Engagement is a recognized management issue. Science can provide valuable insights for companies in understanding the driving forces behind engagement and assessing the impact of motivation on employee performance. In this article, we take a closer look at this issue with research professor Stéphane Thion, head of the Executive DBA (Doctorate of Business Administration) program at TBS Education. 

dba the scientific method at the service of strategic business decisions

Stéphane Thion recognizes that the academic world and business world often find it hard to understand each other. “People in the field often criticise researchers for the lack of practical relevance and clarity in their work,” he says. Nevertheless, the academic world, and in particular the methods used by researchers in their work, can make a real contribution to objectives. By drawing upon and challenging the latest data in a given field, they help to further develop these data. “Mastering these skills gives us access to a vast body of scientific literature that we can analyze and use. By mastering scientific methods, we can ultimately improve decision-making processes in the business world,” says the research professor. 

Understanding employee engagement: an example illustrating the deployment of an academic approach in business 

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The director of the Executive DBA (Doctorate of Business Administration program wants to give managers and executives the opportunity to learn this method, so that they can make informed strategic decisions. “Let’s take the example of sales staff, their motivation, engagement and the results of that engagement. The first step in any scientific method is to clearly set out the issue: In this case, the aim is to assess the impact of the level of engagement of sales representatives on their performance, in order to understand the driving forces behind it,” he explains. The issue can be broken down into two specific questions: To what extent does the motivation of sales representatives contribute to their engagement? To what extent does the engagement of sales representatives contribute to their performance? 

A step-by-step methodology 

When the first stage has been completed, we take a “theoretical framework” and conduct a “literature review” of the current state of knowledge. “Two psychology researchers, Deci and Ryan, have developed a theory explaining the impact of different aspects of motivation on employee engagement. This theory is referred to as ‘the theory of cognitive evaluation’”, continues Stéphane Thion. This theory teaches us that extrinsic motivation, in the form of rewards, for example, can undermine the main driver of engagement, intrinsic motivation. 

The second stage is to verify the validity of this theory in a specific context. We submitted a questionnaire to an international sample of 224 managers, sales representatives, business developers, and consultants. The results showed that the main driver among this sample is intrinsic motivation, i.e. an engagement driven by personal enjoyment. Extrinsic motivation, i.e. rewards, and introjected motivation, i.e. engagement in pursuit of recognition (reputation, personal ego), also play a contributory role, but to a lesser extent. This last result is particularly interesting, since it confirms that the most extrinsic of motivations—engaging in work for financial incentives—has no direct significant effect on engagement, although it does have a negative effect on performance. This theory, rarely applied to date in this context, has now been confirmed. 

The third stage is to dig deeper in order to answer new questions. For example: Does motivation impact the level of engagement of men and women in different ways? “It would appear not, as the differences are not ‘significant’. In other words, the lower impact of extrinsic motivation observed in this sample for women is not thought to be ‘statistically significant’”.  


The scientific method gives us a clear overview of the study theme in a particular context: in this example, the behaviour of sales representatives from several companies. We can use the powerful model developed in this way for predictive purposes. For example, what results can I expect if I use such and such a lever?,” continues Stéphane Thion.  

One of the goals of the TBS Education Executive DBA is to bridge the gap between the worlds of business and research. “By merging scientific knowledge and the benefits of experience, we can create exceptional profiles, able to take on new challenges. These graduates will probably crystallize the key skills of tomorrow,” concludes Stéphane Thion.  

TBS Education has joined the OneMBA consortium to provide an immersive international program for Global Executiave MBA students. This unique experience will radically change the managerial vision of our students.

laurent besson academic director global executive mba tbs education

“By joining the OneMBA consortium, we are placing even greater emphasis on the international component of the Global Executive MBA,” says Laurent Besson, Academic Director of the Global Executive MBA at TBS Education. Following a successful trial in 2023, this year will see the official signing of the partnership between the Fundação Getulio Vargas business school in Sao Paulo, Brazil, the Xiamen University School of Management in China and TBS Education, for the Toulouse, Barcelona, and Casablanca campuses.

