October 23, 2014, Toulouse Business School, Toulouse, France

Technology Business Incubation Mechanisms and Sustainable Regional Development

Pioneered in the USA, incubators have emerged worldwide with a large number of facilities in the US, Europe and in several emerging nations. Most of the science parks are concentrated in the US and Western Europe. This rapidly increasing number of incubation mechanisms has gone together with a proliferation of various incubator models that have given rise to a diverse incubation industry. A contextual analysis of these models as components of their regional ecosystems is warranted to assess their role in regional economic development. It is the best way to shed light on the interaction and dynamics between incubators and their regional actors.

This research day calls for research presentations on exploring empirical evidence of the role played by modern incubation mechanisms in driving regional innovation and entrepreneurship in their changing environments.

The best papers will be considered for publication in special issues of The Journal of Technology Transfer, Entreprendre & Innover (Papers in both English and French) and a volume in the Johns Hopkins University Series on Entrepreneurship (Edward Elgar Press).

Keynote speakers

HENRY ETZKOWITZ is Senior Researcher, H-STAR Institute, Stanford University and Visiting Professor at School of Management, Birkbeck College, London University and Edinburgh University Business School, UK. He is a scholar of international reputation in innovation studies as the originator of the ‘Entrepreneurial University’ and ‘Triple Helix’ concepts that link university with industry and government at national and regional levels. He is also the co-founder of the Triple Helix International Conference Series, which has produced a series of books, special journal issues and policy analyses since it started in Amsterdam, 1996. Prior to coming to Stanford, he held the Chair in Management of Innovation, Creativity and Enterprise at Newcastle University Business School, UK and served as Visiting Professor in the Department of Technology and Society, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Stony Brook University, US. He has developed several innovative concepts for university-industry-government linkages together with colleagues in the Triple Helix Research Group at Newcastle University Business School. Professor Etzkowitz publishes regularly in Research Policy, Science and Public Policy, R&D Management, European Planning Studies and Minerva.

ALAIN FAYOLLE is a Professor of Entrepreneurship, the founder and director of the Entrepreneurship Research Centre at EM Lyon Business School. His research interests cover a range of topics in the field of entrepreneurship. He has been (or still is) acting as an expert for different governments and international institutions (OECD, EC). Alain has published twenty-five books and over one hundred articles in leading international and French-speaking journals. Among his editorial positions, he is notably an Associate Editor of JSBM and an Editor of two leading French-speaking journals. In 2013, Alain Fayolle received the 2013 European Entrepreneurship Education Award and has been elected officer of the Academy of Management Entrepreneurship Division (a five year commitment culminating with position as Chair of Division in 2016).

MAGNUS KLOFSTEN is professor and founding director of Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE) at Linköping University. Sweden. He is also professor at division Project, Innovations and Entrepreneurship (PIE). My research is oriented towards the early growth and development of technology-based firms, financing young ventures and university-industry relations. He is research leader at Helix Centre of Excellence and member of AgoraLink Centre for researcher mobility and commercialization of life science technologies. As director of CIE and member of the board of SMIL (a foundation of small technology-based firms), which provides support in business development for the member firms, has given him thorough experience of planning and implementation of different growth and development programs for technology-based firms. Professor Magnus Klofsten publishes regularly in Technovation, ISBJ, R&D Management, Journal of Technology Transfer, Small Business Economics, JSBM, etc.

SARFRAZ MIAN is Professor of Entrepreneurship & Management Policy, State University of New York, Oswego, NY. His scholarly work has appeared in Research Policy, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of High Technology Management Research, Project Management Journal and Technovation among others. He is the author of several books and book chapters and 2 recent volumes, Building Knowledge Regions in North America (2006) and Science and Technology Based Regional Entrepreneurship (2011). Professionally, he has served INFORMS (Chair, Technology Management), Academy of Management (TIM Newsletter Editor, Executive Member) and is Co-founder and US Coordinator of the North American Innovation Research Network. He has 30 years of consulting experience with international bodies, governments, industry and academia.

MIKE WRIGHT is Professor of Entrepreneurship at Imperial College Business School. He is Director of the Centre for Management Buy-out Research, the first centre to be established devoted to the study of private equity and buyouts, which was founded in March 1986 at the Nottingham University Business School. Previously he was Professor of Financial Studies at Nottingham University Business School since 1989. He has written over 50 books and more than 400 papers in academic and professional journals on management buy-outs, venture capital, habitual entrepreneurs, academic entrepreneurs, and related topics. He served two terms as an editor of Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (1994-99), was a joint editor of the Journal of Management Studies until 2009 and is editor elect of the Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. He is a member of the BVCA Research Advisory Board. He holds an honorary doctorate from the University of Ghent and was recently ranked #1 worldwide for publications in academic entrepreneurship.

Scientific Committee

  • Franck Bares, HEC Montreal, Canada
  • Servane Delanoë-Gueguen, Toulouse Business School, France
  • Henry Etzkowitz, H-STAR Institute, Stanford University, USA
  • Alain Fayolle, EM Lyon Business School, France
  • Aard Groen, University of Twente, the Netherland
  • Gaël Gueguen, Toulouse Business School, France
  • Maribel Guerrero, Orkestra – Basque Institute of Competitiveness, Spain
  • Willem Hulsink, Erasmus University Rotterdam School of Management, the Netherlands
  • Sarah Jack, IEED, LUMS, Lancaster University – UK
  • Magnus Klofsten, Linköpings universitet, Sweeden
  • Wadid Lamine, Toulouse Business School, France
  • Christophe Leyronas, Toulouse Business School, France
  • Nigel Lockett, Leeds University Business School, UK
  • Maura McAdam, Queens University Belfast, Northern Ireland
  • Sarfraz Mian, State University of New York at Oswego, School of Business, USA.
  • Philippe Mustar, Mines ParisTech, France
  • Phillip Phan, The Johns Hopkins Carey Business School, USA
  • Donald Siegel, University at Albany, School of Business USA
  • Danny Soetanto, IEED, LUMS, Lancaster University – UK
  • David Urbano, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain
  • Mike Wright, Imperial College London, UK


Partenaire TBS

Contact the conference co-chairs



All submissions will be subject to a rigorous double-blind peer review process. To be considered for revision, papers must be electronically submitted to
(Microsoft Word files only).

Deadlines, Submission and Review Process

  • 30 May 2014: Deadline for submission of short papers (maximum 1000 words)
  • 30 June 2014: Deadline for confirmation to authors
  • 15 September 2014: Deadline for submission of full paper (maximum 5500 words)
  • 30 September 2014: Deadline of registrations


The registration fee for the conference is €100. For information concerning registration and logistics, as well as updates of the program, please contact

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