The two-day contest saw students from schools in France, Norway and Ireland rise to the challenge of solving a business problem posed by partner company, TNP consultants. The contest, organized by TBS Education teaching staff and the Centre for Excellence in Artificial Intelligence, involved students from TBS Education’s MSc Data Science and Artificial Intelligence and the MSc Artificial Intelligence and Business Analytics, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology’s MSc in Informatics, and students on the University of Galway’s MSc Business Analytics program. Dataiku, a well-known provider of top notch data science platforms was also a partner of the event. 

Datathon 2024

The expert business consulting firm TNP Consultants came up with the following challenge:  implement a “credit scoring” tool to enable a company called “PrĂŞt Ă  dĂ©penser” (“Ready to Spend”) to approve or reject a loan to a client. 

The students also had to produce a video describing and explaining Artificial Intelligence.  

This multi-country competition in English gave students a chance to develop their international network while working on a professional challenge that involved interacting with leading companies in the world of Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence. 

“The Datathon is the perfect example of all the synergies that are happening in the perimeter of analytics and AI because it connects professors who are experts in analytics and AI, our two MSc programs in Analytics and AI, and it also connects with the industry.” Kevin Carillo.  

How is the Datathon organized?  

On the first day of the competition, students met on the TBS Education campus for a presentation of the competition and the business problem, then got working on their projects. The aim was to develop the best machine learning algorithm to make the most accurate predictions. Students also had the chance to take part in a Q&A session with Datathon partners and professors. Participants had until midnight to send in their pitch videos.  

On the second day, after a debriefing by the teams, participants were able to continue working on their projects, and the 3 best projects then presented a pitch of their work.  

The competition ended with an awards ceremony where the students shared social time with the professors and partners.  

“What’s really important about Datathon is the development of students’ skills and the exponential learning component.” Jessica Chagnard. 

3 challenges = 3 awards! 

The Datathon includes 3 challenges, and therefore 3 awards:  

  • Best Presentation, for the quality of the pitch and project presentation  
  • Best Model, which rewards the technical quality of the group’s predictive algorithm. 
  • AI Master Challenge, based on the quality of the group’s final work.  
datathon 2024

Our partners 

This year, the Datathon welcomed two well-known partners in the Artificial Intelligence industry:  

TNP Digital Factory, experts in digital transformation, providing complete and personalized solutions for businesses.  

“What’s interesting for us with TBS Education is that we can have a partnership with a renowned school with such a high academic level.” Riyad Lounissi from TNP Digital Factory. 

Dataiku, a French company specializing in Data Sciences, which develops platforms to analyze data and predict movements in the Big Data environment.  

The winners  

The winner in the Best Presentation and Best AI Model categories are the PowerPuff Data group, composed of students from the MSc Data Science & Artificial Intelligence (formerly Big Data, Marketing & Management) of TBS Education .  

And the winner of the AI Master Challenge category is TBS Education’s MSc Data Science & Artificial Intelligence

Congratulations to all the students for their hard work and investment in this competition!  

An international and professional experience  

“I think it’s a great experience for all students to participate in an international event” Patrick Makalif. 

This intense 2-day experience enabled all participating students to confront the challenges of professional life by working and interacting, in English, with international students, professors and industry professionals.    

“I think that this Datathon what actually does is gives you not only the technical capacity but also the business skills required.” Anastasia Griva

The TBS Education Center of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence & Business Analytics aims to become a leading research center in France on all topics linked to artificial intelligence and data analytics. As such, the center is internationally oriented mainstreaming pedagogical innovation into the classroom, fostering academic research, and building European collaborations to maintain a transverse living lab.  

Industry connections are evident during events such as the AI Day conference, ERASMUS Days* and the annual Datathon. During these events TBS Education works alongside high-profile institutions and industrial players such as the University of Johannesburg (South Africa), University of Technology Sydney (Australia), University of Bradford (United Kingdom), University of Galway (Ireland) and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Institute of Data-Driven Decisions of Esade Airbus, MIT, APEM, IBM, PwC, and Pierre Fabre, Microsoft, SAP, SAS, and CGI. 

Synergies with ERASMUS Days

During the annual ERASMUS Days 2023 campaign, a panel of experts discussed diversity and European values as drivers towards a code of corporate ethics as AI and generative technologies take on new business functions. The ecosystem that drives the Center of Excellence came to life as academics, industry experts, regulators, and watchdogs took the stage to debate the challenges that surround AI. The theme chosen by TBS Education was centered on a European approach to the AI technology which is revolutionizing the field of education, employment, work, and even legal and ethical rules right down to their development. This revolution is equal to or perhaps greater than the arrival of the internet. 

The round table brought together Martin Ulbrich, economist, expert within the European Commission in the “Development and coordination of AI policies” unit, Kevin Carillo, Head of the Artificial Intelligence & Business Analytics Center of Excellence at TBS Education, Aiad Outemsaa, project manager for IBM, Blockchain expert, specialized in the financial sector and Yann Ferguson, Doctor in sociology, associate researcher at the CERTOP laboratory at Jean Jaurès University, member of GPAI, global partnership for an AI respectful of human rights and democracy, today director of Labor IA, a joint laboratory between the Ministry of Labor and INRIA to identify the effects of AI on work. 

What’s Next for AI

As AI continues to grow, academic institutions and many companies are choosing to adopt codes of conduct regarding AI. We now must ask the questions: How can we harmonize AI policies for all EU countries? What is the AI Act based on and how can we describe it? What are its main principles? Are generative AIs of the same nature and scope as other AIs, and do we end up with the same regulations? What place for women in the AI ​​sector? These topics are just some of the questions that the speakers shed light on throughout the debate, which was moderated by ValĂ©rie Ravinet, journalist specializing in AI. 

As TBS Education continues to foster and build awareness with decision makers and industry experts on regulatory measures for the future AI, the Centre of Excellence will develop its expertise in this field highlighting the impact of AI on higher education and the impact of generative artificial intelligence on students’ study paths, skills and chosen professions.  

*The ERASMUS Days campaign is a week-long celebration of the Erasmus+ program in Europe and all over the world. At TBS Education we show our support of international education, training youth and sport by organizing corporate events, student-led social gatherings, and staff workshops.   

During the ERASMUS Days the EU’s flagship program provides the ideal environment to promote mobility, reinforce the importance of inclusive international education models, bring together the entire student body and showcase strong European collaborations such as partnerships with the Center of Excellence and our engagement in other projects such as the UNIVERSEH project, European Space University for Earth, and Humanity. 

