
  • 2013 : PhD in Information Systems (Image, Information, Hypermedia) - Université Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier - Toulouse
  • 2009 : Master of Science (MSc) in Information Systems - Université de Picardie Jules Verne - Amiens
  • 2007 : DEA in Computer Science - Université de Yaoundé I - Yaoundé
  • 2005 : Master's degree in Computer Science - Université de Yaoundé 1 - Yaoundé
  • 2004 : Bachelor in Mathematics - Université de Dschang - Dschang

Teaching Experience

  • Since 2019 : Professor in Information Systems Management Toulouse Business School Toulouse
  • From 2011 to 2013 : Lecturer in Computer Science Methods - Sciences Politiques Toulouse - Toulouse
  • From 2010 to 2012 : Lecturer in Relational and Spatial Databases and in Computer Science Methods Université Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier; IUT Blagnac
    • TCHUENTE, D., J. LONLAC, B. KAMSU-FOGUEM, "A methodological and theoretical framework for implementing explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) in business applications", Computers in Industry, 2024, vol. 155, pp. 104044 [abs: 3]

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    • ZAOUI, A., D. TCHUENTE, S. FOSSO WAMBA, B. KAMSU-FOGUEM, "Impact of artificial intelligence on aeronautics: An industry-wide review", Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 2024, vol. 71, pp. 101800 [fnege: 3, abs: 2]

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    • GNEKPE, C., D. TCHUENTE, S. NYAWA, P. K. DEY, "Energy Performance of Building Refurbishments: Predictive and Prescriptive AI-based Machine Learning Approaches", Journal of Business Research, 2024, vol. 183, pp. 114821 [fnege: 2, abs: 3]

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    • TCHUENTE, D., P. DELANOË, G. COLIN, "Method and evaluations of the effective gain of artificial intelligence models for reducing CO2 emissions", Journal of Environmental Management, 2023, vol. 331 [fnege: 2, abs: 3]

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    • NYAWA, S., C. GNEKPE, D. TCHUENTE, "Transparent machine learning models for predicting decisions to undertake energy retrofits in residential buildings", Annals of Operations Research, 2023 [fnege: 2, abs: 3]

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    • TCHUENTE, D., A. EL HADDADI, "One decade of big data for firms' competitiveness: insights and a conceptual model from bibliometrics", Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 2023 [fnege: 4, abs: 2]

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    • KAMSU-FOGUEM, B., P. CLERMONT, D. TCHUENTE, P. TIAKO, S. FOSSO WAMBA, "Service Provider Risk Mitigation in Aeronautics Supply Chains", Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, 2023 [abs: 2]

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    • ZAOUI, S., C. FOGUEM, D. TCHUENTE, S. FOSSO WAMBA, B. KAMSU-FOGUEM, "The Viability of Supply Chains with Interpretable Learning Systems: The Case of COVID-19 Vaccine Deliveries", Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, 2023 [abs: 2]

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    • TCHUENTE, D., S. NYAWA, "Real estate price estimation in French cities using geocoding and machine learning", Annals of Operations Research, 2022, vol. 308, pp. 571–608 [cnrs: 2, fnege: 2, abs: 3]

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    • NYAWA, S., D. TCHUENTE, S. FOSSO WAMBA, "COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy: a social media analysis using deep learning", Annals of Operations Research, 2022 [cnrs: 2, fnege: 2, abs: 3]

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    • TCHUENTE, D., "User Modeling and Profiling in Information Systems", Journal of Global Information Management, 2022, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 1-25 [cnrs: 3, fnege: 3, abs: 2]

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    • TCHUENTE, D., D. SENNINGER, H. PIETSCH, D. GASDZIK, "Providing more regular road signs infrastructure updates for connected driving: A crowdsourced approach with clustering and confidence level", Decision Support Systems, 2021, vol. 141, pp. 1-14 [cnrs: 2, fnege: 1, abs: 3]

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    • TCHUENTE, D., S. NYAWA, S. FOSSO WAMBA, "COVID-19 Vaccine Global Information Management Through Bibliometrics", Journal of Global Information Management, 2021, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 1-22 [cnrs: 3, fnege: 3, abs: 2]

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    • TCHUENTE, D., M.-F. CANUT, N. JESSEL, A. PENINOU, F. SÈDES, "A community-based algorithm for deriving users’ profiles from egocentrics networks: experiment on Facebook and DBLP", Social Network Analysis and Mining, 2013, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 667-683