A program of excellence

The principle of the OneMBA program has remained unchanged since its founding in 2002. Each member of the consortium hosts a week-long international seminar as part of its Executive MBA program, taking place in each of the partner schools in turn. During these periods, known as residencies, the participants attend conferences together, meet local business and government leaders, and develop networking activities. This year, three joint themes have been introduced: leadership, strategy, and an approach to artificial intelligence.

olivier benielli tbs education barcelona director

“You meet people, swap ideas, share lectures and take part in a collective experience,” explains Olivier Benielli, Director of the TBS Education campus in Barcelona, which will host the school’s first OneMBA session in November. The week is spent in full immersion, with students being able to interact with their peers, build ties, and understand the workings of the economic fabric of their host country, in a highly stimulating environment. Students will then travel to Brazil and China at the end of their course.

The three classes, made up of around 30 managers and senior executives, will be able to meet alumni from the three programs as part of the residencies. “The residencies play a key role in networking in that they give students the opportunity to form strong international ties. This added value is seen as highly positive,” says Laurent Besson.

A 360° international experience

By joining the consortium, TBS Education is further expanding the international dimension of its Global Executive MBA, making it even more attractive. Membership of OneMBA gives the school a new argument to attract executives and senior managers, who will benefit from an even more robust approach to international management, shaping a new type of leadership through the program’s intercultural dimension. At the end of the course, the students return to their jobs with a totally different perspective, new practices… and an international network!

On Monday 17 June 2024, TBS Education announced strategic partnerships with three major sports clubs in the Toulouse region: Stade Toulousain, Toulouse Football Club and FENIX Toulouse Handball. These partnerships mark a turning point for the school, which is also launching new courses from the start of the 2024 academic year, consolidating its status as a benchmark in the field of sport in France.


From September 2024, TBS Education will be offering a number of new programmes: the Sports Management stream headed by Alexandra Le Mouël, an MSc in Marketing and Management in Sports Organizations under the direction of Reynald Brion in 2025, as well as a Bachelor’s degree for top-level athletes with adapted timetables and an online training project. A retraining course for professional sportspeople is also already available, with qualifications in management and business development.

TBS Education students will benefit from presentations by experts from partner clubs, immersive visits and practical case studies. These initiatives aim to bring sport and learning closer together, offering unique and rewarding opportunities for students.


Stéphanie Lavigne, Dean of TBS Education, says: “We are proud to be working with such iconic clubs as Stade Toulousain, Toulouse Football Club and FENIX Toulouse Handball. Together, we will create unique opportunities for our students.”

Didier Lacroix, President of Stade Toulousain, shares his enthusiasm: “I am particularly proud of this strategic partnership with TBS Education, a school of which I myself am an alumnus.”

Damien Comolli, President of Toulouse Football Club, adds that “thanks to this partnership, we will have the opportunity to take part in the TBS Education courses and produce practical case studies with the students, thus enriching their learning through real-life experience”.

Finally, Philippe Allard, President of FENIX Toulouse Handball, concludes: “The collaboration with TBS Education students will enrich our approach and stimulate our growth.”

These partnerships reinforce TBS Education’s commitment to training the future leaders of sport, while enriching learning through concrete, immersive experiences.

Over the last few days, the streets of Toulouse have been buzzing with whispers. Some have seen it, others have heard about it. One thing is certain: TBS Education has piqued the curiosity of all Toulouse residents. An imposing structure stands proudly on the Pont Saint-Pierre, attracting the attention of passers-by.

An impressive neon sign

It’s an unusual structure that can be seen on this bridge. At 50 metres long and 15 metres high, this architectural feat does not go unnoticed. As elegant as it is imposing, the school has pulled out all the stops. Now there’s no doubt about its name: it’s TBS Education.

At night, this structure offers us yet another spectacle. The lights illuminate the Garonne in pink, proudly reflecting the letters “TBS Education”.

TBS Education: is it big enough?

