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If you do not yet have all your letters of recommendation (or other documents), you can send them as soon as possible to the following address, clearly indicating the title of the offer, the campus concerned by the offer, as well as your full name: faculty.jobs@tbs-education.frSi vous ne disposez pas encore de toutes vos lettres de recommandation (ou autre document), vous pouvez nous les faire parvenir dès que possible à l’adresse suivante, en notifiant clairement l’intitulé de l’offre, le campus concerné par l’offre, ainsi que votre nom et votre prénom : faculty.jobs@tbs-education.fr
The Executive DBA at TBS Education equips professionals with analytical thinking and scientific method skills, essential for navigating today’s complex business environment. According to Stéphane Thion, Program Manager, this professional doctorate offers a competitive edge and meets varied motivations, from career advancement to gaining unique expertise.
TBS Education's Executive Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) program is a bridge between the world of research and the world of business. By creating this link, TBS Education is preparing the managers of the future.
Over the last few days, the streets of Toulouse have been buzzing with whispers. Some have seen it, others have heard about it.