The list ranks schools delivering a Master’s degree according to some fifteen criteria, including attractiveness, international scope, job placement and salaries, and social and gender diversity.

The analysis carried out by Le Parisien’s journalists places particular emphasis on these 4 criteria, which reflect our school’s strategy: becoming a school of educational well-being, making our students more employable, and maximizing our societal impact on our local areas. To achieve these objectives, TBS Education relies on innovative campuses, expert and recognized faculty, new models of training and employability, and a stronger international presence.

To provide the best educational experience for its students, TBS Education is transforming itself into a business for good, building on more than 15 years of successfully integrating environmental, societal, and social criteria into its school model and its research and training programs. TBS Education’s status as a business for good will give it a new dynamic and speed up its development through a strategy built around four central pillars: innovative campuses and educational well-being, an expert and recognized faculty, new training and employability models, and strong international development.

Business school ranking methodology

Fifteen criteria are used to rank the schools delivering  Master’s degrees. The editors of Le Parisien/Aujourd’hui en France compiled these rankings after sending a questionnaire out to the schools. Here are the elements used to calculate each score:

Prestige: duration of the Master’s degree (1 to 5 years). Number of national and international accreditations.

Power: group budget. School budget per student. Percentage of foreign students paying tuition fees.

Development: growth in student numbers, group budgets, Grande Ecole Program budgets, and group enrolments between 2021 and 2024. Increase in applicants between 2023 and 2024.

Social: percentage of exemptions calculated and scholarships awarded in relation to the cost of the program.

Infrastructure: Campus size per student and its evolution between 2021 and 2024. Proportion of graduates graduating from the school’s international campuses.

Attractiveness: 1/ For prepas-based schools: Sigem ranking (system for assigning prepas students to top business schools). Volume of prepas integrated and AST 2 (“admissions sur titre en 2e année de grande école”) integrated. Percentage of those present at orals over the number of those eligible. Prepa Concours 2024 candidates. 2/For post-baccalaureate students: number of integrated students and AST 2s (2023 competitive admission exams).

Faculty: proportion of research professors to permanent staff. Proportion of international professors. Supervision ratio. The number of different nationalities among teaching staff.

Pedagogy: percentage of hours taught by research professors. Proportion of double degrees obtained from French institutions.

Professionalization: minimum required internship time. Proportion of apprentices and work-study students. Number of professional intervenors per year per student.

International: proportion of students on study trips. Percentage of accredited agreements out of the total number of agreements. Number of double degrees offered. Proportion of students taking double degrees abroad. Number of countries offered for expatriation.

Research: proportion of articles published by professors.

Salary: placement rate of students before graduation, salary at graduation.

Entrepreneurship: number of companies incubated between 2021 and 2024 or created by graduates in the last 3 years. Percentage of graduates from an entrepreneurial program.

Digital strategy: dynamic digital policy. Number of Facebook fans and followers on X, followers on Instagram, and LinkedIn. Percentage of graduates from a digital field.

Pedagogical innovation: the last criterion was rated according to the opinion of the editors of “Le Parisien Étudiant” on the quality of the schools’ work in the field of pedagogical and development projects.

The two-day contest saw students from schools in France, Norway and Ireland rise to the challenge of solving a business problem posed by partner company, TNP consultants. The contest, organized by TBS Education teaching staff and the Centre for Excellence in Artificial Intelligence, involved students from TBS Education’s MSc Data Science and Artificial Intelligence and the MSc Artificial Intelligence and Business Analytics, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology’s MSc in Informatics, and students on the University of Galway’s MSc Business Analytics program. Dataiku, a well-known provider of top notch data science platforms was also a partner of the event. 

Datathon 2024

The expert business consulting firm TNP Consultants came up with the following challenge:  implement a “credit scoring” tool to enable a company called “Prêt à dépenser” (“Ready to Spend”) to approve or reject a loan to a client. 

The students also had to produce a video describing and explaining Artificial Intelligence.  

