
  • 2021 : PhD in Management ESCP Business School
  • 2017 : Master of Science (MSc) EM Lyon Lyon

Teaching Experience

  • Since 2021 : Professor in Management Control, Accounting and Auditing Toulouse Business School Toulouse
  • From 2018 to 2021 : Professor of Controlling, Accounting, and Social Science Research EM Lyon, ESCP Business School
    • DRUJON D'ASTROS, C., C. GAUDY, M. STRAUCH, "The ethnographer and the paradox of emotional closeness. An autoethnography of shame in accounting research", Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management, 2024, pp. 22 [fnege: 4, abs: 2]

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    • STRAUCH, M., "Tensions dans la quantification : faire compter l’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes", Comptabilité - Contrôle - Audit, 2023, vol. Tome 29, no. 4, pp. 57-94 [fnege: 2, abs: 1]

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    • BERLINSKI, É., M. STRAUCH, Q. PLANTEC, "Hyperloop, une mythologie de marchés", Revue Française de Gestion, 2022, vol. 48, no. 304, pp. 65-88 [cnrs: 3, fnege: 2]

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    • STRAUCH, M., "Out to Pasture: accounting for the work of dairy farmers facing technological change" in Conference Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Accounting, 02/07/2024, Londres, 2024

    • STRAUCH, M., C. DAMBRIN, "On the need to have time and space to pee at work" in AFC, 2023, Lyon

    • STRAUCH, M., C. DAMBRIN, "On the need to have time and space to pee at work" in CFRCCI, juin, 2023, Toulouse

    • DRUJON D'ASTROS, C., C. GAUDY, M. STRAUCH, "The ethnographer and the paradox of emotional closeness. An autoethnography of shame in accounting research", AFC, 2023, Lyon, France

    • STRAUCH, M., C. DAMBRIN, "On the need to have time and space to pee at work: the roles of accounting in framing, unfolding and silencing an embodied taboo." in Conférence AFC 2022, Bordeaux, France, 24-25 mai, 2022

    • STRAUCH, M., C. DAMBRIN, "On the need to have time and space to pee at work : the roles of accounting in framing, unfolding and silencing an embodied taboo" in Conférence MASOP, Stockholm, Suède, 2022

    • STRAUCH, M., "Unions negotiating for gender equality: the performativity of metrics on the relations of ruling" in conférence MASOP, Paris, France, 2021

    • STRAUCH, M., "Unions negotiating for gender equality: the performativity of metrics on the relations of ruling" in EAA Conference, Bucharest, Romania (Cancelled due to Covid 19), 2020

    • STRAUCH, M., "PhD project presentation - Controlling gender equality policies: operationalizing gender" in Accepted for participation at the EAA Doctoral Colloquium, Bucharest, Romania (Cancelled due to Covid 19), 2020

    • STRAUCH, M., "Unions negotiating for gender equality: the performativity of metrics on the relations of ruling" in Management Accounting as Social and Organizational Practice (MASOP), Paris, France (Cancelled due to Covid 19), 2020

    • STRAUCH, M., "Controlling the uncontrollable: gender equality policies and hidden control" in conférence à l'Association Francophone de Comptabilité (AFC), Paris, France, 2019

    • STRAUCH, M., "PhD Project presentation – selected amongst the five best PhD projects of the Workshop to go to the PhD Forum of the EAA 2020" in Doctoral Workshop, AFC, Paris, France, 2019

    • STRAUCH, M., "Gender equality policies and hidden control by a Soft Law body", 2019

    • STRAUCH, M., "Regulation, law and control, central to social and political contemporary stakes" in Doctoral Workshop AFC, Nantes, France, 2018

    • STRAUCH, M., "Feminist and political field study" in Critical Management Studies Workshop, Grenoble, France, 2018

    • STRAUCH, M., "Syndicalisme et quantification au service de l’égalité de genre" in Féminisme et Management, état et enjeux de la recherche francophone., Nancy Aumais et Léa Dorion Ed., Presses de l'Université Laval, chap. 3, pp. 63, 2024

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    • CLAVIJO, N., M. STRAUCH, "Comment et pourquoi mobiliser les théories féministes en comptabilité ?" in Comptabilité, Contrôle et Audit : Perspectives de recherche au-delà des sentiers battus., Wafa Khlif et Simon Alcouffe Ed., L'Harmattan, 2023

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    • Management Control
    • Management Accounting
    • Social Science studies
    • Operazionalizing gender equality
    • Social studies on quantification
    • Industrial Relations
      • 2016 - 2016 : Customer Manager Melusyn Paris
      • 2015 - 2015 : Product manager Glocal Partners London
      • 2013 - 2014 : Assistant de communication - Assistant de communication / Business Development - Assistant marketing et vente Vintage&Rare Copenhague
marianne strauch tbs education teacher

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