TBS Education has chosen to install its illuminated panels in an emblematic location in the pink city, just a few metres from Place Saint-Pierre where students spend their evenings. Like the school itself, this building is an integral part of life in Toulouse and the Occitanie region.

Have you seen it? For those of you who haven’t yet had the chance to see this work of art inaugurated by our Director General Stéphanie Lavigne, don’t panic: it’s perfectly possible that you might have missed it. Although it measures more than 260,000 px in width and 57,000 px in height, this installation is hardly monumental enough…

Should the neon sign have been bigger or is there no longer any confusion about the name of the school: TBS Education?


The list ranks schools delivering a Master’s degree according to some fifteen criteria, including attractiveness, international scope, job placement and salaries, and social and gender diversity.

The analysis carried out by Le Parisien’s journalists places particular emphasis on these 4 criteria, which reflect our school’s strategy: becoming a school of educational well-being, making our students more employable, and maximizing our societal impact on our local areas. To achieve these objectives, TBS Education relies on innovative campuses, expert and recognized faculty, new models of training and employability, and a stronger international presence.

To provide the best educational experience for its students, TBS Education is transforming itself into a business for good, building on more than 15 years of successfully integrating environmental, societal, and social criteria into its school model and its research and training programs. TBS Education’s status as a business for good will give it a new dynamic and speed up its development through a strategy built around four central pillars: innovative campuses and educational well-being, an expert and recognized faculty, new training and employability models, and strong international development.

Business school ranking methodology

Fifteen criteria are used to rank the schools delivering  Master’s degrees. The editors of Le Parisien/Aujourd’hui en France compiled these rankings after sending a questionnaire out to the schools. Here are the elements used to calculate each score:

Prestige: duration of the Master’s degree (1 to 5 years). Number of national and international accreditations.

Power: group budget. School budget per student. Percentage of foreign students paying tuition fees.

Development: growth in student numbers, group budgets, Grande Ecole Program budgets, and group enrolments between 2021 and 2024. Increase in applicants between 2023 and 2024.

Social: percentage of exemptions calculated and scholarships awarded in relation to the cost of the program.

Infrastructure: Campus size per student and its evolution between 2021 and 2024. Proportion of graduates graduating from the school’s international campuses.

Attractiveness: 1/ For prepas-based schools: Sigem ranking (system for assigning prepas students to top business schools). Volume of prepas integrated and AST 2 (“admissions sur titre en 2e année de grande école”) integrated. Percentage of those present at orals over the number of those eligible. Prepa Concours 2024 candidates. 2/For post-baccalaureate students: number of integrated students and AST 2s (2023 competitive admission exams).

Faculty: proportion of research professors to permanent staff. Proportion of international professors. Supervision ratio. The number of different nationalities among teaching staff.

Pedagogy: percentage of hours taught by research professors. Proportion of double degrees obtained from French institutions.

Professionalization: minimum required internship time. Proportion of apprentices and work-study students. Number of professional intervenors per year per student.

International: proportion of students on study trips. Percentage of accredited agreements out of the total number of agreements. Number of double degrees offered. Proportion of students taking double degrees abroad. Number of countries offered for expatriation.

Research: proportion of articles published by professors.

Salary: placement rate of students before graduation, salary at graduation.

Entrepreneurship: number of companies incubated between 2021 and 2024 or created by graduates in the last 3 years. Percentage of graduates from an entrepreneurial program.

Digital strategy: dynamic digital policy. Number of Facebook fans and followers on X, followers on Instagram, and LinkedIn. Percentage of graduates from a digital field.

Pedagogical innovation: the last criterion was rated according to the opinion of the editors of “Le Parisien Étudiant” on the quality of the schools’ work in the field of pedagogical and development projects.

The sports sector is experiencing a significant boom. The sector has been topping the news with physical activity and sport being named France’s Great National Cause 2024 (GCN2024). This initiative reflects the need to place sport and its benefits at the heart of society as essential elements of individual and collective well-being.

