Jan Jonker, University Professor and Laureate of the Chair, will be presenting his research program, entitled:

Changing the logic of Value Creation 

Program of the inaugural session on 2 October 2014:

– 4.45pm: Reception of participants
– 5.00pm: Introduction by François Bonvalet, Director of Toulouse Business SchoolJan Jonker, Professeur des Universités, Lauréat de la Chaire
– 5.15pm: Address by Martin Malvy, President of the Midi-Pyrénées Region
– 5.30pm: Presentation of the research program by Professor Jan Jonker
– 6.30pm: Questions/Discussions

Professor Jan Jonker is Holder of the “Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development” Chair at the University of Nijmegen, Netherlands. He has published 27 books and written 150 articles for academic journals.
He will be joining the TBS Research Centre of Toulouse Business School for a period of 22 months, from September 2014 until June 2016.

Learn more about Jan Jonker ›

The Pierre de Fermat Chair of Excellence aims to:
• generate new knowledge about Corporate Social Responsibility and more broadly about Sustainable Development, with a view to publishing academic research articles and other works with the TBS RC researchers concerned,
• propose innovative types of organization that can be disseminated throughout the Midi-Pyrénées Region, thus reinforcing the innovation ecosystem in Midi-Pyrénées, in close collaboration with the Region’s businesses.
 The Pierre de Fermat Chair of Excellence is supported financially by the Midi-Pyrénées Region.

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