TBS Education has joined the OneMBA consortium to provide an immersive international program for Global Executiave MBA students. This unique experience will radically change the managerial vision of our students.

laurent besson academic director global executive mba tbs education

“By joining the OneMBA consortium, we are placing even greater emphasis on the international component of the Global Executive MBA,” says Laurent Besson, Academic Director of the Global Executive MBA at TBS Education. Following a successful trial in 2023, this year will see the official signing of the partnership between the Fundação Getulio Vargas business school in Sao Paulo, Brazil, the Xiamen University School of Management in China and TBS Education, for the Toulouse, Barcelona, and Casablanca campuses.

A program of excellence

The principle of the OneMBA program has remained unchanged since its founding in 2002. Each member of the consortium hosts a week-long international seminar as part of its Executive MBA program, taking place in each of the partner schools in turn. During these periods, known as residencies, the participants attend conferences together, meet local business and government leaders, and develop networking activities. This year, three joint themes have been introduced: leadership, strategy, and an approach to artificial intelligence.

olivier benielli tbs education barcelona director

“You meet people, swap ideas, share lectures and take part in a collective experience,” explains Olivier Benielli, Director of the TBS Education campus in Barcelona, which will host the school’s first OneMBA session in November. The week is spent in full immersion, with students being able to interact with their peers, build ties, and understand the workings of the economic fabric of their host country, in a highly stimulating environment. Students will then travel to Brazil and China at the end of their course.

The three classes, made up of around 30 managers and senior executives, will be able to meet alumni from the three programs as part of the residencies. “The residencies play a key role in networking in that they give students the opportunity to form strong international ties. This added value is seen as highly positive,” says Laurent Besson.

A 360° international experience

By joining the consortium, TBS Education is further expanding the international dimension of its Global Executive MBA, making it even more attractive. Membership of OneMBA gives the school a new argument to attract executives and senior managers, who will benefit from an even more robust approach to international management, shaping a new type of leadership through the program’s intercultural dimension. At the end of the course, the students return to their jobs with a totally different perspective, new practices… and an international network!

What is CEO Magazine?

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Since 2012, CEO Magazine has compiled its annual Global MBA Rankings, selecting the best MBA, Executive MBA and online MBA programs. The ranking is based on objective, verifiable criteria designed to identify institutions offering an outstanding combination of academic quality and return on investment.

TBS Education ranked 12th with its Global Executive MBA programme (up 3 places)

The Global MBA ranking recently unveiled by CEO Magazine places TBS Education 12th, highlighting the excellence of its continuing education programme: the Global Executive MBA (GEMBA).

This recognition testifies to TBS Education’s ongoing commitment to academic excellence and pedagogical innovation. Ranking 12th worldwide, up 3 places on the previous year, TBS Education confirms its academic leadership in the field of management and executive education.

Our Global Executive MBA programme

The part-time Global Executive MBA combines efficiency and employability, offering a choice of two specialised pathways: Strategic Management or Aerospace Management.

Be inspired by the best and join this programme, designed to energise your teams and your career path. An exceptional opportunity to aspire to excellence and propel your career to new horizons.

This programme is aimed at a range of profiles:

  • Managers wishing to support their professional development and take on new challenges,
  • Engineers and executives from all sectors seeking high-level managerial expertise,
  • People in career transition who are looking for significant career development,
  • Ambitious entrepreneurs.

Join us for an enriching and transforming learning experience, where academic excellence meets the challenges of today’s business world.

The Financial Times has published its annual ranking of the world’s top 100 Executive MBAs. This year, TBS Education’s Global Executive MBA moved up 12 places, confirming its growth momentum and ranking 62nd.

Rising to the top of the world’s 100 Executive MBA rankings

Every year, the Financial Times ranks the world’s top 100 Executive MBAs. To build this top 100, the British media, widely consulted throughout the world, relies mainly on several criteria linked to the careers of graduates, but also to the course itself. Alumni are interviewed three years after completing their course, on criteria such as professional integration, career development and international mobility, as well as the faculty’s academic level, degree of internationalization and feminization.

This trajectory towards the top of the rankings is similar to that of TBS Education’s Master in Management, which is ranked 37th (+12 places) in the FT 2023 published on September 11.

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Global Executive MBA 2023 Graduation Ceremony

What are the results for TBS Education?