Anne RIVIERE, Directrice de la Formation InitialeAt TBS Education, we place the educational wellbeing of our students at the heart of our considerations. This involves actions in several aeras: Educational innovation, student experience, new campuses… We guarantee an innovative and inspiring learning environment for everyone.

Anne RIVIERE, Director of Initial Training

Our ambition: to develop a scial polity that promotes inclusion and contributes to equal opportunity

Our diversity policy is supported by a network of institutions, partner associations and resource people, all contributing through their actions to our commitment to inclusion and equal opportunity.

  • Commitment to inclusion and diversity. In line with its ambitious social policy, TBS Education is a signatory to the CGE’s charter of commitment to inclusion and respect for diversity;
    • Combating discrimination: TBS Education is committed to preventing sexual harassment and sexist, sexual and homophobic violence by setting up initiatives to prevent, report and deal with such situations. These actions are aimed at both students and staff.
    • Diversity at TBS Education: In terms of TBS Education staff, the balance between men and women is 42.3% in the permanent faculty, and over 70% of the members of the restricted management committee are women. Nationality diversity within the school is also significant, with 51 foreign nationals from 28 different countries.
  • Period poverty: According to a 2021 FAGE survey, period poverty affects a third of female students in France. A partnership has been signed between our school, the PRISM student association and Fava, la box des protections intimes, to equip all our Toulouse campuses with free dispensers of 100% organic, eco-responsible and solidarity-based menstrual protection.
  • Equality between men and women: EQUAL.ID is a program designed to help women, men and organizations work together to improve mentalities and behavior. This ambitious project raises students’ awareness of gender inequality in the workplace and combats stereotypes, from the moment they enter TBS Education until they enter the job market.
  • STOP sexual and gender-based violence: At the heart of TBS Education’s values, the fight against all types of discrimination and violence, particularly sexist and sexual violence, must ensure that everyone at the school is respected everywhere and in every situation. Sexist and sexual violence (SGBV) can be defined very briefly as comments, acts or behaviors (physical or non-physical) that target a person’s sex, sexual orientation or gender identity (sexism, harassment, sexual assault, rape, homophobia, transphobia).

What do our students think:

Student associations allow us to get involved in topics that interest us.”

It’s a school where we feel good, where everything is done to make our future a success

A very active alumni network that provides interesting opportunities and gives me a chance to talk about my future.”

Numerous international students within the school and option of studying abroad.”

The chance to develop an important professional network around the word.”

The kindness of the administration, and professors who help students make the best choices for their careers.”

Internship opportunities thanks to company networking events.”

The guest speakers give us a professional perspective, which is great.

Happy at School

Fighting gender inequality at work means going back to the source. Injustices often go back to the student experience, where they are more pronounced. School is more than just a place of learning, it’s the place where tomorrow’s professionals are forged.


“HappyAtSchool” is a label that rewards student fulfillment in higher education.

The platform attributes the “HappyAtSchool” label based on a student satisfaction survey, and offers an annual ranking that highlights the schools and universities that make a real effort to meet the key expectations of their students, thus highlighting the schools that students prefer and where it’s good to study!

In 2023, TBS Education comes 4th in this ranking.

The methodological approach of the HappyAtSchool label convinced us of the importance of obtaining metrics to improve our learning environment, to better understand the needs and expectations of our students in order to implement specific initiatives and enhance their experience within their study path.

Obtaining this label enables applicants who are particularly sensitive to CSR issues on the one hand, and student wellbeing on the other, to easily recognize schools that, like us, have made these subjects part of their school model. In addition to the renewal of our label, we are proud to have been consistently well ranked among the top business schools , reflecting our commitment to well-being, environmental issues, social inclusiveness and equality between men and women… all issues to which our school has made a solid commitment in terms of pedagogy and associative projects.

Anne RIVIERE, Director of Initial Training

How is the HappyIndex®AtSchool ranking calculated?

Every student can complete the HappyIndex®AtSchool survey on request from their school or student association.

This 21-questions survey calculates 2 values:

  • The average of the 21 questions gives a score /5, known as the “survey score”.
  • A recommendation rate, which is the percentage of students who answered, “somewhat agree” or “strongly agree” to the question “I would recommend my school to a friend to study at”.
  • The survey participation rate is also calculated as follows: number of students who responded / total number of students at the school.

The ranking score is equal to the “questionnaire score” multiplied by 2, then weighted by the participation rate and the recommendation rate:

  • If the participation rate is greater than or equal to 30%, then the coefficient is 1. As soon as this rate decreases, then the coefficient decreases proportionally and lowers the questionnaire score.
  • If the recommendation rate is greater than or equal to 70%, then the coefficient is 1. If this rate decreases, then the coefficient decreases proportionally and lowers the questionnaire score.
  • The formula is 2 Ă— HappyIndex Ă— participation coefficient Ă— recommendation coefficient

Since 2011, TBS Education has had a partnership with Jinan University in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, for the Executive DBA programme.

This programme is offered to students of the Chinese University through 8 seminars over a period of 4 years, combining scientific methodology and strategic decision-making in an entrepreneurial environment.

Of these 8 seminars, two take place on our campuses in Toulouse, Barcelona or Paris, offering Chinese learners immersion at the heart of European campuses.

Due to the health challenges of recent years, learners from Jinan University have not been able to return to our campuses since 2019. Their return to Europe, marked by the campus tour, is therefore a first since the pandemic.

After a graduation ceremony celebrating the success of their predecessors, they began their journey on the new Barcelona campus, then continued on to France to discover how local businesses operate, before concluding their visit on the Paris campus.

This fruitful international partnership, which has lasted for over 13 years, continues to be a success for both institutions in promoting this high-level programme.

In the French entrepreneurial arena, Qui Veut Être Mon Associé (QVEMA) is an essential springboard for entrepreneurs looking to give their project a significant boost. One of the participants was at the TBSeeds incubator and another was an alumni!

Coach and TBS Education alumni

Among the programme’s team, the famous Startup Coach, Aram Attar, is a TBS Education alumni.

A 2023 graduate of the Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA), specialising in entrepreneurship, he defended his thesis “How Do Entrepreneurs Manage Their Mental Health?” at the same time as the QVEMA programme.

TBSeeds: a star seed at QVMA

The programme will take a particularly interesting turn for the TBS Education community as Brice Cavelier, a former TBSeeds incubatee, will appear on the show to present UpFiner.

UpFiner is a brand of nomadic safe with theft detection and alarm, manufactured in the Occitanie region of France, for securing valuables during travel and/or activities.