This multi-country competition in English gave students a chance to develop their international network while working on a professional challenge that involved interacting with leading companies in the world of Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence. 

“The Datathon is the perfect example of all the synergies that are happening in the perimeter of analytics and AI because it connects professors who are experts in analytics and AI, our two MSc programs in Analytics and AI, and it also connects with the industry.” Kevin Carillo.  

How is the Datathon organized?  

On the first day of the competition, students met on the TBS Education campus for a presentation of the competition and the business problem, then got working on their projects. The aim was to develop the best machine learning algorithm to make the most accurate predictions. Students also had the chance to take part in a Q&A session with Datathon partners and professors. Participants had until midnight to send in their pitch videos.  

On the second day, after a debriefing by the teams, participants were able to continue working on their projects, and the 3 best projects then presented a pitch of their work.  

The competition ended with an awards ceremony where the students shared social time with the professors and partners.  

“What’s really important about Datathon is the development of students’ skills and the exponential learning component.” Jessica Chagnard. 

3 challenges = 3 awards! 

The Datathon includes 3 challenges, and therefore 3 awards:  

  • Best Presentation, for the quality of the pitch and project presentation  
  • Best Model, which rewards the technical quality of the group’s predictive algorithm. 
  • AI Master Challenge, based on the quality of the group’s final work.  
datathon 2024

Our partners 

This year, the Datathon welcomed two well-known partners in the Artificial Intelligence industry:  

TNP Digital Factory, experts in digital transformation, providing complete and personalized solutions for businesses.  

“What’s interesting for us with TBS Education is that we can have a partnership with a renowned school with such a high academic level.” Riyad Lounissi from TNP Digital Factory. 

Dataiku, a French company specializing in Data Sciences, which develops platforms to analyze data and predict movements in the Big Data environment.  

The winners  

The winner in the Best Presentation and Best AI Model categories are the PowerPuff Data group, composed of students from the MSc Data Science & Artificial Intelligence (formerly Big Data, Marketing & Management) of TBS Education .  

And the winner of the AI Master Challenge category is TBS Education’s MSc Data Science & Artificial Intelligence

Congratulations to all the students for their hard work and investment in this competition!  

An international and professional experience  

“I think it’s a great experience for all students to participate in an international event” Patrick Makalif. 

This intense 2-day experience enabled all participating students to confront the challenges of professional life by working and interacting, in English, with international students, professors and industry professionals.    

“I think that this Datathon what actually does is gives you not only the technical capacity but also the business skills required.” Anastasia Griva

The 2024 Eduniversal ranking of the Best Masters, MS and MBA programs once again highlights several of TBS Education’s Mastère Spécialisé (MS – Specialized Master), Master of Business Administration and Master of Science programs.

Eduniversal, an unique classification in France

Eduniversal is the only French ranking system that exclusively assesses the individual quality of each program. The ranking system is based on a sectoral approach and a specific market criterion, providing students a real tool for refining their choice of future program. The Eduniversal ranking is based on 3 main criteria:

  • The program’s reputation
  • Salary on completion
  • Student satisfaction
visuel eduniversal 2024 2

Our programs ranked by Eduniversal

Our 9 Mastère Spécialisé (MS) programs in the Top 10 of the rankings

The Eduniversal ranking highlights 9 of our Mastère Spécialisé (MS) programs, with the MS Expert en Audit Interne et Contrôle de Gestion and the MS Manager de Structures Sanitaires et Sociales still at the top. Also in the Top 5 are our MS Manager Marketing et Communication, Juriste Manager des Affaires, Manager Marketing et Commercial dans les Industries de Santé, Manager des Ressources Humaines, and MS Manager de l’Innovation Technologique.

