSFELD, A., "Lutter contre les discriminations et développer la diversité. Regards croisés de DRH, de consultants en recrutement et d'avocats en Midi-Pyrénées", Personnel - Andrh, September 2006, pp. 21-22

    • SAINT-ONGE, S., V. Y. HAINES III, A. KLARSFELD, "La rémunération basée sur les compétences : déterminants et incidences", Relations Industrielles / Industrial Relations, December 2004, vol. 59, no. 4

    • KLARSFELD, A., C. MABEY, "Management Development in Europe", European Management Journal, December 2004, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 649-658

    • KLARSFELD, A., "Compétences et innovation", Ressources humaines et management, October 2004

    • KLARSFELD, A., D. BALKIN, A. ROGER, "Pay policy variability within a French firm : the case of skill-based pay in a process technology context", Journal of High Technology Management Research, April 2003, vol. 14, pp. 47-70

    • JENKINS, A., A. KLARSFELD, "Understanding 'Individualization' in HRM : the case of 'skill-based pay' in France", International Journal of Human Resource Management, February 2002, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 198-211

    • KLARSFELD, A., "Peut-on rémunérer explicitement les compétences ?", Comportamento Organizacional e Gestao, November 2001, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 319-334

    • KLARSFELD, A., "La compétence : ses définitions, ses enjeux", Gestion 2000, March 2000

    • KLARSFELD, A., "Construire l'apprentissage en situation", Ouvertures, 1999, vol. n° 1

    • KLARSFELD, A., "Les définitions de la compétence et leurs ancrages respectifs", Personnel - Andrh, February 1999

    • KLARSFELD, A., "Rémunérer les compétences : bilan d'une expérience", Personnel - Andrh, December 1997

    • KLARSFELD, A., A. PERRIER, "Proud of being in the Police: How Perceived Organizational Reputation leads to Public Sector Engagement?" in PMRC (Public Management Research Conference) 2024 Seattle, USA 26-29/06/2024, 2024

    • KLARSFELD, A., A. PERRIER, "Proud of being in the Police: How Perceived Organizational Reputation leads to Public Sector Engagement?" in PMRC (Public Management Research Conference), 26-29/06/2024, Seattle, USA, 2024

    • LEGACY, B., E. NG, A. KLARSFELD, "Including ‘privileged’ men: Towards an expanded and contextualized agenda for diversity management research" in EURAM, 2023, Dublin, Ireland

    • KLARSFELD, A., "Le potentiel régulatoire de la RSE : l'histoire longue de deux pratiques de rémunération en France" in 18ème Congrès ADERSE : IAE Paris-Sorbonne, 31 mars et 1er avril, 2022

    • CARILLO, K., A. KLARSFELD, G. CACHAT-ROSSET, J. MARSAN, T. SABA, "Teleworking is the New Normal: A Coping Perspective to Post-Crisis Adjustment to Telework" in 11th International Workshop on the Changing Nature of Work, 2022, Copenhague, Denmark

    • CACHAT-ROSSET, G., C. TILLOU, A. KLARSFELD, K. CARILLO, T. SABA, J. MARSAN, "Engagement en contexte de télétravail : quels sont les facteurs-clés ?" in AGRH, 2022, Brest, France

    • KLARSFELD, A., K. CARILLO, G. CACHAT-ROSSET, "Measuring Diversity Climate: Distinguishing Perceptions of Intentions, Programs and Practice" in 79ème Conférence AOM, 05-08 juin, 2019, Boston

    • KLARSFELD, A., "Including the ‘privileged’: towards an intersectional and contextualized agenda for gender diversity" in 79ème Conférence AOM, 05-08 juin, 2019, Boston

    • KLARSFELD, A., N. GALY, "L'écart de rémunération entre femmes et hommes : un éclairage à partir d'une analyse des stages de fin d'études en management" in Conférence AGRH, 15-17 novembre, 2019, Bordeaux

    • KLARSFELD, A., B. SIEBEN, R. HAQ, L. KNAPPERT, A. KORNAU, E. NG, F. NGUNJIRI, "Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Under-Researched Countries: A Research Agenda" in Conférence AOM, Chicago, 10-14/08/2018, 2018

    • NG, E. S., A. KLARSFELD, C. STAMPER, "What's in an Index: Opening Pandora's Box on Equality & Diversity indices" in Conférence AOM, Chicago, USA, 10-14/08/18, 2018, Conférence AOM, Chicago