One question remains: will Brice be able to convince the show’s seven seasoned investors?

Join us on 21 February, at 9.10pm on M6, to find out the answer and support Brice in his entrepreneurial adventure!


Since 2012, 173 projects have been supported by our TBSeeds incubator!

This synergy between quality education and an accessible entrepreneurial ecosystem makes TBS Education a fertile ground for launching and developing innovative projects.

Choosing the right institution for higher education is a pivotal decision in one’s academic and professional journey. That is the reason why at TBS Education, we believe that an informed choice comes from understanding the full spectrum of what an institution offers.

From our deeply rooted history and robust academic programs to global exposure and a hands-on learning experience, our school offers a comprehensive and holistic approach to business education.
Furthermore, our vibrant community and campus life, enriched by a vast global alumni network and numerous student clubs, ensures a well-rounded experience that goes beyond the classroom.

In the following article you’ll discover the multitude of reasons that set TBS Education apart and make it the ideal choice for aspiring business professionals.


1. History and heritage of TBS Education

Embarking on a journey through the corridors of TBS Education is like stepping back over a century of academic excellence and innovation.
Established more than 120 years ago, we have witnessed and actively participated in the ebb and flow of the business world. Our resilience is evident: through wars, economic downturns, and significant global shifts, we haven’t merely weathered the storms – we’ve thrived, adapted, and expanded.

From humble beginnings, we have evolved into a global educational french business school. Today, our influence extends beyond our original campus of Toulouse, with multiple locations worldwide and affiliations with some of the most esteemed academic institutions. And it’s not just about numbers, although training over 55,000 alumni, many of whom now hold leadership positions in prominent global companies, is undoubtedly a significant achievement.

Our heritage speaks volumes, but it’s not just about our storied past. It’s about the commitment and passion we’ve shown consistently throughout our history, ensuring that every student receives an education that stands the test of time.
The enduring legacy of TBS Education stands as a testament to our dedication, adaptability, and unwavering drive to shape the future leaders of tomorrow.

2. World-class academic programs

Our school isn’t just defined by its rich heritage; it’s our commitment to the future that truly sets us apart. At the heart of this pledge is our portfolio of world-class academic programs, meticulously designed to meet the needs of a rapidly evolving business landscape.

A triply accredited business school
We have been consistently recognized and accredited by global educational bodies, a reflection of our stringent quality standards. Our faculty, a blend of seasoned academics and industry practitioners, bring to the classroom a potent mix of theoretical wisdom and real-world insights. This ensures that our students receive an education that is both relevant and practical.

Discover our Programs

Moreover, our research centers are continually pushing the boundaries of knowledge, with numerous publications in esteemed journals each year.

Our curriculum isn’t static; it evolves by drawing from these cutting-edge studies, ensuring students are always learning at the frontier of business thought.

Collaboration is key to our teaching methodology
We’ve forged relationships with industry giants, allowing our students to work on live projects, witness business mechanics firsthand, and receive mentorship from industry veterans. Such engagements not only offer our students an unparalleled learning experience but also put them on the radar of potential employers.

3. Global exposure and opportunities

When we speak of global exposure at TBS Education, we mean an immersive, comprehensive, and transformative experience that equips our students with the skills and perspectives they need to navigate and excel in the intricate maze of global business.

In an age of interconnected economies and borderless businesses, we recognize the immense value of global exposure for our students. Our commitment to fostering a truly international perspective goes well beyond mere words.

Our presence in multiple continents is a testament to this commitment. With campuses located in strategic business hubs, our students gain first-hand exposure to various economic ecosystems, enhancing their adaptability and global market understanding.
It’s not just about learning different business practices; it’s about experiencing diverse cultures, thought processes, and ways of life.

In addition, our strategic partnerships with 245 universities worldwide pave the way for numerous exchange programs. Every year, a significant portion of our students embark on these opportunities, immersing themselves in foreign academic environments and gaining a deeper appreciation of global business dynamics.


4. Hands-on learning experience

portrait of proud business people and partner

We firmly believe that knowledge truly comes alive when applied.
The intricacies of the business world aren’t just found in textbooks or lectures; they’re encountered in real-world scenarios and challenges.

Our dedication to providing students with practical, hands-on experiences sets us apart and ensures that they graduate not just with a degree, but with a wealth of applicable skills.

Prepared for real-world business challenges

Each year, TBS Education proudly collaborates with over 100 companies across various sectors. These collaborations or partnerships often culminate in live business projects where students get the chance to tackle actual challenges faced by these organizations.

Whether it’s devising a new marketing strategy for a start-up or analyzing financial data for a multinational corporation, our students are routinely placed in the thick of genuine business dilemmas. Such endeavors not only sharpen their problem-solving skills but also provide them a tangible understanding of theoretical concepts.

Internships and placements

Internships are an integral component of our academic structure. With a dedicated placement cell that maintains strong ties with leading corporations, we ensure that our students have ample opportunities to gain industry experience.

In fact, over 90% of our students secure internships by their penultimate year, a figure we take immense pride in. These internships often transition into full-time job offers, reflecting the high regard employers have for the practical skills and professionalism our students exhibit.


5. Community and campus life

Beyond the classroom walls of TBS Education lies a vibrant community that thrives on collaboration, diversity, and a shared passion for excellence. Our campus life, brimming with activities and opportunities, ensures that our students’ journeys are not just academically enriching but personally fulfilling as well.

Global alumni network

One of the true strengths of TBS Education is our vast and active alumni network, which spans across continents and industries.
Comprising over 55,000 members, our alumni community regularly engages with the school, offering mentorship, workshops, and even recruiting opportunities for current students.

Such a network doesn’t just represent past success; it’s a living, evolving testament to the lasting impact TBS Education has on its graduates. Many of our alumni hold pivotal roles in prestigious organizations worldwide, and their willingness to give back enriches the learning and growth prospects for our current student body.

Student clubs and organizations

Life at TBS Education is dynamic, thanks in large part to our plethora of student-led clubs and organizations. Currently, our campus boasts over 30 such groups, catering to a diverse range of interests – from entrepreneurship and tech to arts and community service. These clubs provide students with platforms to pursue their passions, develop leadership skills, and create lasting memories. For instance, our annual “Business Fest” organized by the student council has grown to attract participants from business schools globally, fostering camaraderie and healthy competition.

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This all-encompassing guide is here to smoothen your metamorphosis into Parisian student life. We comprehend the trepidation associated with such a colossal relocation and stand by your side, guiding you through every stride of this journey.