  • MS Expert en Audit Interne et Contrôle de Gestion (Expert in Internal Auditing and Management Control): 1st place
  • MS Manager de Structures Sanitaires et Sociales (Manager of Health and Social Services): 1st place
  • MS Manager Marketing et Communication (Marketing and Communication Marketing): 2nd place (+2 places)
  • MS Juriste Manager des Affaires (Legal Business Manager): 3rd place
  • MS Manager Marketing et Commercial dans les Industries de Santé (Marketing and Sales Manager in the Healthcare Industries): 3rd place
  • MS Manager des Ressources Humaines (Human Resources Manager): 4th place
  • MS Manager de l’Innovation Technologique (Technical Innovation Manager): 5th place (+1 place)
  • MS Manager Achats & Supply Chain (Purchasing and Supply Chain): 7th place (+2 places)
  • MS Expert en Banque et Ingénierie Financière (Banking and Financial Engineering Expert): 8th place

The Global Executive MBA in 9th place

The placement of our 7 Master of Science programs:

The partnership agreement between the two establishments was signed on Wednesday, March 6, 2024, on the TBS Education campus. This agreement, renewed for the 3rd time, illustrates not only the strength of our partnership, but also our mutual commitment to academic excellence.

Long-term bonds between the two schools

The renewal of the partnership agreement between TBS Education and ICT represents a key milestone in the relationship between our two establishments. This is the third time the agreement has been renewed, testifying to the strong ties built up over the years and the shared ambition to continue the partnership. This partnership demonstrates a deep commitment to developing new projects and initiatives together.

A prep school/management school continuum

One of the special features of this collaboration is its illustration of the Prep school/Management School continuum. For the Grande École Program students, especially those from literary studies, this agreement offersa unique opportunity. During their time at TBS Education, our students can follow specialized courses in applied foreign languages, philosophy or cultural project management at the ICT.

This diversification of career paths is a real strength, enabling students to develop distinctive skills. This is just one of the 100 double degree options available to students on the TBS Education Grande Ecole Program, enabling them to build a profile and a career path adapted to their needs.

A multi-program approach

Another key feature of this partnership is its multi-program approach. While students in TBS Education’s Grande École Program have the option of enrolling in bachelor’s degrees offered by the ICT, ICT students can simultaneously obtain the Bachelor in Management degree from TBS Education. This approach encourages rich teaching and offers students great flexibility in building their academic careers.

In a strategic move to strengthen its teams, TBS Education is announcing the creation of Pre-Experience Department, headed by Anne Rivière, accompanied by Jean-François Salies as Director of Pre-Experience Department.

For Stéphanie Lavigne, Dean & Director General of TBS Education, “the new Pre-Experience Department is excellent news for our Bachelor in Management, Master in Management, Master of Science and DCG-DSCG programmes. With the creation of this programme-focused department, we want to strengthen the visibility of TBS Education by coordinating practices and pooling resources.”

A consolidated structure with the Pre-Experience Department

Anne Rivière and Jean-François Salies, who have been with TBS Education for 19 and 24 years respectively, held the positions of Director and Deputy Director of the Master in Management Programme and Master of Sciences until February. Anne Rivière, who is now Director of the Pre-Experience programme, shares her enthusiasm: “I’m proud to be continuing the collective drive to increase the visibility and attractiveness of our programmes, both in France and internationally. It will be a great challenge to write a new chapter together for the future students of TBS Education.”

Jean-François Salies, Director of Operations for Pre-Experience Department, added: “After many years of service to the Master in Management programme, and in particular the last four working alongside Anne Rivière, it is a great honour to accompany her in this new challenge for Pre-Experience Department. With Patricia Bournet and Miguel Urdanoz, we will form a solid team capable of providing students with the best possible support in all our programmes.”

Ranked 10th in the 2024 list of post-prep business schools by Le Point last February, TBS Education has structured and strengthened its teams to offer courses that meet the ever-increasing expectations of learners and maintain a high level of quality.