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    • TCHUENTE, D., M.-F. CANUT, N. BAPTISTE JESSEL, A. PÉNINOU, F. SÈDES, "Dérivation de profils utilisateurs à partir des réseaux sociaux. Une approche par communautés de réseaux égocentriques", Ingénierie des systèmes d'information, 2013, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 11-37

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    • TCHUENTE, D., M.-F. CANUT, N. B. JESSEL, A. PÉNINOU, F. SÈDES, "Visualizing the relevance of social ties in user profile modeling", Web Intelligence and Agent Systems: An International Journal, 2012, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 261-274

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    • TCHUENTE, D., F. SÈDES, N. JESSEL, P. ANDRÉ, M. CANUT, "Accès à l'information dans les réseaux socionumériques", Hermès, La Revue, 2011, vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 59-64

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    • TCHUENTE, D., M.-F. CANUT, N. BAPTISTE-JESSEL, A. COUTANT, O. RAMPNOUX, "Pour une approche interdisciplinaire des TIC. Le cas des réseaux socionumériques", Document numérique, 2011, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 31-57

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    • TCHUENTE, D., "A cloud-based artificial intelligence platform for the delivery of mobility services." in 10th International confernce on Business Servitization, 2023, Barcelone, Spain

    • TCHUENTE, D., "Explaining the predictions of a meta-learner: "The case of corporate CO2 emissions" in Conférence CRI, 2023, Yaoundé, Cameroon

    • TCHUENTE, D., M. CANUT, N. BAPTISTE-JESSEL, A. PENINOU, F. SEDES, "A Community Based Algorithm for Deriving Users' Profiles from Egocentrics Networks" in 2012 International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2012), Istanbul, Turkey, 2012

    • TCHUENTE, D., "Modèle et techniques de dérivation de profils utilisateurs à partir de réseaux sociaux égocentrés" in 30ème Congrès INFormatique des Organisations et Systemes d'Information et de Decision (INFORSID 2012), 2012

    • TCHUENTE, D., "Modelisation générique du processus de développement des profils utilisateurs dans les systèmes d'information" in 3ème Séminaire Veille Stratégique Scientifique et Technologique (VSST 2012), IRIT; INIST; CNRS, Ajaccio, France, 2012

    • TCHUENTE, D., M.-F. CANUT, N. B. JESSEL, A. PÉNINOU, A. E. HADDADI, "Visualizing the Evolution of Users' Profiles from Online Social Networks" in 2010 International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2010), Odense, Denmark, 2010

    • TCHUENTE, D., "Conception de profils visuels d’utilisateurs à partir de réseaux égocentriques : Cas de Facebook" in Colloque Veille Stratégique Scientifique et Technologique (VSST 2010), Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France, 2010

    • KOUAMOU, G. E., D. TCHUENTE, "Experience with Model Sharing in Data Mining Environments" in 2008 The Third International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA), Sliema, Malta, 2008

    • NGUEMKAM TEBOU, I. P., N. TSOPZE, D. TCHUENTE, "Explaining Meta-learner’s Predictions: Case of Corporate CO2 Emissions" in Research in Computer Science., Paulin Melatagia Yonta, Kamel Barkaoui, René Ndoundam, Omer-Blaise Yenke Eds, Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 92-105, 2024

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    • CARILLO, K., S. AKTER, K. ALNOFELI, T. BEGUM, D. TCHUENTE, N. CHAUDHURI, S. FOSSO WAMBA, S. NYAWA, "Handbook of Big Data Research Methods" in Research Handbooks in Information Systems., Ed., Edward Elgar Publishing, vol. 3, 2023

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    • TCHUENTE, D., N. BAPTISTE-JESSEL, M.-F. CANUT, "Quelle modélisation des profils utilisateurs des réseaux sociaux numériques ?" in Stratégies du changement dans les systèmes et les territoires., Lise Viera, Nathalie Pinède Eds, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme d’Aquitaine, pp. 163-175, 2010

    • Big Data
    • Data Analysis
    • Information Systems
    • Business Analytics
    • Data Science
    • User Modelling in Information Systems
    • Social Network Analysis
    • Intelligent Transportation Systems
      • 2017 - 2019 : Big Data Architect Continental Toulouse
      • 2016 - 2017 : Data Architect SOPRA STERIA Toulouse
      • 2014 - 2016 : Senior IT Consultant ATOS Toulouse
      • 2013 - 2014 : IT Consultant Astek ORANGE Toulouse

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