Last year, TBS Education’s Global EMBA had already moved up 11 places in the rankings. This program combines efficiency and employability, enabling students to choose an expert career path in Strategic Management or Aerospace Management. This year’s challenge was to confirm this progress. Mission accomplished for the Toulouse-based management school, which has climbed to the top of the French rankings.

TBS Education’s Global Executive MBA stands out on several criteria, including:

  • Recognition of the academic excellence of the faculty (5th in France for the excellence of its teaching staff);
  • Diversity and potential for hosting international learners (6th in the world for the gender balance of its faculty);
  • CSR results (carbon footprint and parity, 12th worldwide).

Nationally, the TBS Education Global EMBA ranks 9th among the best EMBAs.

”The Global Executive MBA has been designed to meet current and future business challenges, providing participants with a set of technical and managerial skills to meet the greatest challenges in an increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world. ATR is proud to be a partner, and to contribute in this way to stimulating the emergence of talents who are committed to profoundly transforming our industry, making it even more responsible and innovative.”

Nathalie Tarnaud Laude – Executive Chairman, ATR

”Since its very creation and once again, the Global Executive MBA of TBS Education has climbed in the Financial Times ranking. Achieving consecutive years of recognition by an organization as prestigious as the FT, is undeniably the mark of sustained efforts and an international level of educational quality. TBS Education has established itself among the best business schools in the world and enters the big league. Having been involved with TBS Education, following its progress over the years and currently the Godfather of its current promotion (P21), I am particularly proud of this achievement.”

Dr. Mohamed El-Boraï – President, Reliance Aerospace Solutions – Godfather of the promotion 21

”We are proud of our GEMBA’s 12-place rise in the world rankings. This success goes beyond academic excellence: it embodies our commitment to diversity, both of our faculty and of our learners. Our teaching, which is largely based on real-life situations, reinforces the high-level global experience. At TBS Education, we also embrace strong environmental, social and governance initiatives, ensuring that learning is both innovative and responsible.”

Stéphanie Lavigne – Dean of TBS Education

ATR partners benefit from preferential access conditions for this high-level training

TBS Education and ATR, the world leader in regional aviation, have renewed their pedagogical partnership for the Global Executive MBA, a TBS Education course featuring among the top 100 programs in the prestigious Financial Times and QS International rankings.

The aim of this partnership is to promote the development of skills among high-potential executives through this top-quality training program.

We are able to offer exceptional preferential conditions to ATR partners wishing to enrol in the Global Executive MBA. This year, 5 successful candidates will have their entire tuition fees (€37,500) covered by the ATR scholarship. The remaining candidates will be offered a 20% reduction in their tuition fees.

TBS Education’s Global Executive MBA is aimed at senior executives and/or high-potential executives wishing to move into a management position.

This 14-month program of excellence delivers 510 hours of courses organized around 4 main pillars: core modules (240 hours), the leadership module (60 hours), specialization courses (120 hours) and thematic seminars (90 hours).

Teaching and learning objectives:

  • Draw up a development strategy for the company, business unit, geographical area, department or service;
  • Lead international projects in a global and responsible context;
  • Steer economic and financial performance and value creation in an international context;
  • Implement ethical and responsible leadership to steer transformations within an organization in an international environment;
  • Obtain an internationally recognized diploma (RNCP Level 7, AMBA accredited) and a professional network for life.

The new admissions campaign for the intake starting in November 2023 at the TBS Education campus in Toulouse is underway.

Want to take your career to the next level, change your professional outlook and take on a motivating challenge? Apply now!

Are you considering pursuing an MBA but unsure of how to choose the right program for you? Our comprehensive guide offers expert advice on factors to consider, such as program accreditation, specialization options, and career outcomes.


Getting a Masters in Business Administration, or MBA, can be a great way to advance your career and increase your earning potential. However, choosing the right MBA program can be an overwhelming task, given the vast array of programs available.

In this article, we will explore the benefits of pursuing an MBA degree, the various types of MBA programs available, factors to consider when choosing an MBA program and the best approach to assessing your personal and professional goals.


Understanding the importance of an MBA

An MBA degree can be a key differentiator in the competitive job market, as it gives graduates a set of skills that are highly valued by employers. MBA programs are designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in a range of business-related fields, including finance, marketing, and management. Pursuing an MBA degree can be a significant investment, but the benefits can be substantial.