Key figures in TBS Education for over 10 years

Miguel Urdanoz, the new Master of Management Director, holds a doctorate in economics from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris and the Toulouse School of Economics. He joined TBS Education in 2010 as a professor of industrial organisation, logistics and technology. Committed to his academic department and to the school, he was Head of the Industrial Organisation, Logistics and Technology Department for six years.

Miguel Urdanoz will continue the work initiated by his predecessor, Anne Rivière, by focusing on the academic excellence of the Master in Management Programme.

Miguel Urdanoz says: “It is an honour to become Director of the Master in Management, and I am fortunate to be doing so alongside Anne and the entire school team. The duality of my origins and my deep attachment to Toulouse fully embody the identity of our school, both local and international, in the service of diversity and inclusion.

Patricia Bournet is now extending her responsibilities to international recruitment for initial training programmes, after a decade of dedicated involvement with the school. “I’m delighted to be contributing to the international development of the school that I know so well, and to bring my added value in terms of multicampus and intercultural management.

Our Master in Management program has moved up one place in Le Point’s 2024 Master in Management ranking. It is now in 10th place and remains on an upward trajectory. Our school also distinguished itself in the ecological transition category, holding onto 2nd place.

This accolade testifies not only to the quality of our training program, but also to our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainable Development, particularly in the context of our transition to a business for good.


 “Each school answered 60 questions online. The responses were cross-checked by a dedicated team who drew on figures from previous years, as well as on information supplied by specialist bodies : Commission d’évaluation des formations et diplômes de gestion (CEFDG), Conférence des grandes écoles (CGE), accreditation bodies, etc.”

Claire Lefebvre Le Point 02/15/2024

This ranking assesses 37 establishments on the basis of 60 questions and some 100 parameters covering six major themes:

  • teaching and learning
  • international
  • professionalization
  • selectivity
  • research
  • academic recognition

This general ranking is accompanied by a number of focuses, including one on business schools identified as the most committed to ecological transition. We are proud to be ranked second for the second year running.


In 2021, TBS Education became a business for good, thus enshrining in our bylaws our societal commitments to contribute to a sustainable and responsible economy. Our raison d’être reflects our desire to train a diversity of open-minded and enlightened players, able to contribute to responsible economic practices within their organizations.

We make the well-being of our students a priority by nurturing social inclusion, developing environmentally friendly campuses, and offering innovative learning methods. Our faculty, made up of experts in their subject areas, produces high-quality research that aims to raise awareness of social and environmental issues among tomorrow’s managers.

The international dimension is at the heart of our approach to teaching and learning. With 54% of our professors being international and a network of 240 renowned partner universities, we promote interdisciplinarity and open-mindedness among our students.

We are also committed to enhancing our students’ employability by working closely with businesses, co-constructing training programs tailored to the needs of the market, and offering personalized support for their career paths.

Discover TBS Education by connecting with current students

Join one of our online info sessions to discover TBS Education and it’s students journey!

Are you interested in a TBS Education Program or would like to get more information? Would you like to be guided through the application steps? And more importantly, would you like to connect with a current TBS Education student? Then feel free to register to our info sessions!

During the sessions, we will give more details about our programs, our campus, the student life at TBS Education, all practical information you need about the application process, scholarships, etc.
But most importantly, you’ll connect with a currently enrolled student to hear about their experience and ask your questions.

You can find the list of sessions available below 👇. Times showed are CET (French time).

Pick your session, register and get the link to connect live will automatically be sent to you (feel free to prepare any questions prior to connecting to ask them during Q&A time 😉).

Register to our Online Info Sessions

Registration are closed.

Contact the team directly

Having an issue with the time or need information on a specific topic? Feel free to directly email the International Admissions Team!

TBS Education ranks fourth in the HappyIndex®AtSchool 2023 ranking, with a satisfaction score of 8.54, a recommendation rate of 85%, and has been awarded the HappyIndex®AtSchool ranking label.