Our purpose is to deconstruct the intricate process of preparing for your voyage, ranging from visa formalities and health coverage to fiscal deliberations.
We understand the myriad of factors you need to consider before immersing yourself in the cityscape of Paris. We are committed to arming you with all the essential tools for this expedition.

We aspire for this handbook to be your trustworthy ally as you plunge into this stimulating adventure. Our earnest wish is for your triumphant immersion into Parisian student life.
After all, an educational stay in the City of Light offers an unparalleled experience, as enlightening as it is thrilling.
So, let’s initiate this transformative journey in one of the globe’s most known cities.
Welcome to Paris!



Preparation before arrival

young caucasian woman waiting train at railway

Our guide’s opening section puts a spotlight on crucial preparations prior to your Parisian relocation. It illuminates the visa process for non-European Union scholars, furnishes advice on health coverage and immunizations, and imparts valuable insight on procuring student lodgings.

Moreover, we’ll dissect financial considerations, from comprehending the living costs to budgeting for your Parisian stint. We aim to streamline your transition to city life.


A - Visa procedures and prerequisites (for non-EU students)

Delving into details, our initial focus is on the visa procedures and prerequisites for non-EU students. If your home country lies beyond the European Union, the first milestone in your Parisian educational quest is procuring a student visa. No need for apprehension, we’re here to shepherd you.

For most non-EU scholars, you’ll need to solicit a long-stay visa, tailored for students, colloquially referred to as a VLS-TS (visa long sĂ©jour valant titre de sĂ©jour). We ardently suggest initiating the visa application process posthaste upon receipt of your acceptance letter. Be mindful that embassies and consulates may take weeks or even months to process visa requests. 
The application mandates several critical documents, encompassing a university      acceptance letter, proof of fiscal resources, and health insurance coverage, among other essentials.

Lastly, upon your arrival in France, non-EU students possessing a VLS-TS must validate their visa online through the French Office of Immigration and Integration (OFII).
This is an indispensable step, and we’ll demystify the details, ensuring you’re thoroughly informed and ready.

A prudent reminder:
Official government websites serve as your most trustworthy information repositories, providing exhaustive, current guides on requisite documents and required steps.


B - Health coverage

We now transition to the cardinal topic of health coverage and immunizations, with the aim to enlighten you about the measures necessary to preserve your health whilst studying in Paris. Our foremost concern is not only for you to relish your time in Paris but also remain healthy throughout your stay.

Firstly, it’s imperative to mention that France boasts one of the globe’s most comprehensive healthcare frameworks.
As a scholar, you are entitled to partake in the French social security system, often at zero cost.


health insurance concept / Health coverage

Alongside social security, supplementary health insurance, or “mutuelle,” is often advised to cover expenses not fully reimbursed by the state. 

Though not mandatory, a mutuelle can be beneficial, with numerous affordable alternatives tailored for scholars.

As for immunizations, France typically does not necessitate international students to receive specific vaccines.

However, it’s always judicious to verify the latest recommendations from health authorities and ensure your routine immunizations are current.


C - Financial considerations

Shifting our focus to financial considerations, we recognize the critical role that budgeting plays in your study abroad journey. As with any global city, life in Paris can come with considerable expenses, but careful planning can ensure you’re prepared.

From accommodation to meals, transportation, study materials, and leisure activities, it’s best to plan for every eventuality. Remember, it’s often more prudent to overestimate than underestimate your needs. 
When setting your budget, think about the typical costs you’ll encounter. Paris, famed for its delightful cafĂ©s and bakeries, offers a range of dining options to suit different budgets.

  • Public transport, while cost-effective, can accumulate over time, making it an important factor to consider in your financial planning.


  • Housing costs are another significant consideration. Prices can vary dramatically, with central Paris typically more expensive than its suburbs. Balancing the allure of location with cost-effectiveness is key. Don’t forget to factor in additional costs like utilities and internet fees.


  • Opening a French bank account can also be a smart move to avoid foreign transaction fees. Most French banks provide student-friendly options, often including online banking facilities. We’ll delve deeper into this topic later in our guide. 

Understanding Paris

woman trying to find her wayin paris

Moving forward, our journey brings us to an essential segment of this guide – understanding the multifaceted city of Paris.
The city’s essence extends beyond its renowned landmarks and culinary delights, and gaining insights into its culture, etiquettes, and language nuances can make your transition significantly smoother.

Firstly, let’s unravel the layers of Paris as a city. Known affectionately as “La Ville Lumière” or “The City of Light,” Paris isn’t just the capital of France. It’s a vibrant hub for art, fashion, gastronomy, and culture. With its rich history and dynamic lifestyle, living in Paris promises to be an enriching experience.

Moving on to culture and etiquette, the French are particularly appreciative of good manners. A warm ‘Bonjour‘ when you enter shops, a thankful ‘Merci‘ when availing services, and a polite ‘Au revoir‘ when exiting places, will resonate well in Paris. Familiarizing yourself with such etiquettes and cultural norms can enhance your daily interactions and experiences in the city.

Finally, let’s discuss language. While many Parisians are adept in English, especially in tourist regions and universities, a basic grasp of French can deeply enrich your experience. We suggest learning some basic phrases or using language learning apps to navigate any potential language barriers.

Higher education system in France

As we delve into the higher education system in France, we aim to provide a clear and concise overview that will help you navigate your academic journey in Paris with ease.
It’s important to note that the French higher education system might be different from what you’re accustomed to, but rest assured, we’re here to guide you through it.

The system is divided into public universities and ‘Grandes Écoles‘, both of which offer a wide array of programs in diverse fields.
Public universities are open to all students who have a high school diploma, while ‘Grandes Écoles‘ are highly selective institutions, usually specialized in a particular field like business or engineering.

Degree programs follow the Bologna Process, which standardizes higher education across Europe. Therefore, you will find the familiar structure of Bachelor’s (3 years), Master’s (2 years), and PhD (3 years) degrees.

Paris is home to many internationally recognized universities and higher education institutions. Whether you choose TBS Education, the Sorbonne, Sciences Po, or another institution, you’re bound to find a program that suits your academic ambitions.

If you’re an international student, you might also be interested to know that many institutions offer courses and even entire degree programs in English. This makes studying in Paris more accessible for those who aren’t fluent in French.


As we transition into the topic of accommodation, we recognize this can be one of the more challenging aspects of planning your studies in Paris. However, armed with the right information and resources, finding a suitable place to live can be a much smoother process.

