Anne RIVIERE, Directrice de la Formation InitialeAt TBS Education, we place the educational wellbeing of our students at the heart of our considerations. This involves actions in several aeras: Educational innovation, student experience, new campuses… We guarantee an innovative and inspiring learning environment for everyone.

Anne RIVIERE, Director of Initial Training

Our ambition: to develop a scial polity that promotes inclusion and contributes to equal opportunity

Our diversity policy is supported by a network of institutions, partner associations and resource people, all contributing through their actions to our commitment to inclusion and equal opportunity.

  • Commitment to inclusion and diversity. In line with its ambitious social policy, TBS Education is a signatory to the CGE’s charter of commitment to inclusion and respect for diversity;
    • Combating discrimination: TBS Education is committed to preventing sexual harassment and sexist, sexual and homophobic violence by setting up initiatives to prevent, report and deal with such situations. These actions are aimed at both students and staff.
    • Diversity at TBS Education: In terms of TBS Education staff, the balance between men and women is 42.3% in the permanent faculty, and over 70% of the members of the restricted management committee are women. Nationality diversity within the school is also significant, with 51 foreign nationals from 28 different countries.
  • Period poverty: According to a 2021 FAGE survey, period poverty affects a third of female students in France. A partnership has been signed between our school, the PRISM student association and Fava, la box des protections intimes, to equip all our Toulouse campuses with free dispensers of 100% organic, eco-responsible and solidarity-based menstrual protection.
  • Equality between men and women: EQUAL.ID is a program designed to help women, men and organizations work together to improve mentalities and behavior. This ambitious project raises students’ awareness of gender inequality in the workplace and combats stereotypes, from the moment they enter TBS Education until they enter the job market.
  • STOP sexual and gender-based violence: At the heart of TBS Education’s values, the fight against all types of discrimination and violence, particularly sexist and sexual violence, must ensure that everyone at the school is respected everywhere and in every situation. Sexist and sexual violence (SGBV) can be defined very briefly as comments, acts or behaviors (physical or non-physical) that target a person’s sex, sexual orientation or gender identity (sexism, harassment, sexual assault, rape, homophobia, transphobia).

What do our students think:

Student associations allow us to get involved in topics that interest us.”

It’s a school where we feel good, where everything is done to make our future a success

A very active alumni network that provides interesting opportunities and gives me a chance to talk about my future.”

Numerous international students within the school and option of studying abroad.”

The chance to develop an important professional network around the word.”

The kindness of the administration, and professors who help students make the best choices for their careers.”

Internship opportunities thanks to company networking events.”

The guest speakers give us a professional perspective, which is great.

Happy at School

Fighting gender inequality at work means going back to the source. Injustices often go back to the student experience, where they are more pronounced. School is more than just a place of learning, it’s the place where tomorrow’s professionals are forged.


“HappyAtSchool” is a label that rewards student fulfillment in higher education.

The platform attributes the “HappyAtSchool” label based on a student satisfaction survey, and offers an annual ranking that highlights the schools and universities that make a real effort to meet the key expectations of their students, thus highlighting the schools that students prefer and where it’s good to study!

In 2023, TBS Education comes 4th in this ranking.

The methodological approach of the HappyAtSchool label convinced us of the importance of obtaining metrics to improve our learning environment, to better understand the needs and expectations of our students in order to implement specific initiatives and enhance their experience within their study path.

Obtaining this label enables applicants who are particularly sensitive to CSR issues on the one hand, and student wellbeing on the other, to easily recognize schools that, like us, have made these subjects part of their school model. In addition to the renewal of our label, we are proud to have been consistently well ranked among the top business schools , reflecting our commitment to well-being, environmental issues, social inclusiveness and equality between men and women… all issues to which our school has made a solid commitment in terms of pedagogy and associative projects.

Anne RIVIERE, Director of Initial Training

How is the HappyIndex®AtSchool ranking calculated?