One of the primary benefits of an MBA degree is the potential for increased earning potential. On average, MBA graduates earn significantly more than those with a bachelor’s degree alone. This increased earning potential can be a significant factor in making the investment in an MBA degree worthwhile.

Career advancement is another significant benefit of pursuing an MBA degree. An MBA degree can open up new opportunities and career paths, as it provides students with a broader skill set and a deeper understanding of business operations. In addition, many employers view an MBA degree as a sign of commitment and dedication, which can help candidates stand out in a crowded job market.

Networking is also an essential aspect of pursuing an MBA degree. MBA programs often offer ample opportunities for networking, which can help students make valuable professional connections that could benefit them throughout their careers. These connections can lead to job opportunities, mentorship, and other forms of career growth.

Entrepreneurship is another area where an MBA degree can be particularly valuable. Starting and running a successful business requires a broad range of skills and knowledge, from finance and marketing to management and operations. An MBA degree can provide aspiring entrepreneurs with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate the complex world of business and increase their chances of success.

The benefits of an MBA degree

  1. Increased earning potential: On average, MBA graduates earn significantly more than those with a bachelor’s degree alone.
  2. Career advancement: An MBA degree can open up new opportunities and career paths, as it provides students with a broader skill set and a deeper understanding of business operations.
  3. Networking: MBA programs often offer ample opportunities for networking, which can help students make valuable professional connections that could benefit them throughout their careers.
  4. Entrepreneurship: An MBA degree can be particularly valuable for aspiring entrepreneurs, as it provides them with the skills and knowledge needed to start and run a successful business.

How an MBA can advance your career?

An MBA degree can be a gamechanger for many professionals seeking to advance in their careers. Some of the ways in which an MBA can help you progress in your career include:

  • Building a broader skill set: MBA programs offer students a comprehensive education in business practices, which can be beneficial in a range of industries and roles. In addition to core business skills such as accounting and finance, MBA programs often cover topics such as leadership, strategy, and ethics.

  • Expanding your network: MBA programs provide opportunities for students to connect with professionals across a range of industries, potentially leading to job opportunities and career growth. These connections can be particularly valuable for individuals looking to transition to a new industry or role.

  • Demonstrating commitment: Pursuing an MBA degree requires significant time, effort, and financial investment. Employers see this commitment as a positive attribute, and it can help you stand out in a crowded job market. In addition, the skills and knowledge gained through an MBA program can demonstrate a commitment to ongoing learning and professional development.

    Overall, an MBA degree can be an excellent investment for individuals looking to advance their careers in business. Whether you are looking to increase your earning potential, transition to a new industry, or start your own business, an MBA degree can provide you with the skills, knowledge, and network needed to succeed.

Assessing your personal and professional goals

When considering pursuing an MBA degree, it’s important to take the time to assess your goals and determine the best approach for your needs. Pursuing an MBA degree can be a significant investment both in terms of time and money, so it’s important to consider your options carefully.

Aligning your MBA with your career aspirations

Before selecting an MBA program, it can be helpful to consider your long-term career aspirations. Are you looking to advance in your current field, or do you want to pivot to a new industry entirely?
Different MBA programs specialize in different areas, so it’s important to find a program that aligns with your goals. For example, if you are interested in pursuing a career in finance, you may want to consider an MBA program that offers a concentration in finance or has a strong finance curriculum. Similarly, if you are interested in entrepreneurship, you may want to consider an MBA program that has a strong focus on entrepreneurship and offers resources for students interested in starting their own businesses.

One way to determine whether an MBA program aligns with your career aspirations is to research the program’s alumni and their career paths. Many MBA programs have alumni networks that can provide valuable insights into the types of careers that graduates pursue after completing the program. You can also look at the program’s curriculum and course offerings to get a sense of whether the program will provide you with the skills and knowledge you need to achieve your career goals.

Determining the right time to pursue an MBA

Another important consideration is timing. Pursuing an MBA degree requires a significant investment, both in time and money. It’s important to think about whether this is the right time in your career to pursue an MBA degree, taking into account your current job responsibilities, family obligations, and financial situation. If you are currently working full-time, you may want to consider a part-time or online MBA program that allows you to balance your studies with your job and other responsibilities. Alternatively, if you are at a point in your career where you are ready to take a break from work and focus on your studies full-time, a traditional full-time MBA program may be a better fit.