In Paris, there are various types of housing options available for students. These range from:

  • university dormitories, 
  • student residences, 
  • shared apartments, 
  • individual rentals.

Each of these options offers its own benefits and drawbacks, and the choice will largely depend on your personal preferences, budget, and the length of your stay.

If you prefer a more community-based living environment, university dormitories or student residences may be a good option. They offer a fantastic way to meet fellow students and can be relatively affordable. However, spots in these accommodations can be limited, so applying early is key.

For those seeking more independence, renting a private apartment or sharing an apartment with other students might be more suitable. Though this can be more expensive than student residences, it does provide more privacy and control over your living environment.

small apartment with workplace

The importance of location

Location is also an important consideration.
Paris is divided into 20 districts, or “arrondissements“, each with its own unique character. Accommodation in central Paris tends to be more expensive, but offers the benefit of being close to many of the city’s attractions.
Suburban areas, on the other hand, can provide more affordable options, with good transport links to the city center.

In the end, securing the right accommodation for your needs is a critical step towards a successful and enjoyable study experience in Paris. The city has a wealth of options to cater to different tastes and budgets, and with careful planning, you’ll find the one that suits you best. 


Next, let’s navigate the world of transportation in Paris. The city boasts a highly efficient and extensive public transportation network, making it easy for you to commute to and from your university, explore the city, and experience the surrounding regions.

To begin with, the Paris subway, with its broad network and frequent service, forms the backbone of the city’s transport system. It is often the fastest and most convenient way to get around. The RER trains complement the subway, providing connections to the wider city suburbs and key destinations like the airports.

Buses also crisscross the city, and while they might be slower due to traffic, they offer scenic views of Parisian streets. Night buses, known as Noctilien, operate after subway hours, ensuring you’re never stranded in the City of Light.

For shorter distances, you may consider walking or cycling. Paris is famously walkable, with many landmarks and attractions in close proximity. The Velib bike-sharing system is also a popular, cost-effective, and eco-friendly alternative for getting around.

Regardless of the mode of transport you choose, it’s worth investing in a Navigo card, a rechargeable card that can be used across subway, RER, bus, and tram services. It’s a convenient and economical option, especially for regular commuters.

Student life in Paris

In this section, we’ll navigate through the rich tapestry of cultural, academic, and social opportunities that will shape your time as a student. 

From clubs and associations to a variety of events, the Parisian student life is teeming with possibilities. 

Whether you’re seeking academic enrichment, cultural immersion, or a lively social scene, Paris offers an unparalleled student experience. Let’s delve into the exciting world of student life in Paris.

a group of cheerful students college friends taking a picture

Parisian student culture is a vibrant blend of academics, social activities, and cultural immersion.
The city’s world-renowned universities foster a dynamic and collaborative environment, encouraging lively intellectual exchanges that span beyond the classroom.
Whether it’s late-night study sessions at the library, group projects at a local cafĂ©, or passionate debates in the student union, the pursuit of knowledge is a shared journey.

In addition to academics, student life in Paris is marked by a wide range of social activities.
From festivals and concerts to student clubs and sports teams, there’s always something happening on and off-campus. These events and activities not only offer a great way to unwind but also provide opportunities to meet fellow students and form lasting friendships.

Cultural immersion is another critical aspect of student culture in Paris.
This might involve exploring the city’s countless museums and monuments, participating in cultural events, or simply strolling along the Seine with friends. The city itself becomes an extended classroom, offering infinite opportunities to learn and experience the French culture first-hand.

Life in Paris is so much more than just attending classes and doing coursework.
One of the crucial parts of the student experience lies in participating in the multitude of associations, clubs, and groups available to students in Paris.
These organizations span a vast range of interests and offer an incredible opportunity to build a network, develop skills outside the academic sphere, and truly immerse yourself in Parisian student culture.

For those who thrive on team spirit and physical activity, numerous sports clubs, from football to fencing, are prevalent across Parisian campuses.
They provide a platform not just to engage in the sport you love but also to participate in inter-university championships, cultivating a healthy sense of competition and camaraderie.

If the arts and culture scene is more your cup of tea, rest assured, Paris, being the cultural capital that it is, hosts an assortment of clubs. From theater groups and music bands to film societies and dance clubs, these creative platforms let students express themselves artistically and participate in various events and festivals happening around the city.

For the academically inclined, there are numerous department-specific clubs, debate societies, and academic fraternities that hold regular meetings, discussions, and guest lectures. They provide a space for intellectual stimulation and in-depth discussions that extend beyond the classroom.

Being a student in Paris is not just about hitting the books; it’s about fully immersing yourself in the vibrant cultural and academic environment the city offers.
There’s a myriad of events happening year-round, providing enriching opportunities that extend far beyond the classroom.

First and foremost, let’s have a look into the academic events.
Many universities in Paris host an array of events, including expert-led lectures, research conferences, and interactive workshops. These opportunities allow you to engage with cutting-edge thoughts and theories in your field of study, enhancing your learning experience.
Furthermore, they often facilitate networking with professors, researchers, and fellow students from all over the world, thus broadening your academic horizons.

Now, let’s turn to the cultural side. As the cultural heart of France, Paris boasts an unparalleled calendar of events. 

  • For art aficionados, there is Paris Art Week and the famed Nuit Blanche, an annual all-night arts festival.
  • Film lovers can enjoy events like the Paris Film Festival or outdoor summer movie screenings.
  • Music enthusiasts will find plenty to enjoy, from eclectic music festivals like Rock en Seine to classical concerts at iconic venues like the Palais Garnier.

These cultural and academic events play a crucial role in your overall Parisian experience. They offer an opportunity to enrich your academic journey, explore diverse interests, and truly embrace the Parisian lifestyle.
This fusion of world-class education and a vibrant cultural scene is what makes studying in Paris a truly unique and enriching experience.

If this guide has inspired you to study in the French capital, we recommend you take a look at our Paris campus for more information.


Understanding international exchange programs

international students shaking hands

At TBS Education, we firmly believe in pushing the boundaries of traditional education. As a part of our commitment to cultivating global citizens and future leaders, we proudly advocate for international exchange programs.
These programs are more than just an academic experience; they are life-altering journeys, instilling students with a sense of global awareness, personal development, and cultural understanding.

The purpose of this article is to highlight and elaborate on the profound advantages of participating in international exchange programs. We will delve into how these programs significantly benefit personal development, academic and professional growth, cultural awareness, and global networking.

After all, the essence of education lies in its ability to expand minds beyond the confines of a classroom, and these programs do just that and more.