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    • KLARSFELD, A., E. NG, L. BOOYSEN, L. CASTRO CHRISTIANSEN, B. KUVAAS, "International and Comparative Perspectives on Diversity Management: an overview" in Conférence AOM, August, 2016, Anaheim (Californie), United States of America

    • KLARSFELD, A., B. SIEBEN, "Diversity and inclusion through HRM - Country perspectives" in Conférence AOM, August, 2016, Anaheim (Californie), United States of America

    • KLARSFELD, A., "The untold, the unseen and the forgettable: Jewishness, Jews and Judaism in EDI scholarship" in Conférence EURAM, May, 2016, Paris, France

    • KLARSFELD, A., "Religious diversity in the workplace: conflict, harmony and performance" in 2015 Academy of Management Conference, August, 2015, Vancouver, Canada

    • KLARSFELD, A., J. SYED, "Stream Proposal: Dealing with diverse religious identities in the global workplace" in 8th Equality, Diversity and Inclusion International (EDI) conference, July, 2015, Tel-Aviv, Israel

    • KLARSFELD, A., L. BOOYSEN, E. NG, I. ROPER, A. TATLI, "Equality and Diversity in 14 countries: a transverse analysis" in EDI, 2014, Munich, Germany

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    • KLARSFELD, A., "Compétence et diversité : quels parallèles ? Quelles interconnexions ?" in AGRH, 2014, Chester, Great Britain

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    • KLARSFELD, A., "Between regulation and voluntary action" in Foundation seminar series 2013 - Promoting diversity at the workplace: a strategy for inclusion and competitiveness, 2013, Vienne, Austria

    • KLARSFELD, A., N. GALY, "L'entrée dans la carrière à l'épreuve du genre: un éclairage à partir d'une analyse des stages de fin d'études en gestion" in Congrès AGRH, 2013, Paris, France

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    • KLARSFELD, A., N. GALY, "Differences between women and men before the start of their career: an analysis of business studies senior internships in France" in Equality Diversity Inclusion, 2013, Athènes, Greece

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    • KLARSFELD, A., "Meeting of international country and thematic perspectives book project" in Equality Diversity Inclusion Conference, 2012, Toulouse, France

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    • KLARSFELD, A., N. GALY, C. CHENERIE, "Differences between men and women at the start of their career: an analysis of internships in France" in Equality Diversity Inclusion Conference, 2012, Toulouse, France

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    • KLARSFELD, A., "Comparaison des politiques de diversité et d'égalité de traitement à travers le monde" in XXIIème congrès de l'AGRH, 2011, Marrakech, Morocco

    • KLARSFELD, A., G. M. COMBS, L. SUSAETA, M.-J. BELIZON, "Comparing diversity and equal treatment policies across countries" in AIRAANZ Conference, 2011, Auckland, New Zealand

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    • KLARSFELD, A., "CSR, agency, and the law beyond the edge of Anglo-Saxon academia : lessons from French industrial relations theory and history" in AIRAANZ Conference, 2011, Auckland, New Zealand

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    • KLARSFELD, A., "Compétence et diversité. Quels liens ?" in Congrès AGRH, 2010, St Malo, France

    • KLARSFELD, A., M. VAN ENGEN, A. CHIA, R. HAQ, E. NG, "Country perspectives on diversity and equal treatment policies and practices: lessons from 16 countries" in IFSAM, 2010, Paris, France

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    • KLARSFELD, A., "The regulation of diversity management : towards a typology (Atelier)" in Academy of Management, 2010, Montréal, Canada

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    • KLARSFELD, A., "Reframing corporate social responsibility: the implications of the neo-institutional and social regulation theories on the definition of CSR" in Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM), 2008, Anaheim - Californie, United States of America

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    • KLARSFELD, A., "Diversity and discrimination policies in France : the multi-level interplay between voluntary and coercive processes" in IIRA Europe Conference, 2007, Manchester, Great Britain

    • KLARSFELD, A., "La gestion de la diversité : pratique rationnelle ou mode managériale ?" in Congrès AGRH, 2007, Fribourg, Switzerland

    • KLARSFELD, A., C. DELPUECH, "L'apport de la théorie de la régulation sociale et de l'approche néo-institutionnelle à l'étude de la responsabilité sociale de l'entreprise" in Congrès AGRH, 2007, Fribourg, Germany