It’s also important to consider the financial implications of pursuing an MBA degree. MBA programs can be expensive, and many students take out loans to finance their education. Before committing to an MBA program, it’s important to research the program’s tuition and fees, as well as the availability of scholarships, grants, and other forms of financial aid. You should also consider the potential return on investment for your MBA degree, taking into account the average salaries for graduates of the program and the career opportunities that will be available to you after completing the program.

Overall, pursuing an MBA degree can be a valuable investment in your future career success. By taking the time to assess your goals and determine the best approach for your needs, you can find an MBA program that will help you achieve your professional aspirations and provide you with the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in your chosen field.


Types of MBA programs

There is a wide range of MBA programs to choose from, each with its own unique set of advantages. Here’s a breakdown of the different types of MBA programs available:

Full-time MBA programs

Full-time MBA programs are designed for students who are able to devote their full attention to their studies, without the distraction of a full-time job. These programs typically last two years and require students to take a full course load each semester.

Part-time MBA programs

Part-time MBA programs are designed for working professionals who want to continue working while pursuing their degree. These programs offer flexibility, allowing students to take classes in the evenings or on weekends, and typically take three to four years to complete.

Executive MBA programs

Executive MBA programs are designed for mid-career professionals who are looking to advance their careers while continuing to work full-time. These programs typically offer a more specialized curriculum, and coursework often focuses on leadership and management topics.

Online MBA programs

Online MBA programs offer the flexibility of being able to complete coursework remotely, often on a part-time basis. Online MBA programs are often less expensive than traditional programs, making them an attractive option for those on a budget.

Factors to consider when choosing an MBA program

When choosing an MBA program, it’s important to consider a range of factors, including program reputation and accreditation, curriculum and specialization options, faculty and teaching methods, networking opportunities and alumni network, and cost and financial aid options.

Program reputation and accreditation

Program reputation and accreditation are important factors to consider when choosing an MBA program, as they can impact your job prospects and overall career trajectory. Look for programs that are accredited by reputable organizations, such as the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) or the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP).

Curriculum and specialization options

Another important consideration is curriculum and specialization options. Look for programs that offer courses and specializations that align with your career goals and interests.

Faculty and teaching methods

Faculty and teaching methods can also impact your overall experience in an MBA program. Look for programs that have experienced and knowledgeable professors, as well as a variety of teaching methods, such as case studies, group projects, and lectures.

Networking opportunities and alumni network

Networking opportunities and alumni network can be a valuable resource for MBA students and graduates. Look for programs that offer opportunities for networking, such as career fairs, speaker events, and alumni networking events.

Cost and financial aid options

Finally, cost and financial aid options are important factors to consider when choosing an MBA program. Look for programs that offer scholarships, grants, or other financial aid options, as well as programs that are within your price range.

Why choose to pursue an MBA at TBS Education?

At TBS Education, our global executive MBA program stands out as a transformative journey that empowers business leaders to reach new heights of success. With an unwavering commitment to excellence, we have designed this program to meet the evolving demands of the global business landscape.


Through our global executive MBA, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the complexities of today’s interconnected markets, equipping you with the skills and insights needed to navigate the challenges of a rapidly changing business world. Our carefully curated curriculum blends cutting-edge business theories with practical applications, fostering critical thinking, strategic decision-making, and innovative problem-solving abilities.


One of the defining features of our program is our emphasis on diversity and international exposure. As you embark on this transformative journey, you will have the opportunity to interact with a highly diverse cohort of executives from various industries and cultures, fostering a rich and dynamic learning environment. The global perspective you will gain is invaluable, as it enables you to develop a strategic mindset and tackle global business challenges with confidence.


The faculty members of our global executive MBA program are renowned experts in their fields, bringing a wealth of industry experience and academic rigor to the classroom. They will guide you through the program, inspiring you to push your boundaries and think beyond conventional practices. With their mentorship, you will acquire the tools to make informed, data-driven decisions and lead with integrity and vision.


Furthermore, our strong network of corporate partners and alumni opens doors to exceptional career opportunities. As a global executive MBA graduate from TBS Education, you will join a prestigious community of accomplished professionals who are making a lasting impact in the business world. Our dedicated career services team will provide personalized support, helping you leverage your newfound knowledge and network to advance your career trajectory.


Choosing to pursue our global executive MBA at TBS Education is a transformative investment in your professional journey. With our internationally recognized reputation, rigorous curriculum, diverse cohort, and unparalleled networking opportunities, you will be equipped with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to excel as a global business leader. Take the leap and unlock your true potential with TBS Education.