What are the advantages of international exchange programs?

When it comes to personal development, the impact is immeasurable.
Students find their self-confidence flourishing, their independence strengthened, and their worldview expanded. Furthermore, navigating daily life in a different language brings a significant improvement in language skills.

From an academic and professional standpoint, the advantages continue to multiply. 
The opportunity to study or work in a different academic or professional environment is a unique one. It facilitates the development of unique skills that stand out on resumes, providing a tangible boost to career prospects.

On the cultural front, students experience a rich exchange.
They develop invaluable intercultural skills, get exposed to new traditions, food, and customs, and learn to appreciate cultural differences firsthand. The experience often instills a deep sense of global citizenship.

Of course, let’s not overlook the power of networking.
International exchange programs offer the perfect platform to make friends from all over the world, and build a global network. These connections often lead to future collaborations and job opportunities.

Personal development

Embracing an international exchange program is a leap towards profound personal development. As our students venture into unfamiliar territories, they inevitably come face-to-face with challenges that demand resourcefulness and resilience.
By overcoming these hurdles, they witness a surge in self-confidence, becoming individuals who believe in their capacity to navigate the world independently.

In addition to bolstering self-confidence, exchange programs play a significant role in broadening students perspectives.
They are exposed to a myriad of people, cultures, and viewpoints distinct from their own, thereby cultivating an enhanced worldview. It encourages them to consider different lenses through which to view the world, fostering empathy and respect for diversity.

Moreover, living and studying in a different language environment accelerates language acquisition. Our students don’t merely learn a language; they live it.
This immersion results in not only an expanded vocabulary and improved fluency, but also a deeper understanding of the nuances, expressions, and rhythms of the language that textbooks often can’t capture.

Academic and professional development

In the realm of academic and professional advancement, international exchange programs are a game-changer. Stepping outside the familiar walls of their home institution, students get a chance to study in a completely different academic ecosystem.
This exposure to new teaching styles, academic expectations, and coursework can offer fresh insights and invigorate their learning experience.

From a professional standpoint, participating in an exchange program can be a significant differentiator in today’s competitive job market. Students gain an understanding of international work culture, business practices, and professional norms that make them attractive to employers with global operations.
It’s not just about learning new skills; it’s about understanding how to apply those skills in diverse settings.

Cultural exchange

At the heart of international exchange programs lies the enriching experience of cultural exchange.
It offers students an immersive dive into the local culture, traditions, and societal norms that can be vastly different from their own. This firsthand cultural exposure fosters a deep appreciation for diversity and helps them break away from any ethnocentric views they might unconsciously hold.

From everyday interactions in the local language to participation in traditional festivals, tastings of regional cuisine, and exploration of historical sites, every experience contributes to their cultural learning. It’s not just about observing the culture; it’s about living it, understanding it, and valuing the diversity it brings.

Moreover, students are not merely receivers of cultural insights but also ambassadors of their own culture. They engage in mutual exchange, sharing their cultural background, customs, and perspectives with their hosts and peers abroad.
This process of cultural give-and-take fosters a sense of global citizenship, nurtures tolerance, and promotes cross-cultural understanding.

Network and connections

One of the often underappreciated yet highly impactful advantages of international exchange programs is the opportunity to establish a robust global network. Our students find themselves amidst a diverse cohort of peers from around the world, each bringing unique insights and experiences to the table.

These connections extend beyond the boundaries of friendship.
They lead to the establishment of a dynamic international network that can be instrumental in future academic collaborations, professional endeavors, and even entrepreneurial initiatives.
Networking is not confined to fellow students; internships and academic projects often offer opportunities to connect with professionals and industry leaders in the host country.

The relationships cultivated during an exchange program can also lead to lifelong friendships, providing students with a global support system and a sense of belonging wherever they might find themselves in the world.
These connections humanize the global experience, turning countries and cultures from abstract concepts into personal connections and experiences.

In a world that is increasingly interconnected, having a diverse, global network isn’t just an advantage; it’s a necessity. And international exchange programs offer a powerful platform to build this network.


International exchange programs allow students to study in a completely different academic ecosystem, offering exposure to new teaching styles, academic expectations, and coursework.

From a professional standpoint, these programs provide an understanding of international work culture and business practices. Many students secure internships during their exchange period, gaining hands-on experience in an international context. This practical experience enhances their resumes and makes them more appealing to employers with global operations.

International exchange programs provide an opportunity to establish a robust global network. Students find themselves amongst a diverse cohort of peers from around the world.

These connections can lead to future academic collaborations, professional endeavors, and even entrepreneurial initiatives. Also, relationships cultivated during the program can lead to lifelong friendships, creating a global support system for the students.

At TBS Education, we advocate for international exchange programs because we believe these programs are more than just an academic experience. They are life-altering journeys that instill students with a sense of global awareness, personal development, and cultural understanding. 

Discover how studying in a French business school can unlock your potential and pave the way to success.

As the world becomes increasingly globalized, gaining a competitive edge in the business world is more important than ever. One way to achieve this is by studying in a French business school. These institutions offer unique advantages that can unlock your potential and set you on a path towards success.


The unique advantages of french business schools

French business schools are widely renowned for their academic rigor, but what sets them apart from other institutions?

In this section, we will explore the unique advantages of studying at a French business school.

France is home to some of the most prestigious business schools in the world. These institutions have a global reputation for academic excellence and are highly regarded by employers worldwide. Studying at a French business school can help you gain a competitive edge in the job market and open up exciting career opportunities.

TBS Education, formerly known as Toulouse Business School, is a globally renowned institution that has established itself as a leader in the field of business studies. As of 2023, the school has a diverse community of more than 5,600 students from 80+ nationalities across its campuses in Toulouse, Paris, Barcelona, and Casablanca.

It holds the coveted “Triple Crownaccreditation from AACSB, AMBA, and EQUIS, a distinction achieved by less than 1% of business schools worldwide.
In the latest QS Global MBA Rankings, TBS Education’s Master in Management program ranked among the top 100 worldwide, a testament to the school’s excellence and high-quality teaching.

Its alumni network is strong, with over 50,000 members spread across 120 countries, further reflecting its global reach and influence.

French business schools are known for their innovative teaching methods and curriculum. They offer a well-rounded education that covers all aspects of business, from marketing and finance to human resources and entrepreneurship. This type of education helps students develop diverse skill sets and prepares them for the challenges of the global business world.

TBS Education stands out for its innovative teaching methods and curriculum. With a focus on experiential learning, students are actively engaged in real-world projects, case studies, and internships, allowing them to apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations.

