The third annual “Social & Innovation Marketing Lab” Workshop will be held on-site at TBS Education on June 24, 2024. The workshop’s theme is “New Frontiers in Social and Innovation Marketing.” 

In the rapidly evolving domain of modern marketing, we find ourselves at the confluence of groundbreaking technological advancements and a renewed commitment to societal welfare. The emergence of the metaverse and artificial intelligence represents a paradigm shift in innovation management, offering unparalleled opportunities for creating deeply immersive and intelligently personalized consumer experiences. Concurrently, the imperative to address key social issues through marketing—exemplified by initiatives in blood donation management and the promotion of cultural industries—demonstrates the critical role of social marketing in fostering community well-being and supporting vital causes. This dual focus encapsulates the vibrant and multifaceted nature of contemporary marketing practices, where the integration of cutting-edge technology and social responsibility paves the way for meaningful engagement and lasting impact.  

Our Esteemed Speakers 

Prof. Tina M. Lowrey: Tina M. Lowrey is a Professor of Marketing at HEC Paris. Her research interests include children’s understanding of brand symbolism, gift-giving and ritual, and the application of psycholinguistic theory to marketing communications. Her research has appeared in leading journals, such as the Journal of Consumer Research and the Journal of Consumer Psychology.

tina m lowrey

Prof. Michel Clement: Michel Clement holds the Chair for Marketing & Media at the University of Hamburg. He not only explores entertainment media and new technologies but also extends his impact to social welfare through a strategic partnership with the Red Cross, focusing on the critical area of blood donor management (i.e., recruitment and retention strategies). 

michel clement

Prof. Vera Blazevic: Vera Blazevic is an Associate Professor of Marketing at Radboud University, Nijmegen, and a Visiting Professor at RWTH Aachen University. She specializes in Technology and Innovation Management. Her research tackles the societal challenges of sustainable development and the impact of AI on organizational innovation within stakeholder ecosystems. Her research has appeared in leading journals such as Journal of Marketing and Journal of Product Innovation Management.

vera blazevic

Prof. Christophe HAON: Dr. Christophe Haon, Ph.D., is a professor of marketing at TBS Education, France. He conducts research on marketing strategy and new product development. His research has been published in leading journals such as the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science and the Journal of Product Innovation Management. He has also co-authored several books, including Making Innovation Last: Sustainable Strategies for Long Term Growth, published by Palgrave Macmillan.

christophe haon sim

Event Agenda 

  • Morning Session (8:30 AM – 12:30 PM) 
    • New Frontiers in Social Marketing
    • Location: Alaric Building, Room 202/203 (6 Place Alphonse Jourdain, 31000 Toulouse)  
  • Lunch (12:30 PM – 2:00 PM)  
    • Location: Alaric Terrace 
  • Afternoon Session (2:00 PM – 4:00 PM) 
    • New Frontiers in Innovation Marketing 
    • Location: Alaric Building, Room 202/203 (6 Place Alphonse Jourdain, 31000 Toulouse)  
  • Networking (4:00 PM – 5:00 PM)
    • Location: Alaric Terrace
  • Dinner (7:00 PM – 9:00 PM)  
    • Location: Aux Pieds Sous la Table (4 rue Arnaud Bernard, 31000 Toulouse) 


The following three hotels are near the campus and offer rooms at different rates:  


We invite researchers, doctoral students, students, and practitioners to join this event. Please register before June 20 by selecting one of the two options below: 

  • Research day with lunch: 50 €
  • Research day with lunch and dinner: 90 € 

"*" indicates required fields


For more information, please contact Linda HAMDI-KIDAR (  

We are looking forward to welcoming you to Toulouse, la ville rose! 