The MBA (Master of Business Administration) ensures its graduates a bright professional future. This prestigious 5-year postgraduate degree is a real career accelerator


But concretely, what are the benefits of doing an MBA? Does the MBA enable professional advancement abroad?


1 - Having an internationally recognized degree

At TBS Education, we pride ourselves on offering MBA programs that are recognized worldwide. Studying in France will give you access to some of the best business schools in the world, which will open doors to international career opportunities


Our MBA program is designed to provide you with a solid foundation in business theory and practice, as well as hands-on experience through internships and consulting projects. With the TBS Education MBA, you’ll gain a competitive edge in the job market and have the credentials to pursue a successful career in any part of the world. Our graduates are highly sought after by top employers, and many go on to hold leadership positions in global companies. 


If you’re looking for an internationally recognized MBA program that will give you the skills and knowledge to succeed in today’s global economy, then TBS Education is the right choice for you.


2 - Acquiring a global vision of the company and its strategy

Studying for an MBA in France will give you the opportunity to acquire a global vision of the company and its strategy


At TBS Education, our MBA program is designed to provide you with a deep understanding of the global economy, as well as the specific challenges and opportunities facing companies in different regions. You’ll have the chance to learn from experienced faculty members who have worked in a variety of industries and bring real-world expertise to the classroom. In addition, you’ll have the opportunity to interact with a diverse group of fellow students from all over the world, who will bring their unique perspectives and experiences to class discussions. 


We believe that having a global mindset is essential for success in today’s business world, and we’ll give you the tools and knowledge you need to thrive in an international setting. By the time you graduate, you’ll have a deep understanding of the global business landscape, and you’ll be well-equipped to tackle the challenges of an increasingly interconnected world.

3 - Building a network of influential relationships

One of the key benefits of doing an MBA in France is the opportunity to build a strong network of influential business contacts. At TBS Education, we understand the importance of building relationships in the business world, which is why we offer a range of networking opportunities for our MBA students. You’ll have the chance to meet and interact with industry leaders through guest lectures, company visits, and networking events. 


In addition, our MBA program includes group projects and case studies, which will give you the opportunity to collaborate with fellow students and build lasting connections. Our alumni network is also an invaluable resource for our MBA students, with many graduates holding leadership positions in top companies around the world


Studying at TBS Education will give you the chance to build a network of influential relationships that will help you throughout your career, no matter where your professional journey takes you.

4 - Developing interpersonal skills

Developing interpersonal skills is a crucial aspect of any successful career, and an MBA program in France can help you hone these skills. That’s why we understand the importance of soft skills such as communication, leadership, and teamwork, which is why our MBA program is designed to provide you with ample opportunities to develop these abilities. Our faculty members are highly experienced professionals who will help you develop your communication and leadership skills through class discussions, group projects, and case studies. 


You’ll also have the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities and clubs that will allow you to work on your teamwork and collaboration skills. Developing your interpersonal skills is essential for success in today’s business world, and we’ll help you acquire these skills through a variety of hands-on experiences and practical learning opportunities. 

By the time you graduate, you’ll have the confidence and skills you need to succeed in any professional setting.

5 - Pursuing an MBA to increase one's salary

Finally, one of the main reasons why many people choose to pursue an MBA is to increase their earning potential, and an MBA in France can help you achieve this goal. 

Our graduates are highly sought after by employers, and many command top salaries and benefits packages. 


In addition, an MBA from a prestigious French business school can help you stand out from the competition and demonstrate your commitment to professional development. We offer a range of career services to our MBA students, including career coaching, resume and cover letter reviews, and access to job postings and career fairs


At TBS Education, we believe that investing in your education is an investment in your future, and our MBA program is designed to help you achieve your career goals and increase your earning potential.


The Eduniversal 2023 Best Masters, MS, MSc and MBA rankings once again highlight several TBS Education Master of Science and Master of Business Administration programs.


Eduniversal remains the only French ranking system that solely evaluates the individual quality of each program. The ranking combines a sectoral approach with specific market criteria and offers students a valuable tool to choose their future school. The Eduniversal ranking considers 3 main criteria:

  • The program’s visibility
  • Salary after graduation
  • Student satisfaction
Eduniversal ranking 2023


7 Master of Science programs ranked this year, including 5 in the Top 10

Eduniversal has ranked 7 of our Master of Science programs. The MSc International Luxury Industries Management has moved up 5 places!