    • KLARSFELD, A., "Managing Diversity and Discrimination in France between economic rationality and neo-institutionalism" in Academy of Management Conference, 2007, Philadelphie, United States of America

    • KLARSFELD, A., "Diversity management in France : rational in discourses, institutional in practice ?" in 8ème Congrès de l'IFSAM, 2006, Berlin, Germany

    • KLARSFELD, A., "La gestion des compétences : le défi de sa mesure" in Nouveaux regards sur la gestion des compétences, pp. 229-251, 2006, Paris, France

    • KLARSFELD, A., "La gestion des compétences : le défi de sa mesure" in Congrès AGRH, 2005, Paris, France

    • KLARSFELD, A., "GRH et gérants de portefeuille : propositions pour une recherche interdisciplinaire." in Congrès AGRH, 2005, Paris, France

    • KLARSFELD, A., "L'Efficacité du développement managérial : son impact sur la performance organisationnelle en Europe" in La GRH Mesurée, 2004, Montréal, Canada

    • KLARSFELD, A., "GRH et gérants de portefeuille : propositions pour une recherche interdisciplinaire" in La GRH mesurée, 2004, Montréal, Canada

    • LE DEIST, F., A. KLARSFELD, C. LAFOUCRIERE, J. WINTERTON, "Management development, organisational strategy and performance: counter evidence from France" in Symposium on Management Development in Europe at International HRM Conference, 2003, Limerick, Ireland

    • LE DEIST, F., A. KLARSFELD, C. LAFOUCRIERE, J. WINTERTON, "Management development and organisational strategy: the missing link?" in Symposium on Developing Europe’s Managers at Fourth Conference on HRD Research and Practice: Lifelong Learning for a Knowledge-Based Society, 2003, Toulouse, France

    • KLARSFELD, A., "Peut-on rémunérer les compétences ?" in Atelier « Compétences », January, 2003, Grenoble, France

    • KLARSFELD, A., "Approche institutionnelle et rémunération des dirigeants : propositions de voies de recherche" in 14ème Congrès de l’AGRH, 2003, Grenoble, France

    • KLARSFELD, A., O. MUSSEAU, F. VAN DEN BOOM, "La gestion prévisionnelle des effectifs au CEA : un processus évolutif de construction de sens" in 14ème Congrès de l’AGRH, 14ème Congrès de l'AGRH, 2003, Grenoble, France

    • KLARSFELD, A., S. SAINT-ONGE, V. Y. HAINES III, "Rémunération basée sur les compétences : contingences et incidences" in Atelier « Rémunération des compétences », December, 2003, Toulouse, France

    • KLARSFELD, A., "La gestion des compétences au service de l’innovation : gérer par les contenus ou gérer par les processus" in 14ème Congrès de l’AGRH, 2003, Grenoble, France

    • KLARSFELD, A., F. LOZIER-LEROUX, "Stratégie et ressources humaines : quelles conceptions pour quelles articulations ?" in 13ème Congrès de l’AGRH, 2002, Nantes, France

    • KLARSFELD, A., S. SAINT-ONGE, V. Y. HAINES III, "Les régimes de rémunération basée sur les compétences : quelle contingence par rapport à la stratégie ? Quels effets ?" in Congrès de l’AGRH, 2002, Nantes, France

    • KLARSFELD, A., O. ROQUES, "De la stratégie à l’instrumentation de gestion des compétences : entre rationalité contingente, rationalité limitée, et rationalité institutionnelle" in Congrès de l’AGRH, 2002, Nantes, France

    • KLARSFELD, A., S. M. NKOMO, L. TAKSA, A.-F. BENDER, G. CACHAT-ROSSET, Encyclopedia of Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024

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    • DIARD, C., F. EL ARJI , Télétravail et Hybridation du travail : une expérience collaborateur réinventée ?, Cercle k2, Paris, 2023

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    • KLARSFELD, A., L. KNAPPERT, A. KORNAU, E. NG, F. W. NGUNJIRI, Research Handbook on New Frontiers of Equality and Diversity at Work, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022

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    • NG, E., C. STAMPER, A. KLARSFELD, Y. HAN, Handbook on Diversity and Inclusion Indices, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021

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    • SYED, J., A. KLARSFELD, F. WAMBURA NGUNJIRI, C. E. J. HÄRTEL, Religious Diversity in the Workplace, Cambridge University Press, 2018

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    • BENDER, A.-F., A. KLARSFELD, C. NASCHBERGER, Management de la Diversité des Ressources Humaines, Vuibert, 2018

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    • KLARSFELD, A., E. S. NG, L. A. BOOYSEN, L. CASTRO CHRISTIANSEN, B. KUVAAS, Research Handbook of International and Comparative Perspectives on Diversity Management, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016

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    • KLARSFELD, A., L. A.E. BOOYSEN, E. NG, I. ROPER, A. TATLI, International Handbook on Diversity Management at Work - Country Perspectives on Diversity and Equal Treatment (second edition), Edward Elgar Publishing, 2014

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    • KLARSFELD, A., International Handbook on Diversity Management at Work: Country Perspectives on Diversity and Equal Treatment, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2010

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    • KLARSFELD, A., E. OIRY, C. DEFELIX, Nouveaux regards sur la gestion des compétences, Vuibert, Paris, France, 2006

    • KLARSFELD, A., E. OIRY, Gérer les compétences, des instruments aux processus, Vuibert, Paris, France, 2003

    • COMBS, G., A. KLARSFELD, G. CACHAT-ROSSET, "Affirmative action" in Encyclopedia of Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion., KLARSFELD, A., S. M. NKOMO, L. TAKSA, A.-F. BENDER, G. CACHAT-ROSSET Eds, Edward Elgar Publishing, chap. 1, pp. 1-6, 2024

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    • KLARSFELD, A., L. TAKSA, "Class" in Encyclopedia of Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion., KLARSFELD, A., S. M. NKOMO, L. TAKSA, A.-F. BENDER, G. CACHAT-ROSSET Eds, Edward Elgar Publishing, chap. 6, pp. 23-28, 2024

    • CACHAT-ROSSET, G., A. KLARSFELD, A. R. KURIAN, "Climate for inclusion" in Encyclopedia of Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion., KLARSFELD, A., S. M. NKOMO, L. TAKSA, A.-F. BENDER, G. CACHAT-ROSSET Eds, Edward Elgar Publishing, chap. 7, pp. 28-32, 2024

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    • CACHAT-ROSSET, G., A. KLARSFELD, "Diversity climate" in Encyclopedia of Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion., KLARSFELD, A., S. M. NKOMO, L. TAKSA, A.-F. BENDER, G. CACHAT-ROSSET Eds, Edward Elgar Publishing, chap. 18, pp. 86-90, 2024

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    • KLARSFELD, A., E. NG, C. STAMPER, Y. J. HAN, "Diversity indices" in Encyclopedia of Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion., KLARSFELD, A., S. M. NKOMO, L. TAKSA, A.-F. BENDER, G. CACHAT-ROSSET Eds, Edward Elgar Publishing, chap. 19, pp. 91-95, 2024

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    • KLARSFELD, A., G. CACHAT-ROSSET, T. SABA, "Diversity management paradigms" in Encyclopedia of Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion., KLARSFELD, A., S. M. NKOMO, L. TAKSA, A.-F. BENDER, G. CACHAT-ROSSET Eds, Edward Elgar Publishing, chap. 21, pp. 100-102, 2024

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    • KLARSFELD, A., G. CACHAT-ROSSET, "Equality" in Encyclopedia of Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion., KLARSFELD, A., S. M. NKOMO, L. TAKSA, A.-F. BENDER, G. CACHAT-ROSSET Eds, Edward Elgar Publishing, chap. 26, pp. 122-126, 2024

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    • SABA, T., A.-M. OUELLET, A. KLARSFELD, G. CACHAT-ROSSET, "Measuring inclusion" in Encyclopedia of Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.,., KLARSFELD, A., S. M. NKOMO, L. TAKSA, A.-F. BENDER, G. CACHAT-ROSSET Eds, Edward Elgar Publishing, chap. 46, pp. 223-227, 2024

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    • KLARSFELD, A., "Reasonable accommodation" in Encyclopedia of Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion., KLARSFELD, A., S. M. NKOMO, L. TAKSA, A.-F. BENDER, G. CACHAT-ROSSET Eds, Edward Elgar Publishing, chap. 59, pp. 286_288, 2024

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    • KLARSFELD, A., "Secularism" in Encyclopedia of Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion., KLARSFELD, A., S. M. NKOMO, L. TAKSA, A.-F. BENDER, G. CACHAT-ROSSET Eds, Edward Elgar Publishing, chap. 63, pp. 302-304, 2024

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    • KLARSFELD, A., G. CACHAT-ROSSET, T. SABA, F. SAUVAGEOT, "Inclusion & diversité" in Télétravail et Hybridation du travail : une expérience collaborateur réinventée ?., Caroline DIARD et Farid EL ARJI Ed., Cercle K2, pp. 172-182, 2023

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    • KLARSFELD, A., A. KAY, "Diversity, equality and inclusion in Israel" in Research Handbook on New Frontiers of Equality and Diversity at Work., KLARSFELD, A., L. KNAPPERT, A. KORNAU, E. NG, F. W. NGUNJIRI Eds, Edward Elgar Publishing, chap. 6, pp. 115-131, 2022

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    • KLARSFELD, A., S. D'ARMAGNAC, "Competence as a Revelator of Blind Spots in the Talent Management Literature" in Managing Competences, Research, Practice, and Contemporary Issues., Grasser, Loufrani, Oiry Eds, Routledge, 2021

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    • KLARSFELD, A., G. CACHAT-ROSSET, "Equality of Treatment, Opportunity, and Outcomes: Mapping the Law" in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management., Alain Klarsfeld, Gaëlle Cachat-Rosset Eds, Oxford University Press, 2021

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    • KLARSFELD, A., L. E.M. TRAAVIK, H. VAN DIJK, "MIPEX: from a European index, to an international database" in Handbook on Diversity and Inclusion Indices., Eddy Ng, Christina Stamper, Alain Klarsfeld, Yu Han Eds, Edward Elgar Publishing, chap. 17, pp. 252-269, 2021

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    • KLARSFELD, A., J. SYED, A. MUMTAZ, "An analysis of Religious Diversity Index (RDI) by Pew Research Center" in Handbook on Diversity and Inclusion Indices., Eddy Ng, Christina Stamper, Alain Klarsfeld, Yu Han Eds, Edward Elgar Publishing, chap. 20, pp. 310-320, 2021

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    • CARILLO, K., T. SABA, G. CACHAT-ROSSET, A. KLARSFELD, J. MARSAN, "Is Teleworking Here to Stay? Learning from the covid-19 Experimentation" in Pandemic Societies., Ed., McGill-Queen's University Press , pp. 107-134, 2021

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    • KLARSFELD, A., G. M. COMBS, L. SUSAETA, M. BELIZON, "International perspectives on diversity and equal treatment policies and practices" in Handbook of Research on Comparative Human Resource Management., Chris Brewster, Wolfgang Mayrhofer, Elaine Farndale Eds, Edward Elgar Publishing, chap. Part II, chap. 17, pp. 393-415, 2018

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    • COMBS, G., R. HAQ, A. KLARSFELD, L. SUSAETA, E. SUAREZ, "Comparative perspectives on diversity and equality: the challenges of gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, and religion" in Handbook of Research on Comparative Human Resource Management., Chris Brewster, Wolfgang Mayrhofer, Elaine Farndale Eds, Edward Elgar Publishing, chap. Part II, chap. 17, pp. 303-321, 2018

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    • KLARSFELD, A., Y. ALLAN, M. LARQUEY, "Attentes de carrière des femmes et des hommes : convergence ou divergence ?" in Management de la diversité des ressources humaines., Anne-Françoise Bender, Alain Klarsfeld, Christine Naschberger Eds, Vuibert, 2018

    • KLARSFELD, A., "Chapter 5: The untold, the unseen and the forgettable: Jewishness, Jews and Judaism in diversity management scholarship" in Religious Diversity in the Workplace., Jawad Syed, Alain Klarsfeld, Faith Wambura Ngunjiri, Charmine E. J. Härtel Eds, Cambridge University Press, chap. Chap. 5, pp. 123-144, 2018

    • KLARSFELD, A., D. BEBBINGTON, A. KAY, L. TAKSA, F. GUO, P. MENDES, "Chapter 6: National Perspectives on Jews at Work: Contrasting Australia, France, Israel, and the UK" in Religious Diversity in the Workplace., Jawad Syed, Alain Klarsfeld, Faith Wambura Ngunjiri, Charmine E. J. Härtel Eds, Cambridge University Press, vol. chapter 6, pp. 145-176, 2018

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    • NG, E. S., A. KLARSFELD, "Comparative and multi-country research in equality, diversity, and inclusion" in Handbook of Research Methods in Diversity Management, Equality and Inclusion at Work., Ed., Edward Elgar Publishing, chap. Chapitre 6, pp. 122-146, 2018

    • KLARSFELD, A., "Chapter 2: Competence and Diversity: What Parallels Between Them? What Interconnections?" in Management and Diversity (International Perspectives on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Volume 4)., Jean-François Chanlat , Mustafa F. Özbligin Eds, Emerald Publishing Limited, chap. 2, pp. 19 - 35, 2017

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    • BENDER, A.-F., A. KLARSFELD, J. LAUFER, "Equality and diversity in years of crisis in France" in International Handbook on Diversity Management at Work - Country Perspectives on Diversity and Equal Treatment (second edition)., 2014

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    • KLARSFELD, A., L. A.E. BOOYSEN, E. NG, I. ROPER, A. TATLI, "Introduction: equality and diversity in14 countries - analysis and summary" in International Handbook on Diversity Management at Work - Country Perspectives on Diversity and Equal Treatment (second edition)., 2014

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    • KLARSFELD, A., G. M. COMBS, L. SUSAETA, M.-J. BELIZON, "International perspectives on diversity and equal treatment policies and practices" in Handbook of research on comparative human resource management., Chris Brewster and Wolfgang Mayrhofer Ed., Edward Elgar Publishing, chap. Chapitre 17, pp. 393-415, 2012

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    • FORASACCO, C., A. KLARSFELD, "Diversité et égalité de traitement à travers le monde : quels cadres politiques pour quelles pratiques?" in L'encyclopédie des diversités., Jean-Marie PERETTI Ed., chap. Chapitre 62, pp. 475-482, 2012

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    • KLARSFELD, A., "Cas SCOREX - Stratégie d'entreprise et choix RH : questionner les liens" in Pratiques de GRH dans les pays francophones., Françoise Chevalier Ed., pp. 379-383, 2010

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    • KLARSFELD, A., "Perspectives from 16 countries on diversity and equal treatment at work on overview and transverse questions" in International Handbook on Diversity Management at Work., Alain Klarsfeld Ed., pp. 1-10, 2010

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    • BENDER, A.-F., A. KLARSFELD, J. LAUFER, "Equality and diversity in the french context" in International Handbook on Diversity Management at Work édité par Alain Klarsfeld., Alain Klarsfeld Ed., pp. 83-108, 2010

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    • KLARSFELD, A., "Managing diversity: the virtue of coercion" in Equality, diversity and inclusion at work: a research companion., Ozbilgin, M. Eds, pp. 322-331, 2009

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    • KLARSFELD, A., "La compétence, ses définitions, ses enjeux" in Développer les compétences au travail., Dominique Bouteiller et Lucie Morin Ed., pp. 184-198, 2009

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    • DUTECH, A., F. LE DEIST, A. KLARSFELD, J. WINTERTON, "Management training and development in France : Will elitism give way to strategic development ?" in Management Development : Perspectives from Research and Practice., J. Stewart and R. Hill Ed., pp. 79-94, 2007

    • KLARSFELD, A., C. DEFELIX, "Reconnaitre les compétences pour favoriser l'inovation" in Tous reconnus., Jean-Marie PERETTI Ed., pp. 119-125, 2005

    • KLARSFELD, A., "Rémunérer les compétences : analyse comparative et longitudinale de deux établissements du secteur du carton ondulé" in Gérer les compétences, des instruments aux processus., in KLARSFELD, Alain and OIRY, Ewan, (eds), pp. 147-170, 2003

    • KLARSFELD, A., O. ROQUES, "Histoire d’une instrumentation de gestion des compétences : entre rationalité contingente, rationalité limitée et rationalité institutionnelle" in Gérer les compétences, des instruments aux processus., in KLARSFELD, Alain and OIRY, Ewan, (eds), Vuibert, pp. 171-190, 2003

    • KLARSFELD, A., S. SAINT-ONGE, "La rémunération des compétences : théorie et pratique" in Les rémunérations : politiques et pratiques pour les années 2000., ROSSEL P, PERETTI JM Eds, 2000

    • HAQ, R., A. KLARSFELD, A. KORNAU, F. W. NGUNJIRI, "Editorial: Diversity in India: addressing caste, disability and gender", Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 2020, vol. 39, no. 6, pp. 585-596 [abs: 1]

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    • CACHAT-ROSSET, G., A. KLARSFELD - "Télétravail : Quelles différences entre les hommes et les femmes… et entre les Québécois et les Français ?" - 2024, The Conversation, France

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    • KLARSFELD, A., A. PERRIER - "Réforme du marché du travail : "Les fonctionnaires sont en demande d'une visibilité accrue sur l'avenir"." - 2024, Le Monde

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    • KLARSFELD, A. - "De quoi « communautarisme » est-il le nom ?" - 2020, The Conversation, France

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    • KLARSFELD, A. - "En temps de crise, il est urgent que le fait de contribuer aux finances publiques redevienne un honneur" - 2020, Le Monde

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    • KLARSFELD, A. - "Interdire aux chômeurs toute activité à caractère social au motif qu’ils touchent des allocations est un scandale" - 2020, Le Monde

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    • KLARSFELD, A., G. CACHAT-ROSSET, K. CARILLO - "Confinement : des télétravailleurs surchargés, mais globalement satisfaits" - 2020, The Conversation, France

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    • CACHAT-ROSSET, G., A. KLARSFELD - "Télétravail et crise : les leçons pour poursuivre" - 2020, Personnel - Andrh

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    • KLARSFELD, A., G. CACHAT-ROSSET - "Télétravail et International - Les salariés français sont-ils mieux adaptés au télétravail ?" - 2020, Personnel - Andrh

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    • KLARSFELD, A. - "Télétravail : l’État, un employeur loin d’être exemplaire…" - 2020, The Conversation, France

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    • KLARSFELD, A. - "Suppression de l’ENA : ne pas se tromper de cible" - 2019, Le Monde

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    • KLARSFELD, A. - "Il faut mettre fin au cloisonnement vertical et horizontal de la fonction publique" - 2019, Le Monde

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    • KLARSFELD, A. - "Il faut donner aux hommes les mêmes opportunités qu'aux femmes" - 2018, Entreprise et Carrières

    • KLARSFELD, A. - "Organiser l’école : et si l’on prenait exemple sur le Canada ?" - 2016, TBSearch

    • KLARSFELD, A. - "Organiser l’école : et si l’on prenait exemple sur le Canada ?" - 2016, The Conversation, France

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    • KLARSFELD, A. - "Le fait religieux en entreprise" - 2016, Tbscope

    • KLARSFELD, A. - "Diversité: mélange explosif ou modèle vertueux?" - 2015, Le Huffington Post

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    • KLARSFELD, A. - "Féminisation des conseils d’administration : un vrai pas en avant pour l’égalité professionnelle" - 2015, TBSearch

    • KLARSFELD, A. - "Management de la diversité : Laisser faire ou contraindre ?" - 2013, TBSearch

    • LE DEIST, F., A. DUTECH, A. KLARSFELD, C. LAFOUCRIERE, J. WINTERTON - "Management Training and Development in France" - 2003, Programme Leonardo da Vinci

    • BESUCCO, N., A. KLARSFELD, O. LIAROUTZOS, F. LOZIER, E. SULZER - "Validation des qualifications professionnelles : étude de faisabilité d’un dispositif" - 2002, CEREQ, Marseille

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    • KLARSFELD, A. - "La mise en place de deux classifications de branche dans deux usines du carton ondulé" - 2000, ANACT

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    • KLARSFELD, A. - "Monographie sur un établissement du carton ondulé" - 2000, ANACT

    • BESUCCO, N., A. KLARSFELD, N. QUINTERO - "L'institution d'une logique compétence dans l'industrie pharmaceutique" - 1998, CEREQ

    • KLARSFELD, A., "Représentation et pratiques de lutte contre les discriminations et de développement de la diversité au Centre des Jeunes Dirigeants de Toulouse", 2007

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    • KLARSFELD, A., "Lutter contre les discriminations et développer la diversité. Les regards croisés de DRH, de consultants etn recrutement et d'avocats en Midi-Pyrénées.", 2005

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    • 2016 Finalist of the Teaching Innovation Award Toulouse Business School
    • 2008 Best International Symposium Award Academy of Management (AOM)
    • Diversity Management
    • International Human Resource Management
    • Competence and Talent Management
    • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
      • Member of editorial board of Equality Diversity and Inclusion
      • Lead organizer of Equality Diversity Inclusion (EDI) conference
      • Lead co-organizer and member of scientific committee of the French-speaking HR conference Association Francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines (AGRH)
      • European Academy of Management (EURAM)
      • 1988 - 1995 : Consultant in Communication and Management - CEGOS, self-employed

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