Every student can complete the HappyIndex®AtSchool survey on request from their school or student association.

This 21-questions survey calculates 2 values:

  • The average of the 21 questions gives a score /5, known as the “survey score”.
  • A recommendation rate, which is the percentage of students who answered, “somewhat agree” or “strongly agree” to the question “I would recommend my school to a friend to study at”.
  • The survey participation rate is also calculated as follows: number of students who responded / total number of students at the school.

The ranking score is equal to the “questionnaire score” multiplied by 2, then weighted by the participation rate and the recommendation rate:

  • If the participation rate is greater than or equal to 30%, then the coefficient is 1. As soon as this rate decreases, then the coefficient decreases proportionally and lowers the questionnaire score.
  • If the recommendation rate is greater than or equal to 70%, then the coefficient is 1. If this rate decreases, then the coefficient decreases proportionally and lowers the questionnaire score.
  • The formula is 2 × HappyIndex × participation coefficient × recommendation coefficient

Since the school helps lay the foundations of work relationships, it plays a key role in shaping the female employees, craftswomen, managers and leaders of tomorrow. In this month of March marked by initiatives to raise awareness and mobilize in favor of women’s rights, ChooseMyCompany aims to showcase the schools that are best regarded by their female students. ✨


At TBS Education, we place student well-being at the heart of our concerns. Educational innovation, the student experience, our campuses… We guarantee each of our students an innovative and inspiring learning environment.

But what do our students think?

It’s a school where you feel good, and where they do all they can to make your future a success.
PGE Student, class of 2022
Source: HappyAtSchool ranking

There are a lot of international students at the school, and you get the chance to go to partner universities.
PGE Student, class of 2024
Source: HappyAtSchool ranking

An ever-present alumni network that provides interesting opportunities and the chance to share ideas about my future.
Student on the TBS Education’s Grande École program, class of 2024
Source: HappyAtSchool ranking

Student societies are great ways to get involved in issues that interest us.
Student on the TBS Education’s Grande École program, class of 2023
Source: HappyAtSchool ranking

A truly responsible approach that’s not just a facade but a genuine objective for the administration.
Student on the TBS Education’s Grande École program, class of 2023
Source: HappyAtSchool ranking

The chance to develop a very extensive world-wide professional network.
Student on the TBS Education’s Grande École program, class of 2022
Source: HappyAtSchool ranking

The kindness of the administrative staff, and professors who help students make the right career choices.
Student on the TBS Education’s Grande École program, class of 2023
Source: HappyAtSchool ranking

Internship opportunities that arise via the various networking events with companies.
Student on the TBS Education’s Grande École program, class of 2023
Source: HappyAtSchool ranking

The guest speakers, getting the opinion of a professional is just great!
Student on the TBS Education’s Grande École program, class of 2022
Source: HappyAtSchool ranking


Our diversity policy is backed by a network of players: institutions, partner associations and key individuals whose actions help support our commitment to inclusion and equal opportunity.

  • A commitment to inclusion and diversity. In line with its social policy ambitions, TBS Education is a signatory of the CGE’s charter of commitment to inclusion and respect for diversity.
  • Fighting discrimination: TBS Education is committed to combating sexual harassment and sexist, sexual and homophobic violence by setting up mechanisms for preventing, reporting and dealing with these situations. These initiatives apply to students as well as to the school’s staff.
    • Diversity at TBS Education: Among the staff of TBS Education, the gender balance is 42.3% of women in the permanent faculty and more than 70% of the members of the management select committee are women. There is also a great diversity of nationalities within the school, with 51 people of foreign nationality from 28 different countries.
    • Period poverty: According to a survey by the FAGE (Federation of Student Unions) in 2021, period poverty affects 1/3 of female students in France. A partnership was signed between our school, the student association PRISM and Fava Period Care Box to equip all our Toulouse campuses with free dispensers of 100% organic, eco-friendly and ethical menstrual protection.
  • Gender equality: EQUAL.ID is a program designed to help women, men and organizations work together to change attitudes and behavior. This ambitious project fights stereotypes and raises students’ awareness of gender inequality in the workplace from the moment they start at TBS Education until they enter the workforce.
  • STOP sexual and gender-based violence: The fight against all forms of discrimination and violence, particularly sexist and sexual violence, is at the heart of TBS Education’s values. It guarantees that everyone at the school is respected in all places and in all situations. Sexist and sexual violence (SGBV) can be broadly defined as comments, acts, or behaviors (physical or non-physical) that target a person’s sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity (sexism, harassment, sexual assault, rape, homophobia, transphobia).