With this in mind, TBS Education’s Bachelor’s degree program has announced the opening of a new 3rd-year sports management program on the Toulouse campus. Designed to respond to the needs of the market, the Sports Management program is designed to introduce students to a range of professions linked to sports management, open up the sector’s possibilities, help them build a network and enable them to work in a sector they are passionate about.

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“Sport has the ability to unite, bring people together, nurture their dreams and inspire them… By drawing on its values, its social impact and its power, we will be offering students the chance to immerse themselves in the world of sport by meeting professionals from the sector, learning the fundamentals of management through innovative and inspiring experiences, visits and role-playing,” explains Alexandra Le Mouel, Head of the Sports Management program.

The objective of the program:

Enhance student skills in the 3rd year and obtain a Bachelor’s degree in Management (Diploma Bac+3 / Grade de licence) with a specialization in sports management.


  • Develop basic skills in economics, law, marketing, etc., to work in sports management, sports marketing or events.
  • Manage real-life projects with prestigious sports stakeholders
  • Meet inspiring personalities from the sector
  • Understand sport not only as a business sector, but also as a set of values and tools that provide solutions to societal challenges.
  • Build a responsible career path and become a stakeholder in tomorrow’s sport, thanks to the strong CSR focus of the modules offered by the sector
  • Discover other cultures and working methods by studying international sports management

“We have chosen to launch a new sports management program to respond to the needs of this booming sector. As in all our courses, the program will be based on the acquisition of a solid knowledge base and real-life, immersive experiences. Using a teaching approach directly inspired by the world of sport, the keys to its success and its fundamental values, students will be fully immersed in this environment which prepares them to become enlightened experts, aware of the challenges facing the sector,” explains Patricia Bournet, Director of the Bachelor’s program at TBS Education.


Career opportunities:

  • Sports Event Manager
  • Product Manager
  • Project Manager
  • Business Developer
  • Fan experience manager
  • Hospitality Manager, etc.

Following the Bachelor’s degree, students can choose to continue their studies at a Grande Ecole, including TBS Education, or at a university in France or abroad.

This program will be available on the Toulouse campus, in French, in September 2024.

Admission requirements

To apply, students must be under 28 years of age on September 1, 2024, and hold, or be likely to hold, a B+2 diploma or 120 ECTS in Management Studies at a French university.

Students studying outside France are eligible for the international distance-learning competitive entrance exam.

Application deadline: May 31, 2024 

40 places available for Bachelor students and students recruited through parallel admission.

The two-day contest saw students from schools in France, Norway and Ireland rise to the challenge of solving a business problem posed by partner company, TNP consultants. The contest, organized by TBS Education teaching staff and the Centre for Excellence in Artificial Intelligence, involved students from TBS Education’s MSc Data Science and Artificial Intelligence and the MSc Artificial Intelligence and Business Analytics, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology’s MSc in Informatics, and students on the University of Galway’s MSc Business Analytics program. Dataiku, a well-known provider of top notch data science platforms was also a partner of the event. 

Datathon 2024

The expert business consulting firm TNP Consultants came up with the following challenge:  implement a “credit scoring” tool to enable a company called “Prêt à dépenser” (“Ready to Spend”) to approve or reject a loan to a client. 

The students also had to produce a video describing and explaining Artificial Intelligence.  

This multi-country competition in English gave students a chance to develop their international network while working on a professional challenge that involved interacting with leading companies in the world of Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence. 

“The Datathon is the perfect example of all the synergies that are happening in the perimeter of analytics and AI because it connects professors who are experts in analytics and AI, our two MSc programs in Analytics and AI, and it also connects with the industry.” Kevin Carillo.  

How is the Datathon organized?  

On the first day of the competition, students met on the TBS Education campus for a presentation of the competition and the business problem, then got working on their projects. The aim was to develop the best machine learning algorithm to make the most accurate predictions. Students also had the chance to take part in a Q&A session with Datathon partners and professors. Participants had until midnight to send in their pitch videos.  

On the second day, after a debriefing by the teams, participants were able to continue working on their projects, and the 3 best projects then presented a pitch of their work.  