The curriculum is designed to foster critical thinking, creativity, and adaptability, preparing students to thrive in the dynamic business landscape. Through a combination of interactive lectures, workshops, and team-based projects, TBS Education empowers students to develop a well-rounded skill set and become future-ready professionals.

French business schools maintain strong connections with businesses and organizations around the world. They often work closely with industry leaders to ensure that their programs stay current and relevant. This gives students access to a wide range of career opportunities and enables them to build connections that can help them throughout their careers.

TBS Education boasts an extensive and robust network that strongly links it to the global business sphere. As of 2023, it has formed strategic partnerships with over 500 companies, spanning from multinational corporations to innovative startups, thereby granting students unique internship and job opportunities.

Moreover, the institution is a part of an impressive professional network, including more than 50,000 alumni, who are spread across 120 countries. These alumni frequently interact with the school, offering mentoring programs, industry insights, and potential career opportunities for the current students.

The school’s engagement with the business community is further evidenced by its active role in numerous professional associations. Its close-knit relationship with the business world is a testament to TBS Education’s commitment to equip students with the necessary skills and connections to thrive in their chosen career paths.

Embracing cultural diversity and international exposure

A multicultural learning environment

France has a diverse population, and French business schools reflect this diversity. Students from all over the world come to study here, creating a multicultural learning environment that can broaden your horizons and help you develop a global mindset. These schools also offer opportunities for cultural exchange, such as language classes and cultural events.

For instance, if you are interested in learning about the French culture and language, you can attend language classes that are offered by the school. These classes can help you develop your language skills and enable you to communicate effectively with your French colleagues and clients. Additionally, attending cultural events can help you gain a deeper understanding of French traditions and customs.

Moreover, studying in a multicultural environment can expose you to different perspectives and ideas. You can learn from your classmates who come from different countries and cultures, and this can broaden your worldview and enable you to approach business challenges from a unique perspective.

Opportunities for international internships and exchanges

French business schools have connections with companies and institutions around the world, making it easier for students to secure international internships and exchanges.
This type of experience can help you develop cross-cultural communication skills and gain a deeper understanding of different business cultures and practices.

For example, if you are interested in working in the fashion industry, you can secure an internship with a fashion house in Paris.

This experience can help you learn about the French fashion industry and gain valuable skills that can be applied in your future career.

Similarly, if you are interested in finance, you can secure an internship with a French bank and learn about the French financial system.

Semester Exchanges Photo

Moreover, international exchanges can provide you with a unique opportunity to study in a different country and learn about a new culture. This can help you develop your language skills and gain a deeper understanding of different business practices and customs.

Developing a global mindset

Studying in a French business school can help you develop a global mindset that is essential in today’s business world. Exposure to diverse perspectives and experiences can expand your critical thinking skills and enable you to approach business challenges from a unique perspective.

Furthermore, developing a global mindset can help you become more adaptable and flexible in your approach to business. You can learn to navigate different cultural norms and expectations, and this can help you build stronger relationships with your clients and colleagues.

Additionally, a global mindset can help you become a more effective leader. You can learn to manage diverse teams and leverage their strengths to achieve common goals. This can help you build a successful career in today’s global business environment.

Mastering the french language and its benefits

Learning a new language is always a challenging but rewarding experience. When it comes to French, the benefits go beyond just being able to communicate with native French speakers. In fact, mastering the French language can open up a world of opportunities, both personally and professionally.

The importance of bilingualism in the business world

France is not only a beautiful country with a rich history and culture, but it is also a major player in the European Union and has a strong presence in the global business world. Therefore, studying in France and learning French can give you a significant advantage in international business, as it is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. Being bilingual can also help you understand the nuances of French culture and business practices, making you a valuable asset to any company.

Furthermore, many international organizations and companies require their employees to be fluent in more than one language. By mastering French, you can increase your chances of landing a job with a multinational corporation or an international organization.

Enhancing your communication and negotiation skills

Learning French can also improve your communication and negotiation skills. France is known for its emphasis on diplomacy and nuance, and learning the language can help you navigate complex negotiations and build stronger business relationships.

Moreover, speaking French can also help you gain a better understanding of the French culture and people. This can be especially helpful when conducting business with French companies or clients, as it can help you avoid misunderstandings and build trust and rapport.

Access to wider network of professionals

Being able to speak French opens up a larger network of professionals and potential business partners. Building relationships with French-speaking professionals can lead to new career opportunities and help you expand your business into new markets.

In addition, French is an official language in 29 countries and is spoken by over 300 million people worldwide. This means that by mastering French, you can connect with people from different cultures and backgrounds, expanding your personal and professional horizons.

In conclusion, mastering the French language can bring numerous benefits, both personally and professionally. Whether you’re looking to enhance your communication skills, expand your network of professionals, or simply explore a new culture, learning French is a worthwhile investment.

Networking and building valuable connections

French business schools often have strong alumni networks that can help you throughout your career. Graduates of these institutions hold powerful positions in the business world and can provide valuable guidance and connections.

French business schools frequently collaborate with industry leaders and conduct research that can impact the business world. Being associated with such institutions can give you access to the latest trends and insights and enable you to build valuable connections in your industry.

French business schools often host conferences and events that attract business leaders and professionals from around the world. Attending these events provides opportunities for networking and learning about the latest trends and insights in your industry.


There are many reasons why students choose to study in Europe. One of the most appealing factors is the wide range of study options available. From world-renowned universities to more specialized institutes, students can find programs that fit their academic and professional interests. 

In addition, Europe is home to a wealth of cultural treasures, making it an ideal place to broaden one’s horizons. Students can explore historic cities, visit world-famous museums, and experience different cultures and lifestyles. 

And with so many countries to choose from, there are always new places to discover. With its strong academic reputation and wealth of opportunities for personal and professional growth, it is no wonder that studying in Europe is such a popular choice for students from all over the world.

A business school is a type of institution that provides educational opportunities in business-related fields. Students can pursue undergraduate, graduate, or professional degrees in business. 

Business schools can be found at the collegiate level, as well as within standalone institutions. Many business schools are affiliated with universities, but some operate independently. 

Business schools typically offer programs in areas such as accounting, finance, marketing, and management. Some business schools also offer specialized programs in entrepreneurship, international business, and information technology. 

Admission to a business school can be competitive, and most programs require applicants to have a strong academic record and standardized test scores. Business schools place a strong emphasis on practical experience, and many programs include internships or other experiential learning opportunities. Graduates of business school programs often go on to work in leadership positions in businesses of all sizes.