Friday, April, 5th, 2024 – 10am to 12 pm • Room 327 Lascrosses Building 

Dmitry Ivanov, Professor for Supply Chain and Operations Management 
Department of Business and Economics, Berlin School of Economics and Law 

Resilience, Viability, and Digital Twins in Supply Chain Management 

In this talk, we discuss practical methods and digital tools to design and manage disruption-resistant supply chain networks to mitigate the ripple effects and shortages. We debate about extensions of supply chain resilience towards viability. We present the Viable Supply Chain model. Finally, we discuss the role of digital supply chain twins and platforms in managing resilience and viability, illustrate practical applications using industry examples, and project the lessons learned on possible future developments in supply chain management. 

Prof. Dr. Dr. habil. Dmitry Ivanov is Professor of Supply Chain and Operations Management, director of the Digital-AI Supply Chain Lab (DAI), and faculty director M.A. Global Supply Chain and Operations Management at the Berlin School of Economics and Law. His research spans supply chain resilience and digital supply chain twins. Author of the Viable Supply Chain Model and founder of the ripple effect research in supply chains. He gained Dr., Dr. Sc., and Dr. habil. degrees and won several research excellence awards. His research record counts around 420 publications, with more than 150 papers in prestigious academic journals and the leading books “Global Supply Chain and Operations Management” (three editions), “Introduction to Supply Chain Resilience”, “Structural Dynamics and Resilience in Supply Chain Risk Management“, “Scheduling in Industry 4.0 and Cloud Manufacturing”, “Digital Supply Chain” and „Handbook of Ripple Effects in the Supply Chain“. He delivered invited plenary, keynote, panel and guest talks at the conferences of INFORMS, IFPR, IFIP, IFAC, DSI and POM, and over 30 universities worldwide. He has been Chairman, IPC Chair, and Advisory Board member for over 60 international conferences in supply chain and operations management, industrial engineering, control and information sciences. Recipient of several prestigious academic awards. Principal investigator in several research projects on resilience and digital twins including European projects ACCURATE and CERERE and the DFG Collaborative Research Cluster on Resilience of Global Supply Chains at HWR Berlin. Listed in several rankings as one of the most cited researchers in Business and Management. Chair of IFAC CC 5 “Cyber-Physical Manufacturing Systems”, Editor of International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, Associate Editor of International Journal of Production Research and OMEGA, guest editor and Editorial Board member in over 20 leading international journals including IISE Transactions, IJPE, IJPDLM, ANOR, to name a few. 

For more information, please contact Samuel FOSSO WAMBA:  

Registration before 25th March 2024

Registration is now closed.

This special issue focuses on the effects and possible solutions to gender disparities caused by the Gender Data Gap. Analysing this data gap with its effects and possible solutions in detail will deepen our knowledge of gender-based discrepancies and their origins and implications. Below, we present a number of lines of inquiry that seem particularly fruitful in stimulating novel theoretical insights.

Topics of interest

Evolution, perpetuation and reproduction of the Gender Data Gap

The following are possible questions that contributors might address:

  • How do the individual characteristics and behaviours of managers and leaders accentuate or attenuate the effects of the Gender Data Gap?
  • What interpersonal processes maintain and reproduce versus interrupt the effects of the data gap?
  • How (i.e. through what processes and mechanisms) do organisational cultures facilitate versus prevent the development and perpetuation of the Gender Data Gap?
  • How do firm- and industry-level factors contribute to Gender Data Gap effects on women’s careers?

Effects of the Gender Data Gap on women

Possible questions include, but are not limited to:

  • How does the Gender Data Gap affect women’s careers and upward mobility?
  • To what extent do Gender Data Gaps cause or exacerbate toxic cultures and workplaces?
  • How do various social actors (HR managers, activist organisations, headhunters, the media, universities and business schools) help maintain or close the data gap and with what consequences?
  • How can our management and organisation theories be extended and strengthened by making ‘invisible acts’ (e.g. instrumental work activities done by women that are neither recognised nor rewarded) more visible?