The competition ended with an awards ceremony where the students shared social time with the professors and partners.  

“What’s really important about Datathon is the development of students’ skills and the exponential learning component.” Jessica Chagnard. 

3 challenges = 3 awards! 

The Datathon includes 3 challenges, and therefore 3 awards:  

  • Best Presentation, for the quality of the pitch and project presentation  
  • Best Model, which rewards the technical quality of the group’s predictive algorithm. 
  • AI Master Challenge, based on the quality of the group’s final work.  
datathon 2024

Our partners 

This year, the Datathon welcomed two well-known partners in the Artificial Intelligence industry:  

TNP Digital Factory, experts in digital transformation, providing complete and personalized solutions for businesses.  

“What’s interesting for us with TBS Education is that we can have a partnership with a renowned school with such a high academic level.” Riyad Lounissi from TNP Digital Factory. 

Dataiku, a French company specializing in Data Sciences, which develops platforms to analyze data and predict movements in the Big Data environment.  

The winners  

The winner in the Best Presentation and Best AI Model categories are the PowerPuff Data group, composed of students from the MSc Data Science & Artificial Intelligence (formerly Big Data, Marketing & Management) of TBS Education .  

And the winner of the AI Master Challenge category is TBS Education’s MSc Data Science & Artificial Intelligence

Congratulations to all the students for their hard work and investment in this competition!  

An international and professional experience  

“I think it’s a great experience for all students to participate in an international event” Patrick Makalif. 

This intense 2-day experience enabled all participating students to confront the challenges of professional life by working and interacting, in English, with international students, professors and industry professionals.    

“I think that this Datathon what actually does is gives you not only the technical capacity but also the business skills required.” Anastasia Griva

The TBS Education Center of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence & Business Analytics aims to become a leading research center in France on all topics linked to artificial intelligence and data analytics. As such, the center is internationally oriented mainstreaming pedagogical innovation into the classroom, fostering academic research, and building European collaborations to maintain a transverse living lab.  

Industry connections are evident during events such as the AI Day conference, ERASMUS Days* and the annual Datathon. During these events TBS Education works alongside high-profile institutions and industrial players such as the University of Johannesburg (South Africa), University of Technology Sydney (Australia), University of Bradford (United Kingdom), University of Galway (Ireland) and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Institute of Data-Driven Decisions of Esade Airbus, MIT, APEM, IBM, PwC, and Pierre Fabre, Microsoft, SAP, SAS, and CGI. 

Synergies with ERASMUS Days

During the annual ERASMUS Days 2023 campaign, a panel of experts discussed diversity and European values as drivers towards a code of corporate ethics as AI and generative technologies take on new business functions. The ecosystem that drives the Center of Excellence came to life as academics, industry experts, regulators, and watchdogs took the stage to debate the challenges that surround AI. The theme chosen by TBS Education was centered on a European approach to the AI technology which is revolutionizing the field of education, employment, work, and even legal and ethical rules right down to their development. This revolution is equal to or perhaps greater than the arrival of the internet. 

The round table brought together Martin Ulbrich, economist, expert within the European Commission in the “Development and coordination of AI policies” unit, Kevin Carillo, Head of the Artificial Intelligence & Business Analytics Center of Excellence at TBS Education, Aiad Outemsaa, project manager for IBM, Blockchain expert, specialized in the financial sector and Yann Ferguson, Doctor in sociology, associate researcher at the CERTOP laboratory at Jean Jaurès University, member of GPAI, global partnership for an AI respectful of human rights and democracy, today director of Labor IA, a joint laboratory between the Ministry of Labor and INRIA to identify the effects of AI on work. 

What’s Next for AI

As AI continues to grow, academic institutions and many companies are choosing to adopt codes of conduct regarding AI. We now must ask the questions: How can we harmonize AI policies for all EU countries? What is the AI Act based on and how can we describe it? What are its main principles? Are generative AIs of the same nature and scope as other AIs, and do we end up with the same regulations? What place for women in the AI ​​sector? These topics are just some of the questions that the speakers shed light on throughout the debate, which was moderated by Valérie Ravinet, journalist specializing in AI. 