The importance of students’ well-being within their school is crucial, and is widely represented in this ranking dedicated to students on the Master in Management and Bachelor in Management programs. The aim of this ranking is to assess in depth the quality of the academic and social experience offered to students enrolled on these programs.

As such, it highlights TBS Education’s commitment to placing student satisfaction and happiness at the heart of its educational programs, underlining the importance placed on the overall fulfillment of learners within these programs.


ChooseMyCompany oversees the HappyIndex®AtSchool label, which places the criteria of social performance and student fulfillment at the heart of its evaluation of schools. To obtain this label, three criteria must be met: participation rate, average satisfaction and recommendation rate. This recognition highlights the reality experienced within the school, as only students are asked to fill out the questionnaire.

The questionnaire covers a range of topics:

  • Student life
  • Confidence in the future
  • Teaching methods
  • Relationships with companies
  • Environment (CSR)
  • Learning environment

The HappyIndex®AtSchool ranking highlights the schools preferred by students, where the study experience is enjoyable. However, to guarantee the reliability and representativeness of their performance, the rate of participation in the survey and recommendation rate are taken into account.

The HappyIndex®AtSchool ranking is calculated by means of a 21-question questionnaire that each student can fill out as part of a survey carried out by his or her school. This questionnaire generates two values:

  • The average of the 21 questions, expressed as a score out of 5
  • A recommendation rate, representing the percentage of students who answered “somewhat agree” or “completely agree” to the question “I would recommend my school to a friend”.


The Happy at School ranking and label reflect the reality of student life. In this year’s ranking, they specifically reflect the commitment to CSR on the Bachelor and Master 1 & 2 Grande École Programs of 2021/2022. Following massive student participation, several points of satisfaction are often cited.

90.8% of students are satisfied with the school’s environmental commitment

86.4% are satisfied with the societal and environmental issues integrated into teaching

85.3% are satisfied with the school’s community life, which is rich in extra-curricular projects

89% would recommend TBS Education to friends and family

Here are a few comments from students to illustrate the point:

“CSR and sustainable development courses”.
“The richness and variety of extracurricular activities, which are very formative”.
“The climate certification, which gives all students the opportunity to develop their knowledge of climate change issues”.
“The school’s good atmosphere”.
“The school’s ‘family’ atmosphere, both among students and with the teaching staff”.
“Commitments: CSR, equality, women, men…”
“The innovative teaching methods used and the fact that CSR is an integral part of the school’s values”.
“My school’s professional network and commitment to the environment and society”.

This recognition highlights the school’s commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), involving students and faculty alike.


TBS Education strives to be an increasingly inclusive school, placing the encouragement of equal opportunities and the strengthening of social openness at the heart of its societal concerns. Our school is committed to providing students with an environment conducive to an accessible and serene education.

TBS Education has plans for bold and inspiring development, with the ambition of becoming a benchmark in terms of educational well-being, enhancing the employability of its learners, and maximizing its societal impact on its region. To achieve these goals, TBS Education relies on innovative campuses, an expert and renowned faculty, new training and employability models, and a strengthened international presence.

To ensure a first-class learning environment while underlining its commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), TBS Education continues to reinvent itself in line with current requirements. The school’s students develop within eco-responsible campuses that create an ideal setting to stimulate individual transformation while ensuring an optimal learning experience for students.

On September 11, 2023, the Financial Times published its international ranking of Masters in Management. TBS Education moves up 13 places to rank among the world’s top Management Schools.

We are proud of this progress, which reflects the collective effort made on each of the pillars of our development strategy: pedagogical well-being, international influence, renewal of our 4 campuses in Paris and Barcelona, Casablanca and Toulouse. It also reflects the academic excellence of our Master in Management Program and the high level of expertise of our teaching staff.

— Stéphanie Lavigne, Dean TBS Education

By 2022, our Master in Management Program had already climbed 13 places and entered the Top 50. Once again this year, the prestigious Financial Times ranking, one of the most respected and followed in the field of education, honors the excellence of our training and the strategy led by the School. The strategy focuses on the educational well-being and renewal of the 4 TBS Education campuses: Barcelona, Paris, Casablanca and Toulouse. But also around international influence and the creation of new innovative training models.