The Global Executive MBA ranked 10th

The Financial Times has published its 2022 ranking for Executive MBAs. TBS Education’s Global Executive MBA (GEMBA) is ranked 74th, a jump of 11 places from 2021. TBS Education’s GEMBA has been ranked among the top 100 MBA programs in the world every year since 2018.


The Financial Times is a leading source of information on business. The Financial Times publishes seven rankings per year for business schools and more specifically forMBAs, EMBAs, Masters in Finance, Masters in Management, online MBA programs.

The data is collected through online questionnaires based on information provided by the business schools and graduates of the programs.

Stephanie Lavigne Dg Tbs Education

“I am proud to see the strong progression of TBS Education’s Global Executive MBA, now in 74th place in The Financial Times’ worldwide TOP 100 (moving up 11 places compared to 2021). This leap forward reflects the cornerstones of our Inspiring 2026 development strategy: academic well-being, the school’s international influence, the upgrading of our four campuses in Paris and Barcelona (2022), Casablanca (2024) and Toulouse (2026). It also underlines the program’s academic excellence and the high level of expertise of our teaching staff (researchers, professors, or external practitioners), in line with its AAMBA accreditation.

Congratulations to the teams in charge of teaching, deployment, and marketing on our various campuses, who are the driving force behind this international recognition. And thanks to our program alumni, whose career success has raised the flag of TBS Education and helped to achieve this ranking. To better meet the needs of future leaders and go further still, our school is working to enrich the Aerospace specialization in 2023 and to strengthen recruitment nationally and internationally.”

Stéphanie Lavigne, Managing Director of TBS Education


The Global Executive MBA is a 14-month RNCP level 7 program. It is designed for experienced executives wishing to strengthen their strategic leadership in an international context, particularly in the aerospace industry. It is an essential part of our training offer for today’s and tomorrow’s business leaders.

This training develops a 360-degree managerial vision and an understanding of the major challenges of the economic and business world. It also develops a high level of expertise in all management disciplines as well as managerial skills.

One degree and two possible specializations:

global executive mba core modules
Strategic Management
Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence and Data Analysis, Innovation Management, Consulting.
header aerospace value chain 1024x682
Space Business, Aerospace value chain, Aviation Management

Business areas:

  • Managerial skills
  • Entrepreneurial & commercial strategy
  • Strategic marketing
  • Human resources & organizational impact
  • Value chain management
  • Operational efficiency
  • Management economics & decision sciences
  • Current topics: CSR/Digital/New Business Models

For more information, watch our Academic Director Laurent Besson’s video, or contact our team here.


TBS Education continues its development with a new campus in Paris, at 13, rue Saint Lambert, in the 15th district.

This new 5,000 m² campus, housed in a former Parisian high school, will have bright classrooms, work rooms, a documentation center, an incubator/coworking space, and 2 amphitheaters, all organized around a tree-lined courtyard of nearly 1,000 m², which will allow students to relax in a quiet space, but also be able to organize festive and cultural events.

“TBS Education is in the process of boosting its attractiveness and our real estate projects are part of our new approach to educational well-being. We are committed to accommodating a greater number of students in premises that reflect our vision of the management school of the future, and that enhance student experience and well-being. We design and build our campuses in cities brimming with professional opportunities so that our students can achieve their full potential”.

Stéphanie LAVIGNE, Managing Director of TBS Education

The building will be completely renovated, with different phases of work aimed at meeting thermal and regulatory standards, and creating classrooms equipped with state-of-the-art tools. Student well-being will be at the heart of the renovations. This new campus will therefore be a space that’s genuinely conducive to student life.

This campus will offer all our French and international students the opportunity to be right in the heart of the French capital, a major economic centre for Europe and the world, close to the biggest French and international companies. It will also allow our students to join the powerful network of 10,000 TBS Education alumni and thus develop their employability.