As TBS Education continues to foster and build awareness with decision makers and industry experts on regulatory measures for the future AI, the Centre of Excellence will develop its expertise in this field highlighting the impact of AI on higher education and the impact of generative artificial intelligence on students’ study paths, skills and chosen professions.  

*The ERASMUS Days campaign is a week-long celebration of the Erasmus+ program in Europe and all over the world. At TBS Education we show our support of international education, training youth and sport by organizing corporate events, student-led social gatherings, and staff workshops.   

During the ERASMUS Days the EU’s flagship program provides the ideal environment to promote mobility, reinforce the importance of inclusive international education models, bring together the entire student body and showcase strong European collaborations such as partnerships with the Center of Excellence and our engagement in other projects such as the UNIVERSEH project, European Space University for Earth, and Humanity. 

The 2024 Eduniversal ranking of the Best Masters, MS and MBA programs once again highlights several of TBS Education’s Mastère Spécialisé (MS – Specialized Master), Master of Business Administration and Master of Science programs.

Eduniversal, an unique classification in France

Eduniversal is the only French ranking system that exclusively assesses the individual quality of each program. The ranking system is based on a sectoral approach and a specific market criterion, providing students a real tool for refining their choice of future program. The Eduniversal ranking is based on 3 main criteria:

  • The program’s reputation
  • Salary on completion
  • Student satisfaction
visuel eduniversal 2024 2

Our programs ranked by Eduniversal

Our 9 Mastère Spécialisé (MS) programs in the Top 10 of the rankings

The Eduniversal ranking highlights 9 of our Mastère Spécialisé (MS) programs, with the MS Expert en Audit Interne et Contrôle de Gestion and the MS Manager de Structures Sanitaires et Sociales still at the top. Also in the Top 5 are our MS Manager Marketing et Communication, Juriste Manager des Affaires, Manager Marketing et Commercial dans les Industries de Santé, Manager des Ressources Humaines, and MS Manager de l’Innovation Technologique.

  • MS Expert en Audit Interne et Contrôle de Gestion (Expert in Internal Auditing and Management Control): 1st place
  • MS Manager de Structures Sanitaires et Sociales (Manager of Health and Social Services): 1st place
  • MS Manager Marketing et Communication (Marketing and Communication Marketing): 2nd place (+2 places)
  • MS Juriste Manager des Affaires (Legal Business Manager): 3rd place
  • MS Manager Marketing et Commercial dans les Industries de Santé (Marketing and Sales Manager in the Healthcare Industries): 3rd place
  • MS Manager des Ressources Humaines (Human Resources Manager): 4th place
  • MS Manager de l’Innovation Technologique (Technical Innovation Manager): 5th place (+1 place)
  • MS Manager Achats & Supply Chain (Purchasing and Supply Chain): 7th place (+2 places)
  • MS Expert en Banque et Ingénierie Financière (Banking and Financial Engineering Expert): 8th place

The Global Executive MBA in 9th place

The placement of our 7 Master of Science programs:

Anne RIVIERE, Directrice de la Formation InitialeAt TBS Education, we place the educational wellbeing of our students at the heart of our considerations. This involves actions in several aeras: Educational innovation, student experience, new campuses… We guarantee an innovative and inspiring learning environment for everyone.

Anne RIVIERE, Director of Initial Training

Our ambition: to develop a scial polity that promotes inclusion and contributes to equal opportunity

Our diversity policy is supported by a network of institutions, partner associations and resource people, all contributing through their actions to our commitment to inclusion and equal opportunity.

