published on 06.06.14
The Toulouse Chamber of Commerce and Industry announces the arrival of François Bonvalet as Director of Toulouse Business School effective 1 September 2014.
Associate Dean and Deputy Director General in charge of International Affairs and Development at the NEOMA Group (merger between Reims Management School and Rouen Business School), formerly Director General of Reims Management School Group, François Bonvalet, 53, is to succeed Jacques Igalens as the Director of Toulouse Business School on 1 October 2014.
An agriculture engineer, he completed his academic path with a DEA (postgraduate diploma) in Management and Communication from CELSA (Graduate School of Science in Information and Communication) and a diploma in Financial Management from the French Institute of Management.
Monsieur Bonvalet began his career in business dealing with marketing functions and human resources in a multinational SME group, before creating his own consulting firm in strategy and organization.
Before joining the Reims Management School as Director of the 3-year Grande Ecole Programme, he was Professor and Head of the Management and Human Sciences Department in a school of agriculture.
He then spent nine years as Dean and CEO of Reims Management School prior to the 2013 merger with Rouen Business School and the creation of Néoma.
Along with his duties in the School of Management, he is a lecturer at the Sorbonne (Celsa) and Associate Professor of Corporation Theory, Management and Communication at ESA (Graduate School of Business) in Beirut.
Since March 2013, Monsieur Bonvalet has also been Director of Ecricome.“The proven experience of Francis Bonvalet as the Director of a major business school, his entrepreneurial vision as well as his expertise in the international development have been instrumental in our choice, as these are important strategic issues for the School. In addition, his mission follows alongside that laid down by Jacques Igalens who I must greatly thank and acknowledge for his commitment.” says Alain Di Crescenzo, President of the Toulouse Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
For his part, Jacques Igalens is confident: “TBS is both a great school and a wonderful development project. I am pleased that François Bonvalet will join the School and enrich it with his academic and managerial skills.“
“In this evolving sector of higher education, one of my priorities will be to ensure the competitiveness of TBS, to maintain the excellence of its faculty and to strengthen its international recognition, while respecting its human values and sense of social responsibility.” says François Bonvalet.
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