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Available programs in Paris campus

New school year 2023: the launch of the Bachelor’s program in Paris

Already operating on our three permanent campuses, Toulouse-Entiore, Barcelona and Casablanca, and in strong demand, the TBS Education Bachelor’s program will be moving to Paris in September 2023 and will welcome about 100 students:

  • 2 sections in the first year of the Bachelor’s program, one in French and one in English
  • A new program focusing on the fast-growing Distribution and Commerce sector offered in the final year and also as part of in apprenticeship course

“2022 is a year full of new developments for the Bachelor’s program.  I am proud to announce the opening of our Bachelor’s program in Paris at the beginning of the 2023 academic year, as well as the creation of a new work-study program focusing on Distribution and Commerce. In total, we plan to welcome about 100 students and aim to strengthen our work-study opportunities. Beyond the quality of student life that this new central Paris campus will offer, and the advantages of the TBS Education Bachelor’s degree that are already well-known (academic excellence in a highly international and professionalizing environment), the launch of this program in Paris opens up even more possibilities for our students. Living and studying in one of the world’s most important capitals, close to the largest companies and to our Alumni, represents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”

Patricia Bournet, Director of the TBS Education Bachelor program

Master in Management program (French track and apprenticeship only)

The Paris campus offers students on the Master in Management program the chance to do the Master 1 and Master 2 in apprenticeship.

Master of Science programs

Doctorate of Business Administration

Global Executive MBA

Winter School


Driven by a unique strategy rolled out since 2021, TBS Education has set itself bold and inspiring development objectives: to prioritize educational well-being, to enhance the employability of its learners, and to maximize its societal impact on local areas. To achieve its objectives, TBS Education will draw on brand new campuses, an expert and renowned faculty, new training and employability models, and a stronger international presence.

TBS Education is inventing a whole new kind of campus and investing in academic well-being

TBS Education campuses are living spaces that bring together learning, academic, research, business, entrepreneurial and civic communities. The school’s students thrive on eco-responsible campuses, where conditions are in place to encourage personal transformation and optimum learning.  By 2026, the 4 sites – Toulouse, Barcelona, Casablanca, and Paris – will be equipped with new inspiring buildings to fully integrate into a world in transition. TBS Education is committed to “academic well-being”: the school is an educational innovation laboratory that constantly introduces new knowledge, new teaching methods and tools for a better learning experience. Mirroring its innovative project, Inspiring Guest, which has won national and international awards, the school has introduced humor to stimulate learning.

The school’s four campuses will be connected to companies and socio-economic partners  to cultivate  entrepreneurial spirit, foster local innovation, and share knowledge. Designed to have a positive societal impact and to offer its own experiential learning, they will be resolutely open, inspiring, innovative, and committed.

TBS Education is located in Toulouse, Paris, Barcelona and Casablanca. We place our students at the heart of what Europe does best in terms of technological innovation, economic dynamics, and quality of life. The campuses are ideally located in the city center.

This means less time wasted and more time for living! Close to our campuses, our students can find:

  • public transportation (bus, metro), to get around easily
  • housing and local services, for a more relaxed lifestyle
  • green spaces and relaxation areas, to recharge your batteries in a green setting.

The Paris campus offers students on the Master in Management program the chance to do the Master 1 and Master 2 as in apprenticeship course.

The Financial Times has recently published its 2021 ranking for Executive MBAs. The TBS Global Executive MBA is ranked 85th , a good 11 places compared to the 2020 ranking. Since 2018, TBS’ GEMBA has once again ranked among the top 100 in the world.

The Financial Times ranking

The Financial Times is a renowned source of information in the fields of business and services. It publishes 7 rankings per year, all relating to business schools and more specifically to MBAs, EMBA, Masters in Finance, Masters in Management, Online MBA Program as well as continuing education programs.

The data is collected through online questionnaires, which take into account the information given by the business schools and the alumni of the various programs.

Improve both your know-how and your leadership skills with the TBS Global Executive MBA

Firstly, the Global Executive MBA will bring your management knowledge up to speed with the business world environment as courses are taught by internationally renowned experts. Secondly, it will boost the acquisition of sound know-how thus providing you with some in-depth vision about the latest management techniques and strategic issues.

All this during highly interactive sessions:

  • Managerial skills – Research Methodology in Management
  • Corporate and business strategy
  • Strategic Marketing Development
  • Human Resources & their Impact on Organizations
  • Value Chain Management & Operations efficiency
  • Understanding the Global Economy
  • Hot topics in Management : CSR/Digital/ Legal/ New Business Models

Get on board the Strategic Management MBA or Aerospace MBA degree by sharpening your expertise in pioneering know-how that will boost you to meet the challenges ahead.