
  • 2021 : PhD, Management École des Mines de Paris Paris
  • 2015 : Master in Innovation Management & Strategy Ecole Polytechnique Paris
  • 2015 : Master in Economics & Business Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay / Cachan
  • 2014 : B.A. in Management Université Paris-Dauphine Paris
  • 2014 : B.A. in Economics Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne Paris

Teaching Experience

  • Since 2022 : Professor in Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Innovation Toulouse Business School Toulouse
  • From 2021 to 2022 : Assistant Professor of Strategy & Innovation Toulouse School of Management (TSM) – Toulouse Capitole University Toulouse
  • From 2018 to 2022 : Lecturer in Innovation Management, Strategy and Entrepreneurship École des Mines de Paris, EM Lyon, École Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers de Paris (ENSAM)
    • PLANTEC, Q., P. LE MASSON, B. WEIL, "Simultaneous Discovery–Invention in Corporate R&D: Lessons from the CRISPR Case", European Management Review, 2024 [fnege: 2, abs: 3]

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    • PLANTEC, Q., M.-A. DEVAL, S. HOOGE, B. WEIL, "Big data as an exploration trigger or problem-solving patch: Design and integration of AI-embedded systems in the automotive industry", Technovation, 2023 [fnege: 2, abs: 3]

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    • PLANTEC, Q., B. CABANES, P. LE MASSON, B. WEIL, "Early-career academic engagement in university–industry collaborative PhDs: Research orientation and project performance", Research Policy, 2023, vol. 52, no. 9 [fnege: 1, ft, abs: 4]

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    • GNEKPE, C., Q. PLANTEC, "Regulatory push-pull and technological knowledge dynamics of circular economy innovation", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2023, vol. 196, pp. 122767 [fnege: 2, abs: 3]

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    • PLANTEC, Q., P. LE MASSON, B. WEIL, "Une analyse des relations science – industrie au travers de la notion de couplage : vers un modele a double-impact simultane", L’entreprise, 2023, vol. N° 216-217, no. 1, pp. 256-287 [fnege: 4]

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    • BERLINSKI, É., M. STRAUCH, Q. PLANTEC, "Hyperloop, une mythologie de marchés", Revue Française de Gestion, 2022, vol. 48, no. 304, pp. 65-88 [cnrs: 3, fnege: 2]

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    • PLANTEC, Q., P. LE MASSON, B. WEIL, "Impact of knowledge search practices on the originality of inventions: A study in the oil & gas industry through dynamic patent analysis", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2021, vol. 168, pp. 1-21 [cnrs: 2, fnege: 2, abs: 3]

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    • PLANTEC, Q., C. STERNBERGER, P. LE MASSON, B. WEIL, "Crises sanitaires et contributions industrielles à la recherche scientifique", Revue Française de Gestion, 2021, vol. 47, no. 299, pp. 11-29 [cnrs: 3, fnege: 2]

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    • PLANTEC, Q., "Industry Collaboration Patterns During (Future) Star Scientists’ Early Career" in Conférence OIS, 21/05/2024, Londres, 2024

    • PLANTEC, Q., "The dual roles of living labs: the double-edge sword of disseminating technologies and facilitating innovation" in Workshop Linköping University, 01/05/2024, Linköping, 2024

    • PLANTEC, Q., "Industry Collaboration Patterns During (Future) Star Scientists’ Early Career" in Conférence OIS, 21/05/2024, Londres, 2024

    • PLANTEC, Q., C. STERNBERGER, M. LEI, M. RENNINGS, "Do Universities Lead the Patenting Race for AI-based Inventions Tackling Grand Challenges?" in EURAM, 2023, Dublin, Ireland

    • PLANTEC, Q., C. STERNBERGER, M. LEI, M. RENNINGS, "Do Universities Lead the Patenting Race for AI-based Inventions Tackling Grand Challenges?" in AOM, August, 2023, Boston, United States of America

    • PLANTEC, Q., B. CABANES, P. LE MASSON, B. WEIL, "How research orientation affects science–industry projects in hybrid academic engagement: the case of collaborative Ph.Ds" in R&D Management Conference, Paris, France (referred), June, 2021

    • WUSTMANS, M., Q. PLANTEC, A. WASSENHOVEN, C. STERNBERGER, M. LEI, S. BRÖRING, "Creative AI-based inventions: How incumbents strategically renew their invention portfolios" in EURAM Conference, Montreal, Canada (referred – online due to COVID19), June, 2021

    • PLANTEC, Q., B. CABANES, P. LE MASSON, B. WEIL, "How research orientation affects science–industry projects in hybrid academic engagement: the case of collaborative Ph.Ds" in Academy of Management, Philadelphia, United States (referred – online due to COVID19), August, 2021

    • PLANTEC, Q., B. WEIL, P. LE MASSON, Science et industrie à l'aune du double impact : Favoriser les découvertes scientifiques et les innovations de rupture, Presses des Mines, Paris, 2024

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    • PLANTEC, Q., B. WEIL, E. RATIER, P. LE MASSON, S. LENFLE - "Comment la recherche peut-elle (à nouveau) contribuer au développement socio-économique ?" - 2024, The Conversation, France

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    • PLANTEC, Q., B. CABANES, P. LE MASSON, B. WEIL - "Rapport de Recherche : Caractérisation et performances des thèses Cifre" - 2023, Association Nationale de la Recherche et de la Technologie (ANRT)

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    • 2022 Finaliste Meilleur Thèse en Sciences de Gestion- AIMS
    • 2022 Finaliste Meilleur Papier de Management (FNEGE)
    • 2020 Prix de “Best Reviewer TIM division » (AOM)
    • Strategy
    • Innovation Management
    • Knowledge & Expertise Management
    • Intellectual Property Management
    • Business Models
    • Entrepreneurship
    • R&D Management
    • Academic engagement
    • Patent Analytics
    • Innovation strategies
    • Science – Industry collaborations
      • 2016 - 2018 : Consultant and Senior Consultant SNCF Consulting Paris
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