Happy at School is a community of companies and schools that listen to and care about their stakeholders!

“HappyAtSchool” is a quality label that recognizes student fulfilment in higher education establishments.

The platform confers the “HappyAtSchool” quality label on the basis of student satisfaction surveys. Every year, it publishes a ranking highlighting the schools and universities that make a real effort to meet their students’ key expectations. This makes it easy to pick out students’ favorite schools where it’s great to study! 

In 2022, TBS Education was ranked third.

How is the HappyIndex®AtSchool ranking score calculated?

Each student fills out a HappyIndex®AtSchool questionnaire when their school or student union carries out a survey. This 21-question questionnaire results in two scores:

  • The average of the 21 questions, which is a score out of 5 and is called the “questionnaire score” or “score”.
  • A recommendation rate, which is a % of students who answered “somewhat agree” or “strongly agree” to the question “I would recommend my school to a friend.”
  • The questionnaire participation rate is also calculated as follows: number of students who responded / total number of students in the school.

The ranking score is equal to the “questionnaire score” multiplied by 2 and weighted by the participation rate and the recommendation rate:

  • If the participation rate is greater than or equal to 30%, then the coefficient is 1. When this rate decreases, the coefficient decreases proportionally and lowers the questionnaire’s overall score.
  • If the recommendation rate is greater than or equal to 70%, then the coefficient is 1. If this rate decreases, then the coefficient decreases proportionally and lowers the questionnaire score.
  • The formula is as follows: 2 × HappyIndex × participation coefficient × recommendation coefficient



A group of four students from TBS Education are embarking on a cycling campaign (100 000 km). Their mission is simple: they will cycle for water to raise awareness on water issues in more than 20 countries and with the support of four local NGO partners based in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Cambodia, they will install rainwater harvesters, water filters and sanitation solutions in primary schools.

The group started their adventure in New Zealand and made their way to Australia and finally southeast Asia. The overall success of their project is based on communication and dissemination. The university partners of TBS Education have a major part to play in supporting this initiative. A call has been launched to selective institutions asking them to student conference where CycleForWater can raise awareness on GLOBAL water issues withing the collegiate environment of our university partners.

Engagement with our International Network of University Partners

  • The first University Sponsored Student Talk will take place on 29 March at James Cook University, Singapore and we hope that this list will continue to grow!


In line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal aiming to ensure available & sustainable management of water and sanitation for all, the CycleForWater team would like to organize a one-hour conference on water sensibilization. The conference is divided into two parts: 45 minutes dedicated to the theme of Current water management issues around the world and the project of CycleForWater. The presentation is followed by 15 minutes of question and answers (Q&A). The group is also designing a Water Mosaic Workshop as a creative, hand-on way of learning.

We at hereWe at here at the TBS Education International Office are supporting this endeavor as it will connect international students from different parts of the world and allow them to talk about an issue that is a challenge for us all. This endeavor as it will connect international students from different parts of the world and allow them to talk about an issue that is a challenge for us all.


For more information about the project visit their website. You can also enjoy the one-minute on water video series (in French) published after their ride through Australia and New Zealand.

You can also learn more about the TBS Education actions towards Corporate Social Responsibility.