A French Business School offers students a unique educational experience that combines academic rigor with an international perspective. Located in the heart of Europe, French Business Schools offer students the opportunity to study in one of the world’s most vibrant and cosmopolitan cities. In addition, French Business Schools are renowned for their strong links to the business community, providing students with access to a network of potential employers. 

Finally, they give students the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in today’s global economy. By studying in a French Business School like TBS Education, students can obtain the tools they need to build successful careers in an increasingly borderless world.

Are you considering pursuing a Doctorate of Business Administration degree? This article compares the programs in France and the US, highlighting the similarities and differences in curriculum, requirements, and career opportunities.


The Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) degree is a prestigious and highly sought-after qualification in the field of business management. Holding a DBA degree provides graduates with in-depth knowledge, expertise, and skills required to pursue a career in academia, professional consulting, or manage a business enterprise.

In this article, we will explore the differences and similarities between DBA programs offered in France and the US. We will examine the structure and curriculum of the programs, admission requirements, tuition fees, and funding opportunities. Additionally, we will look at the career prospects and opportunities offered to DBA graduates in both countries as well as internationally.


Overview of Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) programs

Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) programs have gained immense popularity in recent years, as they offer advanced education and training to professionals who wish to pursue careers in management consulting, leadership, and academia. These programs are designed to equip students with the necessary analytical, research, and strategic management skills to tackle complex business challenges effectively.

DBA programs are typically aimed at experienced professionals who already hold a master’s degree in business administration or a related field. The program curriculum is rigorous and challenging, and students are expected to engage in extensive research and analysis of business problems.

What is a DBA degree?

A Doctorate of Business Administration is a terminal degree in business administration that emphasizes the practical application of business theory and research.

The program is designed to prepare students for leadership roles in the business world and academia.

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The DBA program curriculum typically includes courses in advanced research methods, strategic management, organizational behavior, finance, marketing, and accounting. Students are required to complete a dissertation that demonstrates their ability to conduct original research on a business-related topic.

Graduates of DBA programs are equipped with the skills and knowledge to address complex business challenges and make strategic decisions that drive organizational success.

Key differences between DBA programs in France and the US

DBA programs in France and the US share many similarities, but there are some key differences that students should be aware of when considering these programs.

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In the US

In France

Meanwhile, DBA programs in the US are more applied and integrate scholarly research with practical business experience.

The program curriculum typically includes courses in leadership, innovation, and entrepreneurship.
Students are required to complete a dissertation that demonstrates their ability to apply business theory and research to real-world problems.

In France, DBA programs emphasize theoretical research, and students work closely with their supervisors to conduct original research.

The program curriculum typically includes courses in research methodology, business ethics, and corporate social responsibility. Students are required to complete a dissertation that contributes to the advancement of business theory and research.

Another key difference is the time to completion.
In France, DBA programs may take up to five years to complete, whereas in the US, the average completion time is three to four years (3 years for the TBS Education’s Executive DBA).

Additionally, DBA programs in France are often more affordable, and students may have access to government-funded scholarships.

Despite these differences, both DBA programs in France and the US offer students a comprehensive education in business theory and research. Graduates of these programs are well-equipped to take on leadership roles in the business world and academia.

DBA program in France

France is home to many world-renowned business schools that offer DBA programs. Among them, we find INSEAD, TBS Education and HEC Paris.

TBS Education’s DBA program in Paris stands out due to its rich academic environment, blending theory with practical business scenarios, delivered by globally recognized faculty members.

INSEAD is a graduate business school with campuses in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. 

HEC Paris is another top-ranked business school in France, offering a wide range of degree programs, including a DBA.

Admission requirements for DBA programs in France vary by institution, but typically, students must have a master’s degree, demonstrate academic excellence, and possess excellent research skills. Additionally, students will need to submit a research proposal and attend an interview as part of the application process.

Embarking on a DBA journey at TBS Education requires meeting certain prerequisites, aimed at ensuring you’re fully prepared for the rigors of the program.
To be eligible for this advanced degree, prospective candidates must : 

  • Possess either a Master’s degree or an MBA, reinforcing the academic foundation necessary for a doctoral level of study. 
  • Have a minimum of five years of professional experience in a management role is also required. 

This criterion reflects the program’s emphasis on real-world application of knowledge, integrating academic theories with professional practice. This combination of academic accomplishment and practical leadership experience is crucial in ensuring that DBA candidates are ready to thrive in TBS Education’s challenging and rewarding program.

DBA programs in France typically focus on original research. Students work closely with their supervisors to develop a research proposal before conducting their research. The curriculum includes a combination of core courses and elective seminars. Students are required to complete a thesis, which is subject to rigorous assessment and defense by a panel of experts.

The structure and curriculum of the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) program at TBS Education is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of business administration and its many facets. This doctoral program is often split into different stages, each building upon the other.

Initially, students delve into advanced coursework, where they explore the depths of business administration theory and current research. Topics may range from organizational behavior and strategic management to finance and marketing, among others.

Following the coursework, students embark on a substantial research project, culminating in a doctoral dissertation. This project offers students the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge to a real-world business problem or scenario. During this phase, students receive individual mentorship from TBS Education’s renowned faculty, who provide guidance throughout the research process.

Please note that specific details about the program structure and curriculum may vary and should be confirmed directly with TBS Education.

Tuition fees for DBA programs in France vary depending on the institution, but they are generally more affordable than their American counterparts. In addition to this, students may have access to government-funded scholarships or other financial support options.

Find more information about tuition fees for the TBS Education’s DBA here.

DBA program in the US

The US is home to some of the world’s best business schools, offering DBA degrees. These include Harvard Business School, Stanford Graduate School of Business, and Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

Admission requirements for DBA programs in the US typically require applicants to:

  • Hold a master’s degree, 
  • Have significant business experience, 
  • Submit excellent academic transcripts,
  • They must also present a research proposal, attend a personal interview, and submit letters of recommendation.

DBA programs in the US provide a comprehensive approach to business management, combining research with practical experience.
The programs include
core courses in business strategy, finance, marketing, organizational behavior and management, and economics. They also have elective classes that allow students to specialize in their preferred fields of study.

In addition to courses, students in DBA programs in the US are also required to undertake a research project, which provides them with the opportunity to apply their knowledge to real-world business problems.

Tuition fees for DBA programs in the US tend to be higher than those in France. However, students may be eligible to apply for financial support such as scholarships, research grants, or teaching assistantships.

Consult the brochure

tbs education dba brochure
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