
  • 2017 : PhD in Accounting - Victoria University of Wellington - Wellington
  • 2008 : Master of Science (MSc) in Accounting - Trinity University - Texas
  • 2007 : Bachelor in Business Administration - Trinity University - Texas

Teaching Experience

  • Since 2019 : Professor in Management Control, Accounting and Auditing Toulouse Business School Toulouse
  • From 2017 to 2018 : Postdoctoral Researcher University of Limerick Limerick
  • From 2014 to 2017 : Assistant Lecturer Victoria University of Wellington - Wellington
  • From 2012 to 2014 : Graduate Assistant Victoria University of Wellington - Wellington
  • From 2010 to 2012 : Lecturer China Incarnate Word - Zengcheng city, Guangdong

Management Duties

  • 2024 : Head of the Accounting, Auditing and Control laboratory Toulouse Business School Toulouse
    • SOROLA, M., G. PRASEUTH, A. WERTHAUER, "Le mythe de l’Hyperloop", Revue Française de Gestion, 2024, vol. 314, no. 1, pp. 87-93 [fnege: 2]

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    • MOSES, O., D. EHALAIYE, M. SOROLA, P. LASSOU, "Extractive sector governance: does a nexus of accountability render local extractive industries transparency initiatives ineffective?", Meditari Accountancy Research, 2023 [abs: 1]

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    • LASSOU, P. J. C., M. SOROLA, D. SENKL, S. G. LAUWO, C. MASSE, "Monetization of politics and public procurement in Ghana", Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal, 2023 [fnege: 2]

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    • SOROLA, M., "Q methodology to conduct a critical study in accounting: A Q study on accountants’ perspectives of social and environmental reporting", Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 2022, vol. 86, pp. 1-37 [cnrs: 2, fnege: 2, abs: 3]

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    • SOROLA, M., D. KARAVIDAS, M. LAHEEN, "Addressing gender issues though the management of tax talent", Journal of Tax Administration , 2020, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 51-73 [abs: 2]

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    • SOROLA, M., "Redefining Success in Accounting Education Reform: Transformational insights from teaching accounting as a language" in Conf IPA 2024, 03/07/2024, Londres, 2024

    • SOROLA, M., "Q study: BODs and sustainable development" in Corporate Governance Research Symposium 2022, Barcelone, Espagne, 20-21 juin, 2022

    • SOROLA, M., "Insights At The Intersection Of Theory And Practice" in Qualitative and Critical Accounting research (QRCA) (visio) 09-12 novembre, 2020

    • SOROLA, M., "Doing dialogic engagement: Illustrating the potential of constructive conflict methodology.’" in British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA); 9-12 avril, 2018, Londres

    • SOROLA, M., S. KILLIAN, P. O’REGAN, "COFFERS: Exploring gendered differences and influences amongst tax professionals" in Irish Accounting and Finance Association (IAFA); 23-26 Mai, 2018, Limerick

    • SOROLA, M., "Using Q methodology to open the “black box” of corporate governance" in Handbook of Research Methods for Corporate Governance., Ed., Edward Elgar Publishing, chap. 11, 2023

    • SOROLA, M., "Le reporting social et environnemental : vers une perception multiple des comptables" in Comptabilité, Contrôle et Audit : Perspectives de recherche au-delà des sentiers battus., Wafa KHLIF et Simon ALCOUFFE Ed., L'Harmattan, pp. 55-72, 2023

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    • SOROLA, M., "Comptabilité dialogique critique et responsabilité" in Comptabilité, Contrôle et Audit : Perspectives de recherche au-delà des sentiers battus., Wafa KHLIF et Simon ALCOUFFE Ed., L'Harmattan, pp. 207-222, 2023

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    • SOROLA, M., "Méthodologie Q pour explorer la construction identitaire" in Comptabilité, Contrôle et Audit : Perspectives de recherche au-delà des sentiers battus., Wafa KHLIF et Simon ALCOUFFE Ed., L'Harmattan, pp. 161-174, 2023

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    • SCOBIE, M., M. SOROLA, G. FINAU, "The Pacific region" in Routledge Handbook of Environmental Accounting., Jan Bebbington, Carlos Larrinaga, Brendan O’Dwyer, Ian Thomson Eds, Routledge, pp. 328-338, 2021

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    • ALAWATTAGE, C., D.-L. ARJALIÈS, M. BARRETT, J. BERNARD, S. P. DE CASTRO CASA NOVA, C. H. CHO, C. COOPER, M. DENEDO, C. DRUJON D'ASTROS, R. EVANS, A. EJIOGU, L. FRIEDEN, A. GHIO, N. MCGUIGAN, M. SOROLA, "Editorial: Opening accounting: a Manifesto", Accounting Forum, 2021, vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 227-246 [cnrs: 4, abs: 3]

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    • LAINE, M., M. SCOBIE, M. SOROLA, H. TREGIDGA, "Special Issue Editorial: Social and Environmental Account/Ability 2020 and Beyond", Social and Environmental Accountability Journal, 2020, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 1-23 [cnrs: 4, abs: 1]

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    • SOROLA, M. - "Book review : The econocracy: the perils of leaving economics to the experts" - 2018, Social and Environmental Accountability Journal [abs: 1]

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    • 2018 ERASMUS+ Staff mobility Teaching Grant Utrecht University
    • 2018 ERASMUS + Staff Mobility Teaching Grant Copenhagen Business School (CBS)
    • Management Accounting
    • Decision-Making
    • Interdisciplinary Research Methods
    • Accounting
    • Environmental Accounting
    • Critical Accounting
    • Social Accounting
    • Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Accounting
      • 2011 - 2011 : Volunteer Lecturer Shanti Bhavan Children's Project Tamil Nadu
      • 2009 - 2010 : Owner Attrition Productions Melbourne
      • 2008 - 2008 : Audit - Associate Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC) Austin
      • 2005 - 2006 : Lead Accountant Caliber Lath & Plaster

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