
  • 2018 : Doctorat in Mathematics Université Toulouse 1 Capitole Toulouse
  • 2014 : Master’s degree in Statistics and Econometrics Toulouse School of Economics, Université Capitole Toulouse Toulouse
  • 2014 : Magisterium Economist Statistician Université Capitole Toulouse, Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse
  • 2012 : Bachelor’s degree in Economics Toulouse School of Economics, Université Capitole Toulouse Toulouse

Teaching Experience

  • Since 2024 : Professor in Information Management Toulouse Business School Toulouse
  • From 2022 to 2024 : Researcher in Statistics Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • From 2020 to 2022 : Lecturer in Data Visualization École Nationale de l'Aviation Civile (ENAC) Toulouse
  • From 2017 to 2023 : Chargé de cours en Détection de valeurs aberrantes, Visualisation des données et Exploration des données Toulouse School of Economics Toulouse
  • From 2015 to 2017 : Teaching assistant in Statistical Inference Université Toulouse 1 Capitole Toulouse
    • ALFONS, A., A. ARCHIMBAUD, K. NORDHAUSEN, A. RUIZ-GAZEN, "Tandem clustering with invariant coordinate selection", Econometrics and Statistics, 2024

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    • ARCHIMBAUD, A., Z. DRMAČ, K. NORDHAUSEN, U. RADOJIČIĆ, A. RUIZ-GAZEN, "Numerical Considerations and a New Implementation for Invariant Coordinate Selection", SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science, 2023, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 97-121

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    • ARCHIMBAUD, A., F. BOULFANI, X. GENDRE, K. NORDHAUSEN, A. RUIZ-GAZEN, J. VIRTA, "ICS for multivariate functional anomaly detection with applications to predictive maintenance and quality control", Econometrics and Statistics, 2022

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    • ARCHIMBAUD, A., F. BERGERET, S. D'ALBERTO, C. BONNIN, C. SOUAL, "A new method for small sample space components screening: Challenges, algorithms and a case-study with Microchip", Microelectronics Reliability, 2019, vol. 100-101

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    • ARCHIMBAUD, A., K. NORDHAUSEN, A. RUIZ-GAZEN, "ICS for multivariate outlier detection with application to quality control", Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 2018, vol. 128, pp. 184-199 [abs: 3]

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    • ARCHIMBAUD, A., "Détection non-supervisée d’observations atypiques en contrôle de qualité : un survol", Journal de la Société Française de Statistique, 2018, vol. 159, no. 3, pp. 1-39

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    • ARCHIMBAUD, A., K. NORDHAUSEN, A. RUIZ-GAZEN, "ICSOutlier: Unsupervised Outlier Detection for Low-Dimensional Contamination Structure", The R Journal, 2018, vol. 10, pp. 234-250

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    • ARCHIMBAUD, A., "Robust matrix completion for rating-scale data" in 55ème journée de statistique, 27-31/05/2024, 2024, Bordeaux

    • ALESSANDRINO, S., A. ARCHIMBAUD, F. BERGERET, S. BEVILACQUA, "From space to automotive: early detection of burnin rejects on SiC products using a new statistical screening approach" in The 1st edition of the Automotive Reliability and Test workshop in Europe (ARTe), Virtual event, 2021

    • ARCHIMBAUD, A., C. SOUAL, F. BERGERET, S. D’ALBERTO, T. THEBAULT, C. BONIN, "High dimensional outlier screening of small dice samples for aerospace IC reliability" in The 10th international conference on mathematical methods in reliability, Grenoble, France, 2017

    • 2011 Scholarship of Excellence Toulouse School of Economics
    • 2008 Merit scholarship Région Midi-Pyrénées
    • Data Mining
    • Data Visualization
    • Outlier detection
    • Data Analysis
    • Robust statistics
    • Multivariate data analysis
    • Outlier detection
    • Dimension reduction
    • Robust statistics
    • Matrix completion
    • Functional data analysis
    • Rating scale data
      • 2019 - 2021 : Data Scientist/ R&D Statistician Ippon innovation
      • 2018 - 2018 : Data Scientist en Intelligence Artificielle Ivado Labs
      • 2015 - 2018 : Research Engineer in Statistics - PhD Student Ippon innovation
      • 2014 - 2014 : Statistician Ippon innovation

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