Effects of the Gender Data Gap on intervention effectiveness

Accordingly, we encourage questions such as (but not exclusive to):

  • What are the assumptions in management and organisation studies that must be revisited based on novel insights derived from efforts to close the Gender Data Gap?
  • How does the Gender Data Gap intersect with cross-cutting systems of disadvantage (e.g. race, age and ability)? What are the implications for the effectiveness of interventions designed to ‘help women’?

In sum, we encourage contributions that address any of the above issues. We propose that the development and facilitation of the data gap, as well as its effects on women’s careers and wellbeing, should be approached from a multi-phenomenal and multi-level perspective that comprises leadership, values, norms and goals at the managerial and organisational levels.

Submission instructions

Every manuscript submitted to this special issue must provide both theoretical/conceptual and practical contributions. Conceptual, review and empirical papers will all be considered.

All submissions are subject to the European Management Journal’s double-blind peer review process, should respect the journal’s general publication guidelines and should be submitted through between 1st August and 18th September, 2023. The special issue will be published in 2025.

To ensure that all manuscripts are correctly identified for consideration for this special issue, it is important that authors select ‘SI: Gender Data Gap’ as the paper type. Please direct any questions about the special issue to Dr Sonja Sperber (

Objectives of the Special Issue 

Self-initiated expatriation has attracted a growing interest since the classical articles by Inkson, Arthur, Pringle and Barry (1997) and Suutari and Brewster (2000). By now, we have gained a general understanding of the phenomenon. However, looking at the samples underlying publications on self-initiated expatriates (SIEs) shows that the term SIE has been employed to cover a large variety of distinct populations that differ in a number of key contextual factors such as educational level, profession, gender and family status, country of origin and destination country as well as employing organizations. 

But context matters: expatriates in and from different places, at different times and in different kinds of organizations present different challenges for SIEs which impacts the extent of required personal initiative, their work experiences and career trajectories (Andresen, Pattie, & Hippler, 2020). For instance, diverse dangers in physically (COVID-19 pandemic, terrorism) or psychological environments have a substantial impact on SIEs’ behaviors, attitudes and careers (Bader, Schuster, & Dickmann, 2019). In most of SIE research samples are mixed, allowing us to draw only limited conclusions about the relevance and influence of contextual factors. This impedes the systematic comparison and integration of SIE knowledge. Thus, the role of context and its impact on SIEs’ career-related decisions and behaviours needs further exploration.  

Call for Papers

Submissions to the Special Issue are open to participants attending the 2nd International Conference on Self-Initiated Expatriation and all other authors. Submissions to CDI open 30th April 2022 and the submission due date is 30th July 2022.

Please submit enquiries to

Submissions should be made through ScholarOne Manuscripts:

Specific details on the format for submitted manuscripts can be found at the journal’s website  

Please direct any general questions about the journal or any administrative matters to the Editor, Professor Jim Jawahar ( 

Illustrative topics  

Exemplary research questions within the intended scope of this Special Issue include, but are not limited to, the following: 

1. Contextual influences of space on SIEs 

  • How are home and host country conditions impacting on self-initiated expatriation? 
  • How is the quality of the host environment shaping the experiences and career journeys of SIEs?  
  • What is the role of physical threats (COVID-19; crime, terrorism, nature) and psychological dangers (fear, anxiety, stress induced by the context) shaping the career patterns of SIEs? 

2. Contextual influence of time on SIEs 

  • How does the temporality of contextual conditions influence the life-course and career patterns of SIEs?  
  • What are the longitudinal effects of accumulation, transfer and utilization of career and human capital of SIEs? 
  • How does context shape the careers of self-initiated repatriates? 

3. Contextual influence of institutions on SIEs 

  • How do macro-societal factors, including economic circumstances, labour and immigration laws and institutional arrangements influence the careers of self-initiated expatriates? 
  • How do occupational patterns, regulations and customs affect SIEs and their careers? 
  • How do organizational configurations, HR approaches and culture shape SIEs’ attitudes and behaviours in relation to their careers?