  • Commitment to inclusion and diversity. In line with its ambitious social policy, TBS Education is a signatory to the CGE’s charter of commitment to inclusion and respect for diversity;
    • Combating discrimination: TBS Education is committed to preventing sexual harassment and sexist, sexual and homophobic violence by setting up initiatives to prevent, report and deal with such situations. These actions are aimed at both students and staff.
    • Diversity at TBS Education: In terms of TBS Education staff, the balance between men and women is 42.3% in the permanent faculty, and over 70% of the members of the restricted management committee are women. Nationality diversity within the school is also significant, with 51 foreign nationals from 28 different countries.
  • Period poverty: According to a 2021 FAGE survey, period poverty affects a third of female students in France. A partnership has been signed between our school, the PRISM student association and Fava, la box des protections intimes, to equip all our Toulouse campuses with free dispensers of 100% organic, eco-responsible and solidarity-based menstrual protection.
  • Equality between men and women: EQUAL.ID is a program designed to help women, men and organizations work together to improve mentalities and behavior. This ambitious project raises students’ awareness of gender inequality in the workplace and combats stereotypes, from the moment they enter TBS Education until they enter the job market.
  • STOP sexual and gender-based violence: At the heart of TBS Education’s values, the fight against all types of discrimination and violence, particularly sexist and sexual violence, must ensure that everyone at the school is respected everywhere and in every situation. Sexist and sexual violence (SGBV) can be defined very briefly as comments, acts or behaviors (physical or non-physical) that target a person’s sex, sexual orientation or gender identity (sexism, harassment, sexual assault, rape, homophobia, transphobia).

What do our students think:

Student associations allow us to get involved in topics that interest us.”

It’s a school where we feel good, where everything is done to make our future a success

A very active alumni network that provides interesting opportunities and gives me a chance to talk about my future.”

Numerous international students within the school and option of studying abroad.”

The chance to develop an important professional network around the word.”

The kindness of the administration, and professors who help students make the best choices for their careers.”

Internship opportunities thanks to company networking events.”

The guest speakers give us a professional perspective, which is great.

Happy at School

Fighting gender inequality at work means going back to the source. Injustices often go back to the student experience, where they are more pronounced. School is more than just a place of learning, it’s the place where tomorrow’s professionals are forged.


“HappyAtSchool” is a label that rewards student fulfillment in higher education.

The platform attributes the “HappyAtSchool” label based on a student satisfaction survey, and offers an annual ranking that highlights the schools and universities that make a real effort to meet the key expectations of their students, thus highlighting the schools that students prefer and where it’s good to study!

In 2023, TBS Education comes 4th in this ranking.

The methodological approach of the HappyAtSchool label convinced us of the importance of obtaining metrics to improve our learning environment, to better understand the needs and expectations of our students in order to implement specific initiatives and enhance their experience within their study path.

Obtaining this label enables applicants who are particularly sensitive to CSR issues on the one hand, and student wellbeing on the other, to easily recognize schools that, like us, have made these subjects part of their school model. In addition to the renewal of our label, we are proud to have been consistently well ranked among the top business schools , reflecting our commitment to well-being, environmental issues, social inclusiveness and equality between men and women… all issues to which our school has made a solid commitment in terms of pedagogy and associative projects.

Anne RIVIERE, Director of Initial Training

How is the HappyIndex®AtSchool ranking calculated?

Every student can complete the HappyIndex®AtSchool survey on request from their school or student association.

This 21-questions survey calculates 2 values:

  • The average of the 21 questions gives a score /5, known as the “survey score”.
  • A recommendation rate, which is the percentage of students who answered, “somewhat agree” or “strongly agree” to the question “I would recommend my school to a friend to study at”.
  • The survey participation rate is also calculated as follows: number of students who responded / total number of students at the school.

The ranking score is equal to the “questionnaire score” multiplied by 2, then weighted by the participation rate and the recommendation rate:

  • If the participation rate is greater than or equal to 30%, then the coefficient is 1. As soon as this rate decreases, then the coefficient decreases proportionally and lowers the questionnaire score.
  • If the recommendation rate is greater than or equal to 70%, then the coefficient is 1. If this rate decreases, then the coefficient decreases proportionally and lowers the questionnaire score.
  • The formula is 2 × HappyIndex × participation coefficient × recommendation coefficient