On a national level, TBS Education ranks 9th among the best Master in Management programs offering a Master’s degree in Management.

TBS Education stands out in particular on the following criteria:

  • Student support and development;
  • Pedagogical innovation and career guidance;
  • Recognition of the academic excellence of our teaching staff;
  • Commitment to CSR (carbon footprint and parity).

An international ranking that speaks for its graduates

The Financial Times, the UK’s leading business and finance daily, publishes seven rankings a year of programs offered by international business schools, including Executive MBAs, Masters in Finance, Masters in Management and others.

Each year, the Financial Times ranks the world’s best Masters in Management programs. To build this top 100, the British daily relies mainly on the voices of graduates. Alumni are interviewed three years after the end of their studies, on criteria such as professional integration, career development and international mobility, as well as the faculty’s academic level, degree of internationalization and gender balance.

To compile its rankings, the Financial Times uses a wide range of criteria:

  • average salary three years after graduation;
  • employment rate three months after graduation;
  • the ratio between the cost of education and students’ salaries;
  • percentage of international students in the school;
  • international student mobility and number of foreign professors;
  • the percentage of women among both students and teaching staff;
  • the reputation of the Research conducted by the School.

The aim of TBS Education’s Master in Management Program is to train future responsible managers, capable of implementing innovative projects that meet today’s sustainability challenges, with a real sense of collective intelligence.

In this article, we will delve into the exciting world of career prospects that await you upon completing a Master’s degree in Management. Whether you aspire to lead in the corporate sector, thrive as a strategic consultant, or explore entrepreneurial endeavors, we will explore the myriad of possibilities that this degree unlocks.

Join us as we uncover the power and potential of a Management degree in shaping your professional path.



The power of a Master's degree in management

The power of a Master’s degree in management lies in its ability to unlock a world of opportunities and accelerate your career trajectory.
This advanced academic program provides a comprehensive understanding of key business concepts, strategies, and practices, enabling you to navigate the complexities of the corporate landscape with confidence and expertise.

A Master’s degree in management offers a multidisciplinary approach, covering a wide range of subjects such as finance, marketing, human resources, operations, and entrepreneurship. This holistic curriculum equips students with a broad knowledge base, allowing them to develop a well-rounded skill set that is highly valued by employers across industries.

It offers a transformative educational experience that empowers individuals to thrive in the dynamic business world. Its broad scope, practical approach, and diverse career opportunities make it an attractive choice for those seeking to make a lasting impact in their professional lives.

Whether you’re a recent graduate or a mid-career professional looking to upskill, a Master’s degree in management can unlock a world of possibilities and propel your career to new heights.


The expensive scope of a management degree

A management degree offers an expansive range of career opportunities, making it an attractive investment for individuals seeking professional growth and advancement.
By acquiring a master’s degree in management, you gain a competitive edge in today’s job market and open doors to a multitude of promising career paths.

In the following sections, we will explore three key areas that highlight the attractiveness of this degree: business sector opportunities, leadership roles in the corporate sector, and consulting and strategic planning.

Each of these avenues presents unique prospects for personal and professional development, showcasing the versatility and desirability of a management degree.

Unveiling the business sector opportunities

When it comes to career opportunities in the business sector, a master’s degree in management offers a wide array of possibilities.
Here are some specific areas where management graduates can thrive:

With a solid foundation in financial management and analysis, you can pursue roles such as financial analyst, investment banker, or corporate finance manager.

Leverage your knowledge of consumer behavior and market trends to excel in positions like marketing manager, brand strategist, or digital marketing specialist.

Develop expertise in organizational behavior and strategic HR management to become a valuable asset in roles such as HR manager, talent acquisition specialist, or organizational development consultant.

Master the art of optimizing processes and managing the flow of goods and services, opening doors to careers as operations manager, supply chain analyst, or logistics coordinator.

If you have an entrepreneurial spirit, a management degree can provide you with the necessary skills to launch your own venture or join a startup in a leadership capacity.

In an increasingly interconnected world, companies seek professionals with the ability to navigate global markets. Your management degree can lead to opportunities in international business development, global operations management, or cross-cultural consulting.

Remember, these are just a few examples of the many career paths available to management graduates.
The business sector offers a diverse range of industries, each with its unique demands and opportunities. By pursuing a master’s degree in management, you position yourself to explore and excel in the area that aligns best with your interests and ambitions.

Leadership roles in the corporate sector

In the corporate sector, a Master’s degree in management paves the way for aspiring professionals to assume influential leadership positions. With a solid foundation in management principles, graduates are prepared to navigate complex organizational dynamics and drive strategic decision-making.


From executive roles such as Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Operations Officer (COO), or Chief Financial Officer (CFO) to departmental leadership positions like General Manager or Director, management graduates are well-positioned to lead teams and shape the direction of companies.


These leadership roles require a combination of strong analytical skills, effective communication, and the ability to inspire and motivate others.
Management graduates bring a holistic understanding of business functions and can leverage their knowledge to develop and implement strategies that optimize performance and drive growth.


Moreover, with their expertise in areas such as organizational behavior, change management, and strategic planning, management graduates are instrumental in leading companies through periods of transformation and adaptation in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape.

Career opportunities with a Master in Management degree

As a business analyst, you will analyze market trends, conduct research, and provide insights that drive decision-making processes.

You’ll work closely with different departments to
identify opportunities for improvement and develop strategies to enhance organizational performance.

With a master’s degree in management, you can pursue a career in marketing, where you’ll be responsible for developing and implementing marketing strategies to promote products or services.

You’ll conduct market research, identify target audiences, and oversee advertising and promotional campaigns.

As an operations manager, you’ll play a crucial role in optimizing business processes and ensuring efficient production and delivery of goods or services.

You’ll oversee supply chain management, streamline operations, and implement quality control measures to
maximize productivity and customer satisfaction.

A master’s degree in management provides a solid foundation in finance, making you well-suited for a career as a financial analyst.

You’ll assess
financial data, analyze investment opportunities, and provide recommendations for improving financial performance. You may work in investment firms, banks, or corporate finance departments.

With expertise in organizational behavior and people management, management graduates can pursue roles in human resources.

As an
HR manager, you’ll oversee recruitment, employee relations, performance management, and training and development initiatives, ensuring the organization has a motivated and high-performing workforce.

Armed with a master’s in management, you may choose to venture into entrepreneurship and start your own business.

Your degree will provide you with the necessary skills to develop a business plan, understand market dynamics, manage resources, and navigate the challenges of building and scaling a successful enterprise.

These are just a few examples of the career paths available to management graduates. The versatility of this degree allows you to adapt to various roles and industries, giving you the flexibility to explore and pursue your passion.


At TBS Education, our Master in Management program not only equips you with the knowledge and skills needed for these career opportunities but also offers practical experiences, internships, and networking opportunities to enhance your employability and help you kick-start your career journey

Explore TBS Education's Master in Management program

At TBS Education, our Master in Management program is meticulously designed to provide students with a transformative learning experience and set them on a path to career success. With a focus on practical learning, global perspectives, and personal development, our program offers numerous advantages that make it an excellent choice for aspiring professionals.

To support students in their career journey, we have a dedicated career services team. They provide guidance in resume writing, interview preparation, and networking strategies. Our extensive network of alumni and industry partners offers invaluable connections and internship opportunities to help students launch their careers successfully.


If you are ready to take the next step towards a fulfilling career in management, we invite you to explore the details of our Master in Management program.
Click here to learn more about
the curriculum, admission requirements, and the exceptional learning environment